WorldWide Index
14 Jan 2025
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Commonwealth of australia (AU)


 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
7,741,220 km2
Australian dollars (AUD)
Latitude / Longitude
27 00 133 00 E
GDP (PPP) per capita
40,800 $

Wackett creek | Waddamana | Walford peak | Walker channel | Walker island | Wallaby rivulet | Wallace river | Wallon creek | Walls of jerusalem national park | Walls of jerusalen | Walpole rivulet | Wanderer river | Wandle river | Waratah | Wardlaws point | Warner creek | Warner sugarloaf | Warnes lookout | Warrane | Warrentina siding | Wart hill | Watchorns hill | Waterfall bay | Waterfall creek | Waterfall lake | Waterhouse island | Waterhouse point | Waterloo creek | Waterloo point | Wattle grove | Wattle hill | Wattle island | Watts hill | Watts siding | Waubs bay |
Weatherhead point | Weave creek | Webber point | Weber point | Wedge bay | Wedge island | Wedge river | Weedons hill | Weegena | Weetah | Welcome river | Welcome swamp | Weld river | Weldborough | Wellington falls | Wellington head | Wentworth hill | Wentworth hills | Wesley vale | West arm | West arthur head | West bay | West bluff | West branch swan river | West head | West inlet | West kentish | West moncoeur island | West point | West reef | West ridgeley | West sandy cape | West sister island | West strahan | West ulverstone | Westbury | Western junction | Westerway | Weston rivulet | Wey river | Weymouth |
Whale boat harbour | Whale head | Whale rock | Wherretts lookout | Whirlpool rock | Whistler point | White hawk creek | White hills | White kangaroo rivulet | White marsh | Whitefoord | Whitehouse point | Whitemark | Whitemore | Whitewater creek | Whyte river |
Wiendorfer creek | Wild dog creek | Wilkinsons point | Williams creek | Williamsford | Wilmores bluff | Wilmores lane | Wilmot | Wilmot harbour | Wilmot lower | Wilmot range | Wilmot river | Wilson river | Wilsonia | Wiltshire junction | Windermere | Windfall marsh | Windmill point | Wineglass bay | Wings lookout | Winkleigh | Winnaleah | Winton hill | Wireless hill | Wivenhoe |
Wolverine shoal | Wombat creek | Woodbridge | Woodbury | Woodman point | Woods lake | Woods quoin | Woodsdale | Woodstock | Woodstock spur | Woodward creek | Woody island | Woolnorth point | Wooloomooloo creek |
Wrest point | Wright rock |
Wybalena island | Wybia spit | Wybra hall | Wye river | Wyefield rivulet | Wyena | Wylds craig | Wyniford river | Wynyard |
Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |