WorldWide Index
03 Jan 2025
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United states of america (US)

America/United states/

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
9,826,675 km2
Washington DC
US dollar (USD)
Latitude / Longitude
38 00 97 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
48,100 $

Main Airports
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AirportICAO codeRunway lengthRunway widthHeightLatitude (DD)Longitude (DD)
Summerdale nolfKZ868 m45 m45 m30.510-87.650
Summerdale nolfKZ868 m45 m45 m30.510-87.650
SummersvilleKZ918 m15 m554 m38.230-80.870
SummervilleKZ1128 m22 m17 m33.060-80.280
SummitKZ1097 m60 m21 m39.520-75.720
SummitKZ1367 m19 m21 m39.520-75.720
Sumner co rgnlKZ1524 m30 m178 m36.380-86.410
SumterKZ969 m36 m55 m34.000-80.360
SumterKZ1676 m30 m55 m34.000-80.360
Sun valleyKZ1127 m12 m220 m35.010-114.560
SunburyKZ990 m76 m137 m40.890-76.780
Sundance airparkKZ1524 m30 m363 m35.600-97.710
Sunflower aerodromeKZ1280 m10 m482 m37.930-97.910
Sunflower aerodromeKZ1280 m30 m482 m37.930-97.910
Sunflower aerodromeKZ2133 m60 m482 m37.930-97.910
Sunnyside muniKZ1079 m18 m232 m46.330-119.970
SunrayKZ1146 m15 m1068 m36.030-101.830
SunrayKZ990 m15 m1068 m36.030-101.830
Sunrise ranchKZ975 m30 m2120 m35.240-111.940
SunriverKZ1662 m21 m1269 m43.880-121.450
Superior muniKZ1128 m18 m515 m40.050-98.060
Superior muniKZ914 m60 m515 m40.050-98.060
SupplejackKZ518 m15 m103 m32.650-89.970
Susanville muniKZ640 m18 m1264 m40.380-120.570
Susanville muniKZ1234 m22 m1264 m40.380-120.570
SussexKZ1066 m22 m128 m41.200-74.620
Sussex coKZ710 m15 m15 m38.690-75.360
Sussex coKZ1524 m45 m15 m38.690-75.360
Sutter coKZ928 m22 m17 m39.120-121.610
Suwannee coKZ1230 m22 m31 m30.300-83.020
SweetwaterKZ1127 m18 m2083 m38.510-119.220
Sycamore stripKZ1210 m9 m231 m32.630-97.350
SylvesterKZ1036 m22 m122 m31.560-83.900
Syracuse hamilton co muniKZ800 m21 m1012 m37.990-101.750
Syracuse hamilton co muniKZ914 m12 m1012 m37.990-101.750
Syracuse hancock intlKSYR993 m45 m128 m43.110-76.110
Syracuse hancock intlKSYR2744 m45 m128 m43.110-76.110
Syracuse hancock intlKSYR2286 m45 m128 m43.110-76.110
T barKZ999 m15 m952 m33.180-101.820
T barKZ775 m10 m952 m33.180-101.820
T boKZ609 m30 m286 m44.990-91.330
T p mc campbellKZ1522 m22 m5 m27.910-97.220
T r funk incKZ914 m6 m7 m26.480-97.690
Tacoma narrowsKTIW1524 m45 m89 m47.270-122.580
Taft kern coKZ1082 m18 m266 m35.140-119.440
Taft kern coKZ478 m18 m266 m35.140-119.440
Taggares fldKZ731 m12 m350 m46.860-119.140
Taggares fldKZ1371 m12 m350 m46.860-119.140
Tahlequah muniKZ1219 m22 m266 m35.930-95.000
Talihina muniKZ1005 m18 m209 m34.710-95.070
TalkeetnaPATK1066 m22 m109 m62.320-150.090
Talladega muniKZ1829 m30 m160 m33.570-86.050
Tallahassee comlKZ990 m15 m47 m30.550-84.370
Tallahassee rgnlKTLH1851 m45 m24 m30.400-84.350
Tallahassee rgnlKTLH2438 m45 m24 m30.400-84.350
Tampa bay executiveKZ1524 m14 m12 m28.190-82.630
Tampa intlKTPA2133 m45 m7 m27.980-82.530
Tampa intlKTPA3353 m45 m7 m27.980-82.530
