WorldWide Index
03 Jan 2025
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United states of america (US)

America/United states/

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
9,826,675 km2
Washington DC
US dollar (USD)
Latitude / Longitude
38 00 97 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
48,100 $

Main Airports
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AirportICAO codeRunway lengthRunway widthHeightLatitude (DD)Longitude (DD)
Greenlee coKZ1514 m22 m1161 m32.950-109.210
Greensboro muniKZ1065 m23 m54 m32.680-87.660
Greensboro northKZ914 m9 m274 m36.250-79.910
Greensburg decatur coKZ1046 m12 m277 m39.330-85.520
GreenvilleKZ975 m76 m164 m38.840-89.380
GreenvilleKZ1218 m22 m164 m38.840-89.380
Greenville downtownKZ1643 m30 m319 m34.850-82.350
Greenville downtownKZ1218 m24 m319 m34.850-82.350
Greenville muniKZ533 m60 m260 m43.140-85.250
Greenville muniKZ1280 m22 m260 m43.140-85.250
Greenville muniKZ914 m22 m427 m45.460-69.550
Greenville muniKZ1218 m22 m427 m45.460-69.550
Greenville spartanburg intlKGSP3352 m45 m293 m34.900-82.220
Greenwalt companyKZ792 m18 m70 m34.810-91.610
Greenwood coKZ1524 m30 m192 m34.250-82.160
Greenwood lakeKZ1219 m18 m241 m41.130-74.350
Greenwood lefloreKGWO1525 m45 m49 m33.490-90.080
Greenwood lefloreKGWO819 m18 m49 m33.490-90.080
Greenwood lefloreKGWO1982 m45 m49 m33.490-90.080
Greenwood muniKZ1310 m22 m250 m39.630-86.090
Gregory muniKZ1158 m18 m660 m43.220-99.400
Grenada muniKZ1524 m30 m63 m33.830-89.800
Grenada muniKZ2133 m45 m63 m33.830-89.800
GreystoneKZ2301 m64 m30 m29.280-82.120
GreystoneKZ1109 m30 m30 m29.280-82.120
Grider fldKZ1828 m45 m62 m34.170-91.930
Griffin spalding coKZ1128 m22 m292 m33.230-84.270
Griffing sanduskyKSKY1084 m18 m176 m41.430-82.650
Griffing sanduskyKSKY790 m12 m176 m41.430-82.650
Griffiss airparkKZ3602 m45 m153 m43.230-75.410
Griffith merrillvilleKZ1223 m22 m193 m41.520-87.400
Grimes fldKZ1341 m30 m325 m40.130-83.750
Grinnell rgnlKZ1584 m22 m307 m41.710-92.730
Grissom arbKGUS3810 m45 m247 m40.650-86.150
Groendyke ranchKZ1524 m9 m432 m35.620-98.520
Grosse ile muniKZ1517 m30 m180 m42.100-83.160
Grosse ile muniKZ1348 m22 m180 m42.100-83.160
Groton new londonKGON1219 m30 m3 m41.330-72.050
Groton new londonKGON892 m45 m3 m41.330-72.050
Groton new londonKGON1524 m45 m3 m41.330-72.050
Grove cityKZ1371 m22 m417 m41.150-80.170
Grove muniKZ1600 m22 m253 m36.610-94.740
Groveton trinity coKZ1066 m18 m103 m31.080-95.160
Gruver muniKZ1431 m18 m976 m36.230-101.430
Grygla muni mel wilkens fldKZ1047 m28 m358 m48.300-95.630
Gulfport biloxi intlKGPT2743 m45 m8 m30.410-89.070
Gulfport biloxi intlKGPT1504 m45 m8 m30.410-89.070
GulkanaPAGK1524 m30 m481 m62.150-145.460
Gunnison crested butte rgnlKZ2865 m45 m2340 m38.530-106.930
Gunnison crested butte rgnlKZ914 m45 m2340 m38.530-106.930
Guntersville muni joe starnes fldKZ1024 m28 m186 m34.400-86.270
Gurdon lowe fldKZ1342 m18 m69 m33.930-93.160
GustavusPAGS2048 m45 m10 m58.420-135.710
GustavusPAGS917 m18 m10 m58.420-135.710
GustineKZ975 m18 m22 m37.260-120.960
