WorldWide Index |
05 Jan 2025 |
Welcome ! Tageo.com is a database of geographic coordinate information. Tageo.com provides information about 2,667,417 cities in the whole world !!
Weather StationsStation | Elevation | Latitude (DD) | Longitude (DD) | Angoche | 180 | -16217 | +039900 | Beira | 160 | -19800 | +034900 | Caia | 450 | -17833 | +035333 | Changalane | 1040 | -26283 | +032183 | Chicaulacuala | 4520 | -22083 | +031683 | Chimoio | 7320 | -19117 | +033467 | Cuamba | 6070 | -14817 | +036533 | Inhambane | 150 | -23867 | +035383 | Lichinga | 13650 | -13283 | +035250 | Lumbo | 100 | -15033 | +040667 | Maputo/mavalane | 440 | -25917 | +032567 | Marrupa | 7560 | -13233 | +037550 | Massangena | 1360 | -21550 | +032967 | Mocimboa da praia | 290 | -11350 | +040367 | Montepuez | 5350 | -13133 | +039033 | Mutarara | 480 | -17383 | +035050 | Nampula | 4410 | -15100 | +039283 | Pebane | 250 | -17267 | +038150 | Pemba | 500 | -12967 | +040500 | Quelimane | 160 | -17883 | +036883 | Songo | 8850 | -15600 | +032767 | Tete | 1500 | -16183 | +033583 | Tete/chingozi | 1600 | -16100 | +033633 | Ulongue | 13110 | -14733 | +034350 | Vilanculos | 210 | -22000 | +035317 | Xai xai | 50 | -25050 | +033633 | Zumbo | 3390 | -15617 | +030433 |
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