WorldWide Index
03 Jan 2025
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United states of america (US)

America/United states/

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
9,826,675 km2
Washington DC
US dollar (USD)
Latitude / Longitude
38 00 97 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
48,100 $

Main Airports
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AirportICAO codeRunway lengthRunway widthHeightLatitude (DD)Longitude (DD)
Howell new lenoxKZ719 m15 m229 m41.480-87.920
Howell new lenoxKZ876 m15 m229 m41.480-87.920
Hoxie sheridan coKZ533 m45 m833 m39.370-100.440
Hoxie sheridan coKZ1341 m15 m833 m39.370-100.440
HualapaiKZ1460 m9 m1620 m35.570-113.290
HughesKZ487 m22 m307 m42.620-89.770
Hughes ranchKZ1404 m22 m275 m29.040-100.580
Hugoton muniKZ800 m10 m954 m37.160-101.370
Hugoton muniKZ1524 m22 m954 m37.160-101.370
Humboldt muniKZ1036 m18 m338 m42.740-94.250
Humboldt muniKZ1220 m22 m128 m35.800-88.870
Humphreys coKZ1219 m22 m230 m36.120-87.740
Hunt fldKZ1524 m30 m1702 m42.820-108.730
Hunter aafKSVN3467 m60 m12 m32.010-81.150
HuntingburgKZ1524 m22 m161 m38.250-86.950
Huntington muniKZ1230 m18 m1801 m39.360-110.920
Huntington muniKZ1072 m24 m1801 m39.360-110.920
Huntington muniKZ604 m30 m1801 m39.360-110.920
Huntington muniKZ1524 m22 m245 m40.850-85.460
Huntsville intl carl t jones fldKHSV3048 m45 m191 m34.640-86.770
Huntsville intl carl t jones fldKHSV2438 m45 m191 m34.640-86.770
Huntsville muniKZ1097 m18 m533 m36.080-93.750
Huntsville muniKZ381 m18 m533 m36.080-93.750
Huntsville muniKZ1525 m30 m110 m30.750-95.590
Hurlburt fldKHRT2926 m45 m11 m30.430-86.690
Huron co memKZ1065 m22 m233 m43.780-82.990
Huron co memKZ1524 m22 m233 m43.780-82.990
Huron rgnlKHON2194 m30 m392 m44.390-98.230
Huron rgnlKHON1524 m22 m392 m44.390-98.230
HurricaneKZ1039 m12 m1020 m37.140-113.310
HusliaPAHS914 m18 m54 m65.700-156.390
Hutchinson coKZ1188 m15 m930 m35.700-101.390
Hutchinson coKZ1920 m30 m930 m35.700-101.390
Hutchinson muniKHUT1828 m30 m470 m38.070-97.860
Hutchinson muniKHUT2134 m30 m470 m38.070-97.860
Hutchinson muniKHUT1296 m22 m470 m38.070-97.860
Hutchinson muni butler fldKZ1219 m22 m323 m44.860-94.380
Hyde countyKZ1432 m30 m2 m35.560-75.960
I h bass jr memorialKZ914 m22 m94 m31.020-89.480
Ida grove muniKZ966 m15 m379 m42.330-95.440
Idaho coKZ1554 m22 m1008 m45.940-116.120
Idaho falls rgnlKIDA2743 m45 m1444 m43.510-112.070
Idaho falls rgnlKIDA1234 m45 m1444 m43.510-112.070
IdlewildKZ975 m18 m505 m29.780-99.360
Igor i sikorsky memKBDR1451 m45 m2 m41.160-73.130
Igor i sikorsky memKBDR975 m45 m2 m41.160-73.130
Igor i sikorsky memKBDR1425 m45 m2 m41.160-73.130
IliamnaPAIL1548 m30 m56 m59.750-154.910
IliamnaPAIL1463 m45 m56 m59.750-154.910
Illinois valleyKZ1584 m22 m424 m42.100-123.680
Illinois valley rgnlKZ1828 m30 m199 m41.350-89.150
ImmokaleeKZ1524 m45 m10 m26.430-81.400
ImmokaleeKZ1524 m45 m10 m26.430-81.400
ImmokaleeKZ1524 m45 m10 m26.430-81.400
Imperial beach nolfKZ1523 m103 m7 m32.570-117.120
