WorldWide Index
03 Jan 2025
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United states of america (US)

America/United states/

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
9,826,675 km2
Washington DC
US dollar (USD)
Latitude / Longitude
38 00 97 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
48,100 $

Main Airports
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AirportICAO codeRunway lengthRunway widthHeightLatitude (DD)Longitude (DD)
G v montgomeryKZ1097 m22 m157 m32.350-89.490
Gadsden muniKZ2073 m45 m173 m33.970-86.090
Gadsden muniKZ1463 m45 m173 m33.970-86.090
GaffneyKZ603 m19 m252 m43.650-89.630
GageKZ818 m45 m677 m36.300-99.780
GageKZ1650 m30 m677 m36.300-99.780
Gaines coKZ1639 m22 m1010 m32.680-102.650
Gaines coKZ1523 m22 m1010 m32.680-102.650
Gainesville muniKZ1429 m45 m255 m33.650-97.200
Gainesville muniKZ1524 m30 m255 m33.650-97.200
Gainesville muniKZ1194 m45 m255 m33.650-97.200
Gainesville muniKZ1309 m24 m255 m33.650-97.200
Gainesville rgnlKGNV2286 m45 m46 m29.690-82.270
Gainesville rgnlKGNV1267 m30 m46 m29.690-82.270
Galesburg muniKZ1765 m45 m232 m40.940-90.430
Galesburg muniKZ1097 m30 m232 m40.940-90.430
Galion muniKZ1068 m22 m373 m40.750-82.720
Gallatin fldKBZN2744 m45 m1363 m45.780-111.150
Gallatin fldKBZN807 m22 m1363 m45.780-111.150
Gallia meigs rgnlKZ1218 m22 m172 m38.830-82.160
Gallup muniKGUP2229 m30 m1972 m35.510-108.790
Galt fldKZ854 m10 m266 m42.400-88.380
Galt fldKZ652 m38 m266 m42.400-88.380
GambellPAGM1371 m29 m8 m63.770-171.730
Gansner fldKZ1251 m18 m1041 m39.940-120.950
GarbervilleKZ929 m22 m166 m40.090-123.810
Garden city rgnlKGCK1737 m30 m880 m37.930-100.720
Garden city rgnlKGCK2225 m30 m880 m37.930-100.720
Garden coKZ1128 m15 m1033 m41.400-102.360
GardinerKZ1019 m16 m1611 m45.050-110.750
Gardner muniKZ914 m22 m291 m42.550-72.020
Garfield co rgnlKZ2133 m30 m1689 m39.530-107.730
GarlandKZ1538 m22 m371 m44.800-84.270
Garner fldKUVA1601 m30 m287 m29.210-99.740
Garner fldKUVA1005 m22 m287 m29.210-99.740
Garrett coKZ914 m22 m893 m39.580-79.340
Garrett ranchKZ1188 m18 m9 m29.290-95.360
Garrett ranchKZ518 m18 m9 m29.290-95.360
Garrison muniKZ1127 m18 m589 m47.660-101.440
Garrison muniKZ883 m36 m589 m47.660-101.440
Gary chicagoKGYY2133 m45 m180 m41.620-87.410
Gary chicagoKGYY1098 m30 m180 m41.620-87.410
Gastonia muniKZ1143 m30 m242 m35.200-81.150
Gatlinburg pigeon forgeKZ1678 m22 m309 m35.860-83.530
Geauga coKZ1066 m19 m357 m41.450-81.060
Gene snyderKZ1219 m22 m273 m38.700-84.390
General dewitt spainKZ1158 m22 m68 m35.200-90.050
General edward lawrence logan intlKBOS3073 m45 m5 m42.360-71.010
General edward lawrence logan intlKBOS779 m30 m5 m42.360-71.010
General edward lawrence logan intlKBOS2396 m45 m5 m42.360-71.010
General edward lawrence logan intlKBOS3049 m45 m5 m42.360-71.010
General edward lawrence logan intlKBOS2133 m45 m5 m42.360-71.010
General electricKZ1219 m22 m341 m38.920-83.330
General john j pershing memKZ929 m14 m245 m39.760-93.110
General john j pershing memKZ662 m27 m245 m39.760-93.110
General mitchell intlKMKE1274 m45 m220 m42.950-87.900
General mitchell intlKMKE2953 m60 m220 m42.950-87.900
General mitchell intlKMKE2442 m45 m220 m42.950-87.900
General mitchell intlKMKE1463 m30 m220 m42.950-87.900
General mitchell intlKMKE1788 m45 m220 m42.950-87.900
General wm j fox afldKZ2194 m45 m715 m34.740-118.220
Genesee coKZ1342 m30 m278 m43.030-78.170
Geneva muniKZ1214 m29 m30 m31.060-85.880
George bush intcntl houstonKIAH2865 m45 m29 m29.980-95.340
George bush intcntl houstonKIAH3048 m45 m29 m29.980-95.340
George bush intcntl houstonKIAH3047 m45 m29 m29.980-95.340
George bush intcntl houstonKIAH3657 m45 m29 m29.980-95.340
George downerKZ1503 m24 m45 m33.110-88.200
George fordKZ762 m24 m18 m30.620-89.700
George l scott muniKZ1294 m15 m375 m42.990-91.790
George m bryanKZ1691 m45 m101 m33.430-88.850
George r carr mem air fldKZ1524 m30 m36 m30.810-89.860
Georgetown coKZ1519 m45 m11 m33.310-79.320
Georgetown coKZ1524 m30 m11 m33.310-79.320
Georgetown coKZ1383 m45 m11 m33.310-79.320
Georgetown muniKZ1249 m22 m240 m30.680-97.680
Georgetown muniKZ1524 m30 m240 m30.680-97.680
Georgetown scott co marshall fldKZ1676 m30 m288 m38.230-84.430
Georgia pacificKZ1710 m24 m40 m31.140-85.050
Gerald r ford intlKGRR3048 m45 m241 m42.880-85.520
Gerald r ford intlKGRR1524 m30 m241 m42.880-85.520
Gerald r ford intlKGRR2591 m45 m241 m42.880-85.520
GermackKZ990 m15 m249 m41.780-80.900
Gettysburg airport and travel centerKZ944 m18 m179 m39.840-77.270
Gettysburg muniKZ822 m45 m628 m44.990-99.950
Gettysburg muniKZ1158 m18 m628 m44.990-99.950
Gibson coKZ1463 m22 m109 m35.930-88.850
Giddings lee coKZ1219 m22 m147 m30.170-96.980
Gideon memKZ1372 m17 m81 m36.440-89.900
Gila bend af auxKZ2590 m45 m261 m32.890-112.720
Gila bend af auxKZ1584 m45 m261 m32.890-112.720
Gila bend af auxKZ1584 m45 m261 m32.890-112.720
Gila bend muniKZ1584 m22 m237 m32.960-112.680
Gillespie coKZ1402 m22 m516 m30.240-98.910
Gillespie fldKZ834 m18 m117 m32.830-116.970
Gillespie fldKZ1627 m30 m117 m32.830-116.970
Gillespie fldKZ1264 m30 m117 m32.830-116.970
Gillette campbell coKZ1768 m22 m1330 m44.350-105.540
Gillette campbell coKZ2286 m45 m1330 m44.350-105.540
Gilmer coKZ1066 m15 m452 m34.630-84.520
Glacier park intlKFCA2439 m45 m907 m48.310-114.260
Glacier park intlKFCA927 m45 m907 m48.310-114.260
Glacier park intlKFCA1073 m22 m907 m48.310-114.260
Glad oaksKZ1295 m22 m148 m32.020-95.700
Gladewater muniKZ1006 m22 m90 m32.530-94.970
Gladewater muniKZ701 m15 m90 m32.530-94.970
Gladwin zettel memKZ792 m45 m236 m43.970-84.480
Gladwin zettel memKZ1432 m22 m236 m43.970-84.480
Glasgow industrialKZ4114 m91 m841 m48.420-106.530
Glasgow muniKZ1615 m30 m217 m37.030-85.950
Glasscock fldKZ914 m45 m331 m29.370-99.340
Glen ullin regionalKZ1158 m18 m636 m46.810-101.860
Glencoe muniKZ1005 m22 m302 m44.760-94.080
Glendale muniKZ1630 m22 m324 m33.530-112.300
Glenns ferry muniKZ929 m18 m772 m42.950-115.330
Glenwood muniKZ853 m63 m424 m45.640-95.320
Glenwood muniKZ1371 m22 m424 m45.640-95.320
Glenwood springs muniKZ1007 m15 m1803 m39.510-107.310
Gnoss fldKZ1005 m22 m0 m38.140-122.560
Goddard ranchKZ914 m7 m261 m34.300-96.920
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