WorldWide Index
14 Jan 2025
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Commonwealth of australia (AU)

Oceania/Australia/New south wales

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
7,741,220 km2
Australian dollars (AUD)
Latitude / Longitude
27 00 133 00 E
GDP (PPP) per capita
40,800 $

La perouse | Lachlan downs | Lachlan range | Lachlan river | Lachlan swamps | Lackersteen | Lacmalac | Lacys creek | Lady robinsons beach | Ladysmith | Laggan | Laggers point | Lagoon creek | Lagoon head | Lagoon mountain | Laguna | Laings point | Lake agnes | Lake ainsworth | Lake albert | Lake altiboullin | Lake arthur | Lake bancannia | Lake bathurst | Lake benanee | Lake birroul | Lake boocathan | Lake brewster | Lake bullenbalong | Lake bungarry | Lake burra burra | Lake cargelligo | Lake conjola | Lake corinya | Lake cowal | Lake creek | Lake cudmirrah | Lake cullamulcha | Lake cullivel | Lake eliza | Lake ellis | Lake eraring | Lake eucumbene | Lake eurobilli | Lake geer | Lake genoe | Lake george | Lake gilman | Lake goran | Lake heights | Lake hiawatha | Lake illawarra | Lake innes | Lake jindabyne | Lake kiah | Lake killen | Lake lyle | Lake macquarie | Lake macquarie shire | Lake merrimajeel | Lake minnie water | Lake mummuga | Lake nangtree | Lake nettlegoe | Lake noeyango | Lake parramatta | Lake poomah | Lake poon boon | Lake popilta | Lake stewart | Lake tala | Lake talpile | Lake tarrawong | Lake urana | Lake uranagong | Lake uranagong tank | Lake victoria | Lake view | Lake waljeers | Lake whymoul | Lake wollare | Lake wollumboola | Lake woromur | Lake yantara | Lakeholme | Lakemba | Lakeside | Lakesland | Lakeview | Lallahrook | Lamara | Lambert peninsula | Lambing camp | Lambs valley creek | Lambton | Lampton creek | Landervale | Landsdowne | Lane cove | Lane cove river | Lang creek | Langawirra | Langboyd | Langi oonah | Langlands | Langley vale | Langtree | Langunya | Lanitza | Lankeys creek | Lansdale | Lansdowne river | Larbert | Largs | Larloona | Larnook | Larpent river | Larras lee | Latitude rock | Laughtondale | Laura | Laura creek | Lauradale | Lauraldale | Laurel bank | Laurel hill | Laureldale | Laurieton | Lavadia | Lavender bay | Lavington | Lawrence | Lawrence road station | Lawson | Lawsons creek | Lazyman creek |
Leadville | Leaning oak | Learmonth well | Ledknapper tank | Leechs gully | Leefield | Leeholme | Leemore | Lees creek | Lees mountain | Leeton | Leeville | Left branch ferny creek | Left hand branch | Left hand gully | Leg of mutton bay | Leggs island | Legume | Leichhardt | Leigh | Leigh station | Lemon tree creek | Lemon tree passage | Lemongrove | Leniston | Lennans creek | Lennards island | Lennox head | Lennoxton | Lenroy | Lerida | Lerida creek | Letchworth | Lett river | Lette | Leumeah | Leura | Leven park | Lewinsbrook creek | Lewis creek | Lewis ponds | Lewis ponds lower | Lewisham | Leycester | Leycester creek |
Liamena | Licking hole creek | Lickinghole creek | Lidcombe | Liddell | Lidsdale | Lidster | Liewa | Lighthouse beach | Lighthouse hill | Lightning point | Lightning ridge | Lignam lake | Lignum creek | Lignum swamp | Lignum tank | Lila springs | Lilli pilli | Lilli pilli point | Lillian rock | Lillies island | Lillies point | Lilly bank | Lilyfield | Lilyvale | Lilyvale station | Limbri | Lime kiln bay | Lime kiln head | Limeburners creek | Limestone creek | Limestone gully | Limestone hill | Limestone plains creek | Limpinwood | Linburn | Lincoln | Linden | Lindfield | Linga longa | Lingera creek | Linley point | Linnwood | Linton | Linwood | Lion island | Lionsville | Lisarow | Lismore | Lismore municipality | Lissington | Liston | Lithgow | Little back creek | Little bay | Little beach | Little beecroft | Little bennys creek | Little billabong | Little billabong creek | Little branch creek | Little brandy hill | Little bumble creek | Little bumble tank | Little burke river | Little creek | Little flat point | Little gilmore creek | Little haystack creek | Little haystack mountain | Little head | Little henry river | Little island | Little jacks creek | Little jerusalem bay | Little koonenberry mountain | Little mackarel beach | Little manly cove | Little manly point | Little merran creek | Little moon bay | Little mooney mooney creek | Little mountain | Little murray river | Little myall river | Little nogrigar creek | Little nymboida river | Little oakey creek | Little pimlico island | Little pitt water | Little plain | Little plain creek | Little plains river | Little red head | Little river | Little rocky | Little rocky creek | Little run creek | Little shark rock point | Little sirius cove | Little sirius point | Little smoky | Little swan bay | Little topar tank | Little turriell bay | Little weir river | Liverpool | Liverpool plains | Liverpool range | Lizzards knob |
Llangothlin | Llangothlin lagoon | Llanillo | Llanthony |
Loadstone station | Lobbs hole creek | Lobster bay | Lobster beach | Lochiel | Lochinvar | Lochinvar station | Lochire view | Lockhart | Lockin hill | Locksley | Lockwood | Loddon falls | Lofts pinnacle | Loftus | Log creek | Loggy creek | London tank | Lone island | Lone pine | Lonesome pine state forest | Long bay | Long beach | Long bridge | Long creek | Long flat | Long flat creek | Long gully creek | Long island | Long jetty | Long lake | Long nose point | Long park | Long plain creek | Long point | Long point bay | Long reach | Long reef | Long reef beach | Long ridge | Long swamp | Long swamp creek | Long swamp tank | Long waterhole | Longfield | Longford | Longfords nob | Longlea | Longnose point | Longreach island | Longueville | Longvale swamp | Looking glass bay | Lookout point | Loombah creek | Loomberah | Loorica lake | Lord howe island | Lorimer creek | Lorn | Lorne | Lost river | Lostock | Louisiana | Louth | Lovelock creek | Lovers jump creek | Lovett bay | Lowanna | Lowardee island | Lower acacia creek | Lower belmore | Lower boro | Lower botobolar | Lower bucca | Lower creek | Lower cudgera | Lower gully | Lower hawkesbury | Lower lila | Lower mangrove | Lower numba | Lower pomingalarna | Lower portland | Lower range creek | Lower southgate | Lower towamba | Lowes hill | Lowesdale | Lowesdale tank | Lowlands station | Lowther |
Lucan | Lucknow | Luddenham | Lue | Lugarno | Lukes bay | Lulah hill | Lumeah | Lurline bay | Luthrie bay | Luthrie creek | Luthrie island |
Lynch's creek | Lynchs creek | Lyndhurst | Lyndon | Lyndon hill | Lyne park |
Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |