WorldWide Index
07 Feb 2025
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Independent state of papua new guinea (PG)

Oceania/Papua new guinea/

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
462,840 km2
Port Moresby
kina (PGK)
Latitude / Longitude
6 00 147 00 E
GDP (PPP) per capita
2,500 $

Weather Stations
StationElevationLatitude (DD)Longitude (DD)
Agaun10050 -09967+149383
Aitape30 -03150+142350
Daru w.o.90 -09083+143200
Emirau nf9 -01683+149967
Erave10360 -06650+143883
Feni30 -04017+153667
Finschafen80 -06633+147867
Goroka15870 -06067+145383
Goroka ats15870 -06067+145383
Gurney w.o.230 -10317+150333
Hoskins w.o.30 -05467+150400
Jinjo/rossel island200 -11317+154233
Jinjorossel isl100 -11317+154233
Kandrian910 -06217+149533
Kavieng w.o.40 -02583+150800
Kieta-on-bougainvil30 -06317+155717
Kiunga w.o.350 -06133+141300
Koinambe8840 -05483+144600
Kurada30 -10050+151000
Lae80 -06733+147000
Lombrum manus island10 -02417+147383
Madang w.o.40 -05217+145783
Manus island nf439 -02017+147433
Misima w.o.60 -10683+152833
Momote w.o.50 -02067+147433
Momote/manus island40 -02067+147433
Mount hagen16310 -05817+144283
Nadzab w.o.700 -06567+146733
Nimowa30 -11300+153267
Nuguria30 -03317+154667
Panasesa20 -10750+151733
Pomio30 -05500+151517
Popondetta910 -08750+148250
Port moresby w.o.580 -09383+147217
Rabaul/new britain50 -04217+152183
Sideia30 -10617+150067
Tokua w.o.130 -04333+152367
Vanimo30 -02700+141317
Wewak w.o.40 -03583+143667

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