WorldWide Index |
06 Feb 2025 |
Welcome ! Tageo.com is a database of geographic coordinate information. Tageo.com provides information about 2,667,417 cities in the whole world !!
Zambia City & Town PopulationRank | City | Population (2000) | Latitude (DD) | Longitude (DD) | 61 | Solwezi | 4500 | -12.180 | 26.400 | 62 | Chibombo | 4400 | -14.660 | 28.070 | 63 | Mwense | 4300 | -10.380 | 28.680 | 64 | Chama | 4000 | -11.220 | 33.140 | 65 | Chilubi | 4000 | -10.380 | 31.230 | 66 | Chadiza | 3600 | -14.070 | 32.430 | 67 | Lukulu | 3500 | -14.390 | 23.240 | 68 | Mporokoso | 3300 | -9.390 | 30.110 | 69 | Luangwa | 3000 | -15.620 | 30.410 | 70 | Kaputa | 2600 | -8.480 | 29.670 | 71 | Gwembe | 2100 | -16.500 | 27.620 | 72 | Shang'ombo | 1800 | -14.530 | 22.280 | 73 | Nyimba | 1300 | -14.550 | 30.810 |
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