WorldWide Index
01 Feb 2025
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United states of america (US)

America/United states/

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
9,826,675 km2
Washington DC
US dollar (USD)
Latitude / Longitude
38 00 97 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
48,100 $

Main Airports
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AirportICAO codeRunway lengthRunway widthHeightLatitude (DD)Longitude (DD)
A a ranchKZ1737 m15 m2401 m41.160-106.560
A l mangham jr rgnlKZ1100 m22 m108 m31.580-94.710
A l mangham jr rgnlKZ1524 m22 m108 m31.580-94.710
A p hill aafKZ670 m30 m67 m38.070-77.320
Abbeville chris crusta memKZ1524 m22 m4 m29.980-92.080
Aberdeen fieldKZ1249 m18 m10 m37.020-76.590
Aberdeen muniKZ1112 m15 m1362 m42.920-112.880
Aberdeen rgnlKABR1676 m30 m396 m45.450-98.420
Aberdeen rgnlKABR2103 m30 m396 m45.450-98.420
Abernathy fldKZ1523 m22 m210 m35.150-87.060
Abernathy muniKZ986 m22 m1014 m33.850-101.760
Abernathy muniKZ1219 m22 m1014 m33.850-101.760
Abilene muniKZ1249 m22 m351 m38.900-97.240
Abilene rgnlKABI2193 m45 m545 m32.410-99.680
Abilene rgnlKABI1121 m30 m545 m32.410-99.680
Abilene rgnlKABI2195 m45 m545 m32.410-99.680
Abrams muniKZ975 m22 m256 m42.770-84.730
Abrams muniKZ786 m36 m256 m42.770-84.730
Acadiana rgnlKZ2439 m60 m7 m30.040-91.880
Accomack coKZ1525 m30 m14 m37.650-75.760
Ackerman choctaw countyKZ914 m22 m168 m33.300-89.230
Ada muniKZ1890 m30 m309 m34.800-96.670
Ada muniKZ945 m15 m309 m34.800-96.670
AdakPADK2374 m60 m6 m51.880-176.650
AdakPADK2318 m60 m6 m51.880-176.650
Adams county legion fieldKZ861 m30 m297 m43.960-89.790
Adams county legion fieldKZ1036 m18 m297 m43.960-89.790
Adams fldKLIT2194 m45 m79 m34.730-92.220
Adams fldKLIT2521 m45 m79 m34.730-92.220
Adams fldKLIT1561 m45 m79 m34.730-92.220
Addington fldKZ1524 m30 m236 m37.690-85.920
AddisonKZ2195 m30 m196 m32.970-96.840
Adirondack rgnlKSLK2003 m45 m506 m44.390-74.210
Adirondack rgnlKSLK1218 m30 m506 m44.390-74.210
Aero countryKZ1312 m12 m241 m33.210-96.740
Aeroflex andoverKZ603 m15 m177 m41.010-74.740
Afton muniKZ1591 m22 m1890 m42.710-110.940
Ag air incKZ914 m30 m9 m26.070-97.540
Agro westKZ914 m12 m102 m36.340-120.250
Agua dulce airparkKZ1402 m15 m810 m34.500-118.310
Aiken muniKZ1524 m30 m160 m33.650-81.680
Aiken muniKZ1158 m22 m160 m33.650-81.680
AinsworthKZ1066 m15 m39 m30.310-95.030
Ainsworth muniKZ1676 m22 m789 m42.580-99.990
Ainsworth muniKZ2079 m33 m789 m42.580-99.990
Air park dallasKZ938 m9 m211 m33.020-96.840
Air park southKZ770 m11 m407 m37.060-93.230
Air ranch estatesKZ1158 m12 m204 m32.330-96.950
Airborne airparkKZ2743 m45 m328 m39.430-83.790
Airborne airparkKZ3261 m45 m328 m39.430-83.790
AirgladesKZ1813 m22 m6 m26.740-81.050
AirlakeKZ1299 m22 m292 m44.630-93.230
AirlieKZ990 m15 m159 m38.760-77.790
Aitkin muni steve kurtz fldKZ1224 m22 m367 m46.550-93.680
Aitkin muni steve kurtz fldKZ1036 m45 m367 m46.550-93.680
Ajo muniKZ1158 m18 m444 m32.450-112.870
AkronKZ996 m15 m256 m43.020-78.480
AkronKZ595 m15 m256 m43.020-78.480
