WorldWide Index
03 Jan 2025
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United states of america (US)

America/United states/

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
9,826,675 km2
Washington DC
US dollar (USD)
Latitude / Longitude
38 00 97 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
48,100 $

Main Airports
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AirportICAO codeRunway lengthRunway widthHeightLatitude (DD)Longitude (DD)
St louis downtownKZ853 m22 m125 m38.570-90.160
St louis metro east shafer fieldKZ811 m15 m145 m38.730-89.810
St louis rgnlKALN2469 m45 m165 m38.890-90.050
St louis rgnlKALN1981 m30 m165 m38.890-90.050
St lucie co intlKFPR1524 m60 m7 m27.500-80.370
St lucie co intlKFPR1978 m45 m7 m27.500-80.370
St lucie co intlKFPR1449 m30 m7 m27.500-80.370
St lucie co intlKFPR1524 m60 m7 m27.500-80.370
St maries muniKZ1295 m18 m648 m47.330-116.580
St marysPASM579 m18 m94 m62.060-163.300
St marysPASM1829 m45 m94 m62.060-163.300
St marysKZ1219 m22 m7 m30.750-81.560
St marysKZ1524 m60 m7 m30.750-81.560
St marysKZ1524 m60 m7 m30.750-81.560
St marysKZ1524 m30 m7 m30.750-81.560
St marys muniKZ1310 m22 m589 m41.410-78.500
St michaelPA1219 m22 m28 m63.490-162.110
St paul downtown holman fldKSTP1114 m30 m214 m44.930-93.060
St paul downtown holman fldKSTP1254 m45 m214 m44.930-93.060
St paul downtown holman fldKSTP2045 m45 m214 m44.930-93.060
St paul islandPASN1981 m45 m19 m57.170-170.220
St petersburg clearwater intlKPIE1219 m22 m3 m27.910-82.690
St petersburg clearwater intlKPIE2682 m45 m3 m27.910-82.690
St petersburg clearwater intlKPIE1676 m45 m3 m27.910-82.690
St petersburg clearwater intlKPIE1574 m45 m3 m27.910-82.690
Stafford rgnlKZ1524 m30 m64 m38.400-77.460
Stallion aafKZ1219 m30 m1501 m33.820-106.650
Stan stamper muniKZ1036 m18 m174 m34.030-95.540
Standard fldKZ893 m36 m202 m36.800-87.180
Standing rockKZ1036 m36 m497 m46.070-100.630
Standing rockKZ1127 m18 m497 m46.070-100.630
StanfordKZ694 m30 m1319 m47.150-110.230
StanfordKZ1280 m30 m1319 m47.150-110.230
Stanford fldKZ1371 m15 m1513 m43.950-111.680
Stanley muniKZ1188 m18 m684 m48.300-102.410
Stanly coKZ1676 m30 m185 m35.420-80.150
Stanly coKZ1066 m22 m185 m35.420-80.150
StantonKZ914 m21 m198 m37.850-83.850
Stanton co muniKZ652 m18 m1013 m37.580-101.730
Stanton co muniKZ1249 m18 m1013 m37.580-101.730
Stanton muniKZ1292 m18 m832 m32.170-101.820
Staples muniKZ1007 m22 m392 m46.380-94.810
Star city muniKZ914 m18 m121 m33.920-91.870
Starke coKZ940 m44 m208 m41.330-86.660
Starke coKZ1341 m22 m208 m41.330-86.660
Starr browning airstripKZ1240 m22 m1418 m48.600-113.110
Statesboro bulloch coKZ1335 m30 m56 m32.480-81.740
Statesboro bulloch coKZ1829 m30 m56 m32.480-81.740
Statesboro bulloch coKZ1325 m45 m56 m32.480-81.740
Statesville muniKZ1195 m22 m294 m35.770-80.960
Statesville muniKZ1525 m30 m294 m35.770-80.960
Steamboat springs bob adams fldKSBS1356 m30 m2096 m40.520-106.870
Steele muniKZ1203 m27 m78 m36.100-89.860
Steele muniKZ1214 m14 m78 m36.100-89.860
Stellar airparkKZ1309 m18 m358 m33.300-111.920