Guthrie county rgnlKZ1036 m18 m374 m41.690-94.440
Guthrie muniKZ780 m15 m325 m35.850-97.420
Guthrie muniKZ1250 m22 m325 m35.850-97.420
Guymon muniKZ547 m60 m951 m36.690-101.510
Guymon muniKZ1798 m30 m951 m36.690-101.510
Gwinner roger melroe fldKZ914 m30 m385 m46.220-97.640
Gwinner roger melroe fldKZ1524 m18 m385 m46.220-97.640
Gwinnett co briscoe fldKZ1828 m30 m323 m33.980-83.960
H a clark mem fldKZ1208 m12 m2036 m35.300-112.190
H a clark mem fldKZ1826 m30 m2036 m35.300-112.190
H and f propertiesKZ914 m9 m195 m28.810-99.760
H h coffield rgnlKZ940 m15 m144 m30.630-96.990
H l hopkins fordyce muniKZ975 m15 m58 m33.850-92.370
H l sonny callahanKZ2011 m22 m28 m30.460-87.880
Habersham countyKZ1280 m22 m441 m34.500-83.550
Hacienda sur lunaKZ1463 m9 m1264 m31.880-107.650
HadleyKZ2065 m18 m1750 m38.690-117.150
Hagerstown rgnl richard a henson fldKHGR1664 m45 m214 m39.710-77.730
Hagerstown rgnl richard a henson fldKHGR963 m30 m214 m39.710-77.730
Hagler aafKZ1524 m18 m85 m31.170-89.190
Haigh fldKZ1371 m18 m65 m39.720-122.150
HainesPAHN1219 m30 m4 m59.240-135.520
Hale coKZ1219 m30 m1028 m34.170-101.720
Hale coKZ1827 m30 m1028 m34.170-101.720
Half moon bayKZ1524 m45 m20 m37.510-122.500
Halifax coKZ751 m45 m78 m36.440-77.710
Halifax coKZ1221 m22 m78 m36.440-77.710
Hall miller muniKZ1158 m18 m85 m33.100-94.200
Hall miller muniKZ750 m45 m85 m33.100-94.200
Hallettsville muniKZ978 m18 m84 m29.390-96.960
Halliburton fldKZ2026 m30 m339 m34.470-97.960
Hallock muniKZ1221 m22 m249 m48.750-96.940
Hamilton muniKZ1524 m22 m345 m42.840-75.560
Hamilton muniKZ1524 m22 m395 m31.670-98.150
Hamlin muniKZ975 m15 m534 m32.850-100.140
Hammond muniKZ1524 m30 m13 m30.520-90.420
Hammond muniKZ1524 m45 m13 m30.520-90.420
Hammonton muniKZ1097 m22 m21 m39.670-74.760
Hampton muniKZ1341 m15 m52 m33.530-92.460
Hampton muniKZ1224 m22 m358 m42.720-93.230
Hampton roads executiveKZ1219 m21 m7 m36.780-76.450
Hampton roads executiveKZ1074 m21 m7 m36.780-76.450
Hampton varnvilleKZ1091 m18 m34 m32.870-81.080
Hamry fieldKZ1005 m18 m288 m46.650-97.000
HanaPHHN1099 m30 m23 m20.800-156.010
Hancock co bar harborKZ1584 m30 m25 m44.450-68.360
Hancock co bar harborKZ1096 m45 m25 m44.450-68.360
Hancock co bar harborKZ1025 m22 m25 m44.450-68.360
Hanford muniKZ1577 m22 m73 m36.320-119.630
HanksvilleKZ792 m36 m1354 m38.420-110.700
HanksvilleKZ1729 m22 m1354 m38.420-110.700
Hanover co muniKZ1645 m30 m63 m37.710-77.440
Happy campKZ914 m15 m368 m41.790-123.390
Harbor springsKZ1267 m22 m209 m45.430-84.910
Hardin coKZ1280 m22 m312 m40.610-83.640
Harding countyKZ685 m30 m880 m45.580-103.530
Harding countyKZ1188 m18 m880 m45.580-103.530
Hardwick fldKZ1005 m22 m266 m35.220-84.830
Hardy anders fld natchez adams coKZ1981 m45 m82 m31.610-91.300
Hardy anders fld natchez adams coKZ1524 m45 m82 m31.610-91.300
Harford coKZ609 m25 m124 m39.570-76.200
Harford coKZ652 m12 m124 m39.570-76.200
Harlan muniKZ518 m36 m375 m41.580-95.340
Harlan muniKZ1249 m22 m375 m41.580-95.340
HarlemKZ1249 m18 m799 m48.570-108.770
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