Akron canton rgnlKCAK2316 m45 m374 m40.920-81.440
Akron canton rgnlKCAK2315 m45 m374 m40.920-81.440
Akron canton rgnlKCAK1706 m45 m374 m40.920-81.440
Akron fulton intlKAKR712 m30 m325 m41.040-81.470
Akron fulton intlKAKR1931 m45 m325 m41.040-81.470
Alamogordo white sands rgnlKALM1070 m60 m1280 m32.840-105.990
Alamogordo white sands rgnlKALM2135 m45 m1280 m32.840-105.990
Albany intlKALB2194 m45 m86 m42.750-73.800
Albany intlKALB1828 m45 m86 m42.750-73.800
Albany muniKZ1005 m15 m270 m40.260-94.340
Albany muniKZ1127 m18 m434 m32.720-99.270
Albany muniKZ915 m22 m68 m44.640-123.060
Albert j ellisKZ2164 m45 m28 m34.830-77.610
Albert j lindbergKZ1127 m18 m231 m46.040-84.420
Albert lea muniKZ883 m22 m383 m43.680-93.370
Albert lea muniKZ1371 m30 m383 m43.680-93.370
Albert whittedKZ1120 m22 m2 m27.770-82.630
Albert whittedKZ872 m45 m2 m27.770-82.630
AlbertusKZ760 m45 m261 m42.250-89.580
AlbertusKZ1677 m30 m261 m42.250-89.580
AlbertusKZ696 m45 m261 m42.250-89.580
Albertville muni thomas j brumlik fldKZ1864 m30 m314 m34.230-86.260
Albia muniKZ1036 m18 m293 m40.990-92.760
Albion muniKZ1127 m18 m550 m41.730-98.060
Albuquerque intl sunportKIKR4204 m45 m1632 m35.040-106.610
Albuquerque intl sunportKIKR1828 m45 m1632 m35.040-106.610
Albuquerque intl sunportKIKR3048 m45 m1632 m35.040-106.610
Albuquerque intl sunportKIKR3048 m45 m1632 m35.040-106.610
Alert fldKZ1552 m12 m118 m32.590-95.060
Alexander fld south wood coKZ1676 m30 m311 m44.360-89.840
Alexander fld south wood coKZ1109 m15 m311 m44.360-89.840
Alexander fld south wood coKZ640 m15 m311 m44.360-89.840
Alexander muniKZ2012 m18 m1583 m34.650-106.830
Alexander salamonKZ1146 m19 m273 m38.850-83.570
Alexandria intlKAEX2850 m45 m27 m31.330-92.550
Alexandria intlKAEX2133 m45 m27 m31.330-92.550
Alfred schroeder fldKZ984 m13 m437 m38.340-97.210
Algona muniKZ1207 m22 m371 m43.080-94.270
Algona muniKZ877 m48 m371 m43.080-94.270
Alice intlKALI1368 m30 m54 m27.740-98.030
Alice intlKALI1271 m39 m54 m27.740-98.030
Alice intlKALI1827 m30 m54 m27.740-98.030
Allegheny coKAGC776 m30 m381 m40.350-79.930
Allegheny coKAGC1981 m45 m381 m40.350-79.930
Allegheny coKAGC1165 m30 m381 m40.350-79.930
Allen aafPABI1416 m45 m389 m63.990-145.720
Allen aafPABI2286 m45 m389 m63.990-145.720
Allen aafPABI1865 m45 m389 m63.990-145.720
Allen c perkinson blackstone aafKZ1228 m22 m133 m37.070-77.960
Allen c perkinson blackstone aafKZ1411 m45 m133 m37.070-77.960
Allen coKZ1249 m22 m309 m37.870-95.390
Allen coKZ356 m15 m309 m37.870-95.390
Allen h tigertKZ762 m15 m1779 m42.640-111.580
Allen h tigertKZ1066 m15 m1779 m42.640-111.580
Allen parishKZ1527 m22 m32 m30.750-92.690
Allendale coKZ1521 m22 m49 m33.000-81.270
Allentown queen city muniKZ1203 m22 m121 m40.570-75.490
Allentown queen city muniKZ962 m22 m121 m40.570-75.490
Alliance muniKZ1889 m22 m1198 m42.050-102.800
Alliance muniKZ2804 m45 m1198 m42.050-102.800
Alliance muniKZ1923 m22 m1198 m42.050-102.800
Almyra muniKZ640 m15 m63 m34.410-91.470
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