Stennis intlKZ2590 m45 m7 m30.370-89.450
Stephens coKZ1523 m30 m391 m32.720-98.890
Stephens coKZ731 m15 m391 m32.720-98.890
Stephens coKZ731 m15 m391 m32.720-98.890
SterlingKZ940 m12 m139 m42.430-71.790
Sterling muniKZ829 m45 m1230 m40.620-103.260
Sterling muniKZ1441 m22 m1230 m40.620-103.260
Steven a bean muniKZ975 m22 m556 m44.990-70.660
Stevens fieldKZ2743 m22 m2346 m37.280-107.060
Stevens point muniKZ1837 m36 m338 m44.550-89.530
Stevens point muniKZ1110 m22 m338 m44.550-89.530
StevensonKZ1250 m24 m196 m34.890-85.800
StevensvilleKZ1158 m18 m1100 m46.530-114.050
Stewart intlKSWF3602 m45 m149 m41.500-74.100
Stewart intlKSWF1830 m45 m149 m41.500-74.100
Stigler muniKZ1100 m18 m182 m35.290-95.090
Stillwater rgnlKSWO1524 m22 m300 m36.160-97.090
Stillwater rgnlKSWO1524 m45 m300 m36.160-97.090
Stillwater rgnlKSWO1829 m30 m300 m36.160-97.090
Stilwell cherokee nationKZ1280 m18 m330 m35.760-94.650
Stinson muniKZ1258 m30 m175 m29.340-98.470
Stinson muniKZ1473 m30 m175 m29.340-98.470
StockmarKZ1310 m7 m338 m33.760-84.880
Stockton metropolitanKSCK2941 m45 m9 m37.890-121.240
Stockton metropolitanKSCK1358 m22 m9 m37.890-121.240
Stockton metropolitanKSCK871 m60 m9 m37.890-121.240
Stockton metropolitanKSCK822 m60 m9 m37.890-121.240
Stockton muniKZ932 m15 m317 m37.660-93.820
Stone land coKZ1005 m9 m80 m36.130-119.990
Stonewall coKZ1219 m18 m531 m33.170-100.200
Storm lake muniKZ620 m27 m453 m42.600-95.240
Storm lake muniKZ925 m15 m453 m42.600-95.240
Storm lake muniKZ1524 m22 m453 m42.600-95.240
StormvilleKZ1010 m15 m109 m41.580-73.730
Stovall ranch nr 1KZ1005 m18 m32 m29.200-96.550
Stovepipe wellsKZ993 m19 m7 m36.600-117.160
Strait ranchKZ1524 m45 m188 m28.140-99.570
Stratford fldKZ921 m9 m1118 m36.350-102.050
Stratford fldKZ396 m15 m1118 m36.350-102.050
Strother fldKZ1677 m30 m353 m37.170-97.040
Strother fldKZ956 m22 m353 m37.170-97.040
Stroudsburg poconoKZ940 m9 m146 m41.040-75.160
Stuart atkinson muniKZ1231 m15 m649 m42.560-99.040
Stuart atkinson muniKZ914 m91 m649 m42.560-99.040
Stuart powell fldKZ718 m22 m311 m37.580-84.770
Stuart powell fldKZ1524 m22 m311 m37.580-84.770
Sturgis muniKZ1524 m45 m113 m37.540-87.950
Sturgis muniKZ1523 m45 m113 m37.540-87.950
Sturgis muniKZ1539 m45 m113 m37.540-87.950
Sturgis muniKZ1402 m18 m987 m44.420-103.370
Stuttgart muniKZ1833 m30 m68 m34.600-91.570
Stuttgart muniKZ1524 m45 m68 m34.600-91.570
Sublette flying clubKZ701 m30 m886 m37.490-100.830
Sublette flying clubKZ1371 m7 m886 m37.490-100.830
Suffolk muniKZ1526 m30 m21 m36.680-76.600
Suffolk muniKZ1432 m30 m21 m36.680-76.600
Suffolk muniKZ1112 m45 m21 m36.680-76.600
Sugar land rgnlKZ2438 m30 m24 m29.620-95.660
Sugarloaf rgnlKZ853 m22 m269 m45.090-70.220
Sullivan coKZ1328 m22 m164 m39.110-87.450
Sullivan co intlKZ1920 m45 m427 m41.700-74.800
Sullivan rgnlKZ1371 m22 m284 m38.230-91.160
Sulphur muniKZ1066 m18 m320 m34.520-96.990
Sulphur springs muniKZ1524 m22 m149 m33.160-95.620
Summerdale nolfKZ868 m45 m45 m30.510-87.650
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