Imperial beach nolfKZ682 m45 m7 m32.570-117.120
Imperial coKZ1371 m22 m-18 m32.830-115.580
Imperial coKZ1616 m30 m-18 m32.830-115.580
Imperial muniKZ932 m91 m997 m40.510-101.620
Imperial muniKZ1530 m30 m997 m40.510-101.620
IndependenceKZ490 m9 m1188 m36.810-118.210
IndependenceKZ1134 m18 m1188 m36.810-118.210
Independence memKZ780 m7 m230 m39.070-94.340
Independence muniKZ1676 m30 m251 m37.160-95.780
Independence muniKZ1036 m18 m251 m37.160-95.780
Independence muniKZ1219 m22 m298 m42.450-91.950
Independence stateKZ914 m18 m53 m44.870-123.200
Indian mountain lrrsPAIM1249 m36 m371 m65.990-153.700
Indian springs af auxKZ1981 m45 m954 m36.590-115.670
Indian springs af auxKZ1402 m22 m954 m36.590-115.670
Indian springs af auxKZ2743 m45 m954 m36.590-115.670
Indian springs ranchKZ1005 m12 m618 m30.110-98.930
Indiana coKZ1219 m22 m428 m40.630-79.110
Indianapolis brookside airparkKZ960 m27 m260 m39.900-85.920
Indianapolis brookside airparkKZ936 m15 m260 m39.900-85.920
Indianapolis intlKIND3048 m45 m242 m39.720-86.290
Indianapolis intlKIND3413 m45 m242 m39.720-86.290
Indianapolis intlKIND2318 m45 m242 m39.720-86.290
Indianapolis metroKZ1176 m30 m247 m39.940-86.040
Indianapolis terryKZ1676 m30 m281 m40.030-86.250
Indianola muniKZ2130 m45 m38 m33.490-90.680
IndiantownKZ1920 m22 m9 m27.040-80.440
Indio faithKZ1524 m15 m228 m28.260-100.160
InductothermKZ1175 m18 m19 m40.020-74.840
Industrial airparkKZ2133 m45 m1129 m32.770-103.210
Industrial airparkKZ2685 m45 m1129 m32.770-103.210
Ingalls fldKZ1706 m30 m1155 m37.950-79.830
Ingalls muniKZ914 m22 m857 m37.910-100.530
IngersollKZ1004 m18 m208 m40.570-90.070
IngersollKZ1188 m22 m208 m40.570-90.070
Intl peace gardenKZ914 m18 m705 m49.000-100.040
InvernessKZ1146 m18 m15 m28.810-82.320
InyokernKZ1912 m22 m748 m35.660-117.830
InyokernKZ1264 m22 m748 m35.660-117.830
InyokernKZ2164 m22 m748 m35.660-117.830
Ione muniKZ1230 m13 m642 m48.710-117.410
Ionia coKZ1310 m22 m249 m42.940-85.060
Ionia coKZ1307 m106 m249 m42.940-85.060
Iosco coKZ1463 m22 m184 m44.310-83.420
Iowa city muniKZ1327 m45 m203 m41.640-91.550
Iowa city muniKZ1188 m45 m203 m41.640-91.550
Iowa city muniKZ772 m45 m203 m41.640-91.550
Iowa coKZ1097 m18 m356 m42.890-90.240
Iowa coKZ1524 m22 m356 m42.890-90.240
Iowa falls muniKZ1219 m22 m346 m42.470-93.270
Ira sKZ670 m15 m179 m35.280-92.240
Iraan muniKZ839 m15 m670 m30.910-101.890
Iraan muniKZ1245 m18 m670 m30.910-101.890
Iron coKZ822 m44 m408 m46.010-88.270
Iron coKZ1127 m15 m408 m46.010-88.270
Iron mountain pumping plantKZ975 m9 m271 m34.130-115.120
Iron mountain ranchKZ1219 m9 m1314 m30.270-103.240
Isbell fldKZ1524 m30 m267 m34.470-85.720
Isedor iversonKZ1035 m22 m374 m46.620-93.310
Ithaca tompkins rgnlKZ2012 m45 m334 m42.490-76.460
Ithaca tompkins rgnlKZ615 m15 m334 m42.490-76.460
IukaKZ975 m18 m192 m34.770-88.170
J lynn helms sevier coKZ1524 m22 m108 m34.050-94.400
Jaars townsendKZ1008 m12 m183 m34.860-80.750
Jack barstowKZ914 m22 m193 m43.660-84.260
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