WorldWide Index
05 Feb 2025
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Commonwealth of australia (AU)


 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
7,741,220 km2
Australian dollars (AUD)
Latitude / Longitude
27 00 133 00 E
GDP (PPP) per capita
40,800 $

Weather Stations
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StationElevationLatitude (DD)Longitude (DD)
2nd valley forest3510 -35567+138283
Abrolhos isl (aut)110 -28300+113583
Adamsons peak aws10700 -43350+146800
Adelaide city500 -34917+138617
Adelaide intl arpt40 -34933+138517
Adelaide/parafield160 -34783+138633
Adele isl aws (aut)60 -15500+123150
Adelong3330 -35317+148067
Albany30 -35033+117883
Albany airport690 -34933+117800
Albury airport1710 -36083+146950
Albury airport aws1650 -36067+146950
Ali curung/tennant3760 -21017+134400
Alice springs arpt5410 -23800+133900
Allendale230 -35783+137033
Althorpe island920 -35383+136867
Alyangula260 -13833+136417
Amberley (aus-afb)310 -27633+152717
Andamooka760 -30450+137167
Applethorpe gbhrs8730 -28617+151950
Ararat2960 -37283+142983
Archefield/brisbane150 -27567+153000
Argyle aero aws1650 -16633+128449
Arkaroola3400 -30300+139333
Arltunga6640 -23467+134683
Armidale9800 -30517+151667
Armidale arpt10810 -30533+151617
Avalon aws90 -38033+144467
Ayr alva beach80 -19450+147483
Ayr dpi res. st.120 -19617+147383
Badgerys creek arpt820 -33900+150733
Bairnsdale airport500 -37883+147550
Balgair260 -33833+125650
Balgo hills4210 -20133+127983
Balladonia1480 -32450+123867
Ballarat (aut)4360 -37517+143533
Ballera gas field1150 -27417+141817
Ballina arpt aws20 -28833+153567
Balranald610 -34633+143550
Bankstown airport140 -33917+150983
Baradine forestry3020 -30950+149067
Baralaba940 -24183+149800
Barcaldine2670 -23550+145283
Baroon pocket dam2300 -26717+152867
Barraba5000 -30367+150600
Barrow il (private)630 -20817+115383
Barrow island arpt70 -20883+115400
Batchelore aws1050 -13050+131017
Batemans bay150 -35733+150183
Bathurst agric.7130 -33433+149567
Bathurst aws (aut)7480 -33400+149650
Bathurst isl aws120 -11833+130050
Bedourie police stn1870 -24367+139467
Bedout island aws100 -19583+119083
Beechworth3300 -36317+146667
Beerburrum forest360 -26950+152967
Bega110 -36667+149817
Bega aws410 -36667+149833
Bellambi aws100 -34383+150933
Benalla1700 -36550+145983
Bencubbin3530 -30800+117850
Bendigo2260 -36750+144283
Beverley1990 -32100+116917
Bicheno100 -41867+148300
Birdsville480 -25900+139350
Birdsville arpt470 -25900+139350
Black ptessington100 -11150+132133
Blackall2850 -24417+145467
Blackall airport2820 -24417+145433
Blackwater2000 -23583+148867
Bollon1850 -28017+147467
Bombala7050 -36917+149233
Bombala aws (aut)7510 -37000+149233
Bonegilla1980 -36133+147000
Borroloola aws170 -16082+136300
Boulia1580 -22917+139900
Bourke1070 -30083+145933
Bourke arpt1080 -30033+145950
Bowen airport60 -20017+148200
Bowral6900 -34483+150400
Braidwood aws (aut)6520 -35433+149783
Brewarrina1190 -29967+146850
Brian pastures1200 -25650+151733
Bridgetown1790 -33950+116133
Bridgetown p.o.1510 -33950+116133
Bridport emma250 -41017+147400
Brigalow res. stn1650 -24833+149800
Brisbane (city)720 -27467+153033
Brisbane arpt02 aws40 -27383+153117
Brisbane intl arpt50 -27383+153100
Broken hill3040 -31967+141450
Broken hill aws aut2820 -32000+141467
Brookton2400 -32366+117000
Broome airport90 -17950+122233
Broome south east420 -17850+122267
Broose isl aws aut50 -14117+123533
Broose isl aws aut&50 -14117+123533
Brunette downs2190 -18650+135950
Bull bay400 -43100+147367
Bunbury60 -33350+115650
Bundaberg aero330 -24900+152317
Burketown80 -17733+139533
Burketown airport60 -17750+139533
Burnie100 -41067+145933
Burrinjuck dam3900 -35000+148600
Bushy park600 -42700+146883
Busselton40 -33650+115317
Busselton jetty30 -33633+115333
Butlers gorge6660 -42283+146267
Cabramurra14750 -35933+148383
Cabramurra smhea14830 -35933+148383
Cadell160 -34050+139750
Cadjebut2020 -18717+125967
Cairns airport70 -16883+145750
Caloundra570 -26800+153150
Camden airport700 -34033+150683
Camooweal2350 -19917+138117
Campbelltown p. o.2000 -41917+147483
Canberra (civ/mil)5770 -35300+149183
Canowindra p o3000 -33600+148717
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