WorldWide Index |
07 Jan 2025 |
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Weather StationsStation | Elevation | Latitude (DD) | Longitude (DD) | Canterbury | 40 | -33900 | +151117 | Canungra | 1200 | -28033 | +153183 | Cape borda (lgt-h) | 1440 | -35750 | +136583 | Cape bruny | 600 | -43483 | +147150 | Cape bruny (lgt-h) | 550 | -43500 | +147150 | Cape byron (lgt-h) | 980 | -28633 | +153633 | Cape byron aws | 980 | -28633 | +153633 | Cape don (lst h) | 200 | -11317 | +131767 | Cape don aws auto | 200 | -11317 | +131783 | Cape grim (aut) | 950 | -40667 | +144683 | Cape jaffa aws | 180 | -36967 | +139717 | Cape leeuwin(lgt-h) | 140 | -34367 | +115117 | Cape moreton(lgt-h) | 1010 | -27033 | +153467 | Cape naturaliste lh | 1100 | -33533 | +115017 | Cape nelson (lgt-h) | 470 | -38433 | +141550 | Cape northumberland | 60 | -38050 | +140667 | Cape otway (lgt-h) | 830 | -38850 | +143500 | Cape sorell aws | 200 | -42200 | +145167 | Cape wessel aws | 190 | -11017 | +136750 | Cape willoughby(lh) | 590 | -35833 | +138133 | Cardwell | 70 | -18250 | +146017 | Carnamah | 2670 | -29683 | +115883 | Carnarvon airport | 70 | -24883 | +113667 | Carnegie | 4490 | -25783 | +122967 | Cashmere downs | 4530 | -28967 | +119550 | Casino airport | 260 | -28883 | +153033 | Casino arpt aws | 220 | -28883 | +153050 | Casterton | 730 | -37600 | +141417 | Castlemaine | 3250 | -37067 | +144233 | Cato isl aws (aut) | 110 | -23250 | +155533 | Ceduna airport | 170 | -32116 | +133700 | Centre island | 210 | -15750 | +136800 | Cerberus aws (aut) | 140 | -38350 | +145167 | Cessnock | 620 | -32800 | +151333 | Channel point | 40 | -13167 | +130116 | Charleville arpt | 3040 | -26400 | +146267 | Charlotte pass | 17550 | -36433 | +148333 | Charters towers | 3130 | -20067 | +146250 | Cheadanup | 2200 | -33550 | +120700 | Cheetham salt works | 70 | -34300 | +137983 | Clare hi school aws | 3960 | -33817 | +138600 | Clermont | 2690 | -22817 | +147633 | Cleve | 1940 | -33700 | +136483 | Cloncurry composite | 2000 | -20700 | +140517 | Cobar | 2650 | -31483 | +145817 | Cobar arpt aws | 2190 | -31550 | +145800 | Cobber pedy aws | 2260 | -29033 | +134717 | Coconut il aws(aut) | 100 | -10050 | +143050 | Coen airport | 1600 | -13767 | +143117 | Coen city | 1940 | -13950 | +143200 | Coffs harbour arpt | 50 | -30317 | +153117 | Coles point | 280 | -34383 | +135383 | Collarenbri | 1450 | -29533 | +148567 | Collie east | 2000 | -33362 | +116170 | Collinsville | 1870 | -20550 | +147833 | Combienbar aws | 6400 | -37333 | +149017 | Condoblin | 1990 | -33083 | +147150 | Condobolin arpt aws | 1940 | -33067 | +147217 | Coober pedy (pvt) | 2150 | -29000 | +134750 | Cook | 1240 | -30617 | +130400 | Cooktown airport | 60 | -15450 | +145183 | Cooktown mission | 90 | -15433 | +145183 | Coolangatta aws aut | 60 | -28167 | +153500 | Cooma | 7780 | -36233 | +149083 | Coonabarabran | 5100 | -31267 | +149267 | Coonabarabran arpt | 6460 | -31317 | +149267 | Coonamble | 1800 | -30950 | +148383 | Coonamble airport | 1820 | -30983 | +148383 | Coonawarra | 580 | -37300 | +140817 | Cootamundra | 3350 | -34633 | +148033 | Corowa airport | 1430 | -35983 | +146350 | Corrigin | 2960 | -32317 | +117867 | Corryong | 3140 | -36200 | +147883 | Cowra airport | 2930 | -33850 | +148650 | Cowra research stn | 3860 | -33817 | +148700 | Crackenback | 19570 | -36483 | +148283 | Cranbourne gardens | 850 | -38133 | +145267 | Creal reef aws(aut) | 80 | -20533 | +150383 | Cressnock arpt | 620 | -32800 | +151333 | Croydon | 1190 | -18200 | +142233 | Cunderdin | 2230 | -31650 | +117233 | Cunderdin airfld | 2170 | -31617 | +117217 | Cunnamulla | 1910 | -28067 | +145683 | Currie | 220 | -39933 | +143867 | Curtin aws (aut) | 780 | -17583 | +123833 | Curtin springs | 4880 | -25317 | +131750 | Cygnet bay | 160 | -16450 | +123000 | Cygnet river | 60 | -35717 | +137517 | Dalby | 3490 | -27183 | +151267 | Dalwallinu | 3380 | -30267 | +116650 | Daly river/wooliann | 140 | -13683 | +130633 | Daly waters | 2140 | -16267 | +133367 | Dampier | 120 | -20717 | +116733 | Dartmouth reservoir | 3500 | -36533 | +147500 | Darwin (civ/mil) | 290 | -12433 | +130867 | Darwin (civmil) | 300 | -12400 | +130866 | Deal island | 850 | -39467 | +147300 | Delamere weapons rn | -99999 | -99999 | -999999 | Deniliquin | 930 | -35550 | +144933 | Deniliquin airport | 950 | -35567 | +144950 | Derby | 50 | -17367 | +123667 | Derby aero aws | 70 | -17367 | +123667 | Devonport ap aws | 130 | -41167 | +146433 | Devonport east | 470 | -41167 | +146367 | Diemals | 4340 | -29667 | +119267 | Donald | 1180 | -36383 | +143000 | Donnybrook | 630 | -33567 | +115817 | Dorrigo coranba rd | 7460 | -30350 | +152717 | Double isl pt. (lh) | 950 | -25933 | +153183 | Dover (aut) | 160 | -43300 | +147017 | Dubbo | 2760 | -32217 | +148567 | Dubbo arpt aw | 2850 | -32217 | +148583 | Dum in mirrie | 40 | -12633 | +130366 | Dunedoo | 3880 | -32017 | +149383 | Dunns hill aws | 5610 | -37883 | +145333 | Dwellingup | 2680 | -32717 | +116050 | East sale (aus-afb) | 80 | -38100 | +147133 | Echuca | 960 | -36133 | +144750 | Eddystone pt(lgt-h) | 140 | -40983 | +148333 | Edi upper vineyard | 3650 | -36733 | +146467 |
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