Tampa intlKTPA2529 m45 m7 m27.980-82.530
Tampa north aero parkKZ1079 m15 m20 m28.220-82.370
TanacrossPA1524 m45 m472 m63.370-143.340
TanacrossPA1554 m45 m472 m63.370-143.340
Tangier islandKZ899 m22 m2 m37.830-76.000
Tanner hillerKZ922 m12 m178 m42.360-72.130
Taos rgnlKZ1767 m22 m2161 m36.460-105.670
Tarboro edgecombeKZ1219 m18 m16 m35.940-77.550
Tatalina lrrsPATL1158 m45 m293 m62.890-155.980
Taunton muniKZ579 m18 m13 m41.870-71.020
Taunton muniKZ1066 m22 m13 m41.870-71.020
TaylorKZ2194 m22 m1773 m34.450-110.110
Taylor coKZ1524 m22 m448 m45.100-90.300
Taylor coKZ1250 m22 m448 m45.100-90.300
Taylor coKZ1524 m22 m280 m37.360-85.310
Taylor muniKZ1066 m18 m179 m30.570-97.440
Taylorville muniKZ579 m54 m189 m39.530-89.330
Taylorville muniKZ1219 m22 m189 m39.530-89.330
Tazewell coKZ1310 m22 m808 m37.060-81.800
Teague muniKZ1005 m15 m160 m31.660-96.310
Tecumseh muniKZ1066 m22 m397 m40.400-96.170
Tecumseh productsKZ1297 m22 m241 m42.030-83.880
Tecumseh productsKZ1303 m22 m241 m42.030-83.880
Ted stevens anchorage intlPANC3322 m45 m46 m61.170-150.000
Ted stevens anchorage intlPANC3230 m45 m46 m61.170-150.000
Ted stevens anchorage intlPANC3530 m45 m46 m61.170-150.000
Tehachapi muniKZ1229 m15 m1218 m35.130-118.440
Tekamah muniKZ1219 m22 m313 m41.760-96.180
Telfair wheelerKZ1228 m22 m61 m32.100-82.880
Telluride rgnlKZ2094 m30 m2767 m37.950-107.910
Temple barKZ1066 m15 m472 m36.020-114.340
Tensas parishKZ1066 m22 m22 m32.000-91.250
Terre haute intl hulman fldKHUF1219 m45 m179 m39.450-87.310
Terre haute intl hulman fldKHUF2749 m45 m179 m39.450-87.310
Terre haute intl hulman fldKHUF2194 m45 m179 m39.450-87.310
Terrell coKZ1379 m22 m707 m30.050-102.210
Terrell coKZ1379 m22 m707 m30.050-102.210
Terrell muniKZ918 m22 m144 m32.710-96.270
Terrell muniKZ1219 m22 m144 m32.710-96.270
TerryKZ1310 m22 m688 m46.780-105.300
Terry coKZ1590 m22 m994 m33.170-102.190
Terry coKZ841 m22 m994 m33.170-102.190
TeterboroKTEB1832 m45 m2 m40.850-74.060
TeterboroKTEB2133 m45 m2 m40.850-74.060
Texarkana rgnl webb fldKTXK2012 m45 m118 m33.450-93.990
Texarkana rgnl webb fldKTXK1584 m45 m118 m33.450-93.990
Texas a and m flt test stationKZ1371 m91 m80 m30.630-96.480
Texas a and m flt test stationKZ1371 m91 m80 m30.630-96.480
Texas a and m flt test stationKZ1371 m91 m80 m30.630-96.480
Texas a and m flt test stationKZ2133 m45 m80 m30.630-96.480
Texas a and m flt test stationKZ2133 m45 m80 m30.630-96.480
Thayer memKZ1280 m14 m240 m36.520-91.570
The eastern iowaKCID1737 m45 m263 m41.880-91.710
The eastern iowaKCID2621 m45 m263 m41.880-91.710
The florida keys marathonKZ1526 m30 m2 m24.730-81.050
The francis s gabreskiKZ1524 m45 m20 m40.840-72.630
The francis s gabreskiKZ2743 m45 m20 m40.840-72.630
The francis s gabreskiKZ1524 m45 m20 m40.840-72.630
The oneill muni john l baker fldKZ1343 m22 m619 m42.470-98.690
The oneill muni john l baker fldKZ923 m18 m619 m42.470-98.690
The red riverKZ1524 m22 m53 m31.990-93.310
The sigurd andersonKZ670 m45 m565 m45.290-97.510
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