WorldWide Index |
11 Jan 2025 |
Welcome ! Tageo.com is a database of geographic coordinate information. Tageo.com provides information about 2,667,417 cities in the whole world !!
Weather StationsStation | Elevation | Latitude (DD) | Longitude (DD) | Chipata | 10320 | -13550 | +032583 | Choma | 12780 | -16833 | +027067 | Isoka | 13600 | -10117 | +032633 | Kabompo | 10750 | -13600 | +024200 | Kabwe agriculture | 11650 | -14400 | +028500 | Kabwe/milliken | 12070 | -14450 | +028467 | Kafironda | 12430 | -12600 | +028117 | Kafue polder | 9780 | -15767 | +027917 | Kaoma | 12130 | -14800 | +024800 | Kasama | 13840 | -10217 | +031133 | Kasempa | 12340 | -13533 | +025850 | Kawambwa | 13240 | -09800 | +029083 | Livingstone (mil) | 9860 | -17817 | +025817 | Lundazi | 11430 | -12283 | +033200 | Lusaka (mil/civ) | 11540 | -15317 | +028450 | Lusaka city | 12800 | -15417 | +028333 | Lusaka city airport | 12800 | -15417 | +028317 | Magoye | 10180 | -16000 | +027600 | Mansa | 13840 | -11100 | +028850 | Mbala (mil/civ) | 16730 | -08850 | +031333 | Mfuwe | 5700 | -13267 | +031933 | Misamfu | 15360 | -10100 | +031250 | Mkushi | 12370 | -13633 | +029883 | Mongu | 10530 | -15250 | +023150 | Mount makulu | 12130 | -15550 | +028250 | Mpika | 14020 | -11900 | +031433 | Mumbwa | 12180 | -15067 | +027183 | Mwinilunga | 13630 | -11750 | +024433 | Ndola | 12700 | -13000 | +028650 | Petauke | 10360 | -14250 | +031283 | Samfya | 11710 | -11350 | +029533 | Senanga | 10270 | -16100 | +023267 | Serenje | 13840 | -13233 | +030217 | Sesheke | 9510 | -17467 | +024300 | Solwezi | 13860 | -12167 | +026367 | Zambezi | 10780 | -13533 | +023117 |
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