WorldWide Index
03 Jan 2025
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United states of america (US)

America/United states/

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
9,826,675 km2
Washington DC
US dollar (USD)
Latitude / Longitude
38 00 97 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
48,100 $

Main Airports
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AirportICAO codeRunway lengthRunway widthHeightLatitude (DD)Longitude (DD)
Sonoma coKZ1524 m30 m38 m38.510-122.810
Sonoma coKZ1559 m45 m38 m38.510-122.810
Sonora muniKZ1230 m18 m652 m30.590-100.650
South arkansas rgnl at goodwin fldKELD2011 m45 m84 m33.220-92.810
South arkansas rgnl at goodwin fldKELD1553 m45 m84 m33.220-92.810
South arkansas rgnl at goodwin fldKELD1134 m22 m84 m33.220-92.810
South bend rgnlKSBN2564 m45 m243 m41.710-86.320
South bend rgnlKSBN1310 m22 m243 m41.710-86.320
South bend rgnlKSBN1829 m45 m243 m41.710-86.320
South big horn coKZ1920 m30 m1198 m44.520-108.080
South big horn coKZ1203 m22 m1198 m44.520-108.080
South co arpt of santa clara coKZ944 m22 m85 m37.080-121.600
South haven area rgnlKZ1310 m22 m202 m42.350-86.260
South haven area rgnlKZ998 m57 m202 m42.350-86.260
South jersey rgnlKZ1192 m15 m16 m39.940-74.850
South lafourcheKZ1158 m22 m0 m29.440-90.260
South lakelandKZ1226 m30 m33 m27.930-82.040
South st paul muni richard e flemingKZ1219 m30 m249 m44.860-93.030
Southbridge muniKZ1066 m22 m212 m42.100-72.040
Southbridge muniKZ441 m30 m212 m42.100-72.040
Southeast greensboroKZ933 m9 m224 m35.940-79.690
Southeast iowa rgnlKBRL1630 m30 m212 m40.780-91.130
Southeast iowa rgnlKBRL2042 m45 m212 m40.780-91.130
Southeast texas rgnlKBPT1545 m45 m4 m29.950-94.020
Southeast texas rgnlKBPT2057 m45 m4 m29.950-94.020
Souther fldKZ1835 m30 m143 m32.110-84.190
Souther fldKZ1154 m22 m143 m32.110-84.190
Southern california logisticsKZ2785 m45 m879 m34.590-117.380
Southern california logisticsKZ3977 m45 m879 m34.590-117.380
Southern illinoisKMDH1983 m30 m125 m37.780-89.250
Southern illinoisKMDH1269 m30 m125 m37.780-89.250
Southern illinoisKMDH1066 m18 m125 m37.780-89.250
Southern seaplaneKZ975 m12 m0 m29.870-90.020
Southland fieldKZ1524 m22 m3 m30.130-93.380
Southwest florida intlKRSW3657 m45 m9 m26.540-81.760
Southwest georgia rgnlKABY2012 m45 m60 m31.540-84.190
Southwest georgia rgnlKABY1584 m45 m60 m31.540-84.190
Southwest michigan rgnlKZ761 m30 m195 m42.130-86.430
Southwest michigan rgnlKZ1557 m30 m195 m42.130-86.430
Southwest michigan rgnlKZ1116 m30 m195 m42.130-86.430
Southwest minnesota rgnl marshallKZ976 m22 m359 m44.450-95.820
Southwest minnesota rgnl marshallKZ1527 m30 m359 m44.450-95.820
Space coast rgnlKTIX2231 m45 m10 m28.510-80.800
Space coast rgnlKTIX1524 m30 m10 m28.510-80.800
Spanish fork springvilleKZ1737 m30 m1380 m40.140-111.660
Spanish peaks airfieldKZ762 m12 m1844 m37.700-104.790
Spanish peaks airfieldKZ1493 m18 m1844 m37.700-104.790
Sparrevohn lrrsPASV1250 m45 m483 m61.100-155.570
Sparta community hunter fldKZ746 m41 m163 m38.150-89.700
Sparta community hunter fldKZ1219 m18 m163 m38.150-89.700
Sparta fort mc coyKZ1309 m15 m255 m43.960-90.740
Sparta fort mc coyKZ1435 m30 m255 m43.960-90.740
Spartanburg downtown memKSPA1585 m30 m244 m34.920-81.960
SpauldingKZ1402 m15 m1559 m40.650-120.770
Spearman fieldKZ457 m15 m82 m34.160-88.760
Spearman muniKZ1524 m22 m941 m36.220-101.190
SpenceKZ1524 m91 m89 m31.140-83.700
SpenceKZ1524 m91 m89 m31.140-83.700
SpenceKZ1371 m22 m89 m31.140-83.700
Spencer muniKZ1828 m30 m408 m43.170-95.200
Spencer muniKZ1554 m22 m408 m43.170-95.200
Spencer nolfKZ548 m45 m46 m30.630-87.140
Spencer nolfKZ548 m45 m46 m30.630-87.140
Spencer nolfKZ548 m45 m46 m30.630-87.140
Spencer nolfKZ548 m45 m46 m30.630-87.140
Spencer nolfKZ548 m45 m46 m30.630-87.140
Spencer nolfKZ548 m45 m46 m30.630-87.140
Spencer nolfKZ548 m45 m46 m30.630-87.140
Spencer nolfKZ548 m45 m46 m30.630-87.140
SpicewoodKZ1188 m9 m252 m30.480-98.120
Spirit lake muniKZ918 m15 m437 m43.390-95.140
Spirit of st louisKSUS2281 m45 m141 m38.660-90.650
Spirit of st louisKSUS1524 m22 m141 m38.660-90.650
SpoffordKZ1315 m18 m305 m29.170-100.420
Spokane intlKGEG2743 m45 m722 m47.620-117.530
Spokane intlKGEG2499 m45 m722 m47.620-117.530
Sportsmans worldKZ1280 m19 m348 m32.820-98.480
Spring ranchKZ1304 m10 m438 m29.540-100.250
Springdale muniKZ1615 m22 m412 m36.180-94.120
Springer muniKZ1524 m18 m1795 m36.330-104.620
Springfield beckley muniKSGH2745 m45 m320 m39.840-83.840
Springfield beckley muniKSGH1676 m30 m320 m39.840-83.840
Springfield branson rgnlKSGF2134 m45 m386 m37.240-93.390
Springfield branson rgnlKSGF2438 m45 m386 m37.240-93.390
Springfield muniKZ1036 m22 m326 m44.230-95.000
Springfield muniKZ579 m30 m403 m42.880-97.900
Springfield muniKZ1066 m18 m403 m42.880-97.900
Springfield muniKZ1524 m18 m1337 m37.460-102.620
Springfield robertson coKZ1525 m30 m215 m36.540-86.920
SpringhillKZ1219 m22 m66 m32.980-93.410
Spruce creekKZ1219 m53 m7 m29.080-81.050
Squirrel creek ranchKZ1341 m45 m295 m29.260-99.350
St augustineKZ1219 m45 m3 m29.960-81.340
St augustineKZ2437 m45 m3 m29.960-81.340
St augustineKZ796 m22 m3 m29.960-81.340
St augustineKZ823 m18 m3 m29.960-81.340
St charlesKZ653 m30 m134 m38.850-90.500
St charlesKZ1051 m14 m134 m38.850-90.500
St charles co smarttKZ1158 m22 m132 m38.930-90.430
St charles co smarttKZ609 m22 m132 m38.930-90.430
St clair coKZ1524 m24 m147 m33.560-86.250
St clair co intlKZ1555 m30 m198 m42.910-82.530
St clair co intlKZ1219 m22 m198 m42.910-82.530
St clair rgnlKZ974 m18 m199 m38.380-90.970
St cloud rgnlKSTC914 m22 m313 m45.550-94.060
St cloud rgnlKSTC2133 m45 m313 m45.550-94.060
St elmoKZ1218 m24 m40 m30.500-88.280
St georgePAPB1524 m45 m38 m56.580-169.660
St georgeKZ975 m18 m25 m33.200-80.510
St george islandKZ1066 m19 m0 m29.650-84.920
St george muniKZ2013 m30 m896 m37.090-113.590
St james muniKZ1219 m22 m325 m43.990-94.560
St johns industrial air parkKZ1036 m18 m1748 m34.520-109.380
St johns industrial air parkKZ1622 m22 m1748 m34.520-109.380
St labre missionKZ1106 m28 m886 m45.600-106.270
St landry parish ahart fldKZ1386 m30 m22 m30.560-92.100
St landry parish ahart fldKZ1828 m30 m22 m30.560-92.100
St landry parish ahart fldKZ1234 m30 m22 m30.560-92.100
St louis downtownKZ1158 m22 m125 m38.570-90.160
St louis downtownKZ2132 m30 m125 m38.570-90.160
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