WorldWide Index |
21 Jan 2025 |
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Weather StationsStation | Elevation | Latitude (DD) | Longitude (DD) | Amsterdam/copenha | 0 | +52417 | +004867 | Amsterdam/schiphol | -20 | +52300 | +004767 | Arcen aws | 190 | +51500 | +006200 | Auk alfa | 340 | +56400 | +002067 | Berkenhout aws | -30 | +52650 | +004983 | Bloemendaal | 180 | +52417 | +004550 | Cabauw tower | 20 | +51967 | +004933 | Cadzand wp | 70 | +51383 | +003383 | De bilt | 40 | +52100 | +005183 | De kooy (navy) | 140 | +52917 | +004783 | De peel(nafb) | 310 | +51550 | +005933 | Deelen rnlafb | 520 | +52067 | +005883 | Eindhoven rnlafb | 220 | +51450 | +005417 | Ell aws | 300 | +51200 | +005767 | Environm buoy 62402 | -99999 | +53500 | +005800 | Environm buoy 62403 | -99999 | +53200 | +003200 | Environm buoy 62404 | -99999 | +53800 | +004300 | Environm buoy 62405 | -99999 | +53500 | +004200 | Environm buoy 62407 | -99999 | +52900 | +004000 | Environm buoy 62409 | -99999 | +52700 | +003700 | Environm buoy 62411 | -99999 | +52200 | +004200 | Environm buoy 62415 | -99999 | +51900 | +003600 | Environm buoy 62425 | -99999 | +53800 | +005800 | Euro platform | 180 | +52000 | +003283 | F3 | 490 | +54850 | +004733 | Gilze-rijen rnlafb | 130 | +51567 | +004933 | Groningen/eelde | 40 | +53133 | +006583 | Hansweert | -99999 | +51450 | +004000 | Heino aws | 50 | +52433 | +006267 | Herwijnen aws | 10 | +51867 | +005150 | Hoek van holland | 130 | +51983 | +004100 | Hoofdplaat | -99999 | +51383 | +003667 | Hoogeveen aws | 140 | +52733 | +006517 | Hooran aws | -10 | +52650 | +005050 | Houtrib | 20 | +52533 | +005433 | Huibertgat wp | 0 | +53567 | +006400 | Hupsel aws | 290 | +52067 | +006650 | Ijmond | -99999 | +52467 | +004517 | Ijmuiden | 190 | +52467 | +004583 | K13a | 300 | +53217 | +003217 | Lauwersoog aws | 0 | +53700 | +006200 | Le goeree | 190 | +51933 | +003667 | Leeuwarden rnlafb | 20 | +53217 | +005750 | Lelystad aws | -30 | +52450 | +005383 | Markesse aws | -30 | +52700 | +005883 | Meetpost noordwuk | 170 | +52267 | +004300 | Nieuw beerta aws | 0 | +53200 | +007150 | Noordelouke zeeraaf | 470 | +61233 | +001150 | Noordhinder | 30 | +51650 | +002567 | Oost maarland aws | 490 | +50800 | +005717 | Oosterschelde wp | 0 | +51683 | +003600 | Ramspol | 60 | +52617 | +005850 | Rotterdam airport | -40 | +51950 | +004450 | Rotterdam aws | 40 | +51883 | +004317 | Schaar | 0 | +51650 | +003700 | Soesterberg rnlafb | 130 | +52133 | +005267 | Stavenisse | -99999 | +51600 | +004000 | Stavoren aws | 30 | +52883 | +005350 | Stavoren haven | 30 | +52883 | +005350 | Terschelling hoorn | 20 | +53383 | +005350 | Terschelling(lgt-h) | 270 | +53367 | +005217 | Texel island | 30 | +53083 | +004750 | Texelhors wp | 0 | +53000 | +004717 | Tholen wp | 0 | +51517 | +004133 | Twente rnlafb | 360 | +52267 | +006900 | Valkenburg (navy) | 20 | +52183 | +004417 | Vlakte van raan | -99999 | +51500 | +003250 | Vlieland island | 50 | +53250 | +004917 | Vlissingen | 100 | +51450 | +003600 | Volkel rnlafb | 210 | +51650 | +005700 | Westdorpe aws | 20 | +51533 | +003900 | Wijk aan zee | 100 | +52500 | +004600 | Wilhelminadorp aws | 10 | +51533 | +003917 | Woensdrecht rnlafb | 170 | +51450 | +004333 | Woensdrecht rnlafb& | 170 | +51450 | +004333 | Wudenes | 10 | +52633 | +005167 | Ypenburg(nafb) | 10 | +52033 | +004350 | Zierikzee | 10 | +51650 | +003933 | Zuid-limburg/beek | 1160 | +50917 | +005783 |
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