WorldWide Index
01 Feb 2025
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Kingdom of morocco (MA)


 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
446,550 km2
Moroccan dirhams (MAD)
Latitude / Longitude
32 00 5 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
5,100 $

Main Airports
AirportICAO codeRunway lengthRunway widthHeightLatitude (DD)Longitude (DD)
Al massiraGMAD3200 m45 m76 m30.320-9.410
AnfaGMMC2104 m45 m61 m33.550-7.660
AnfaGMMC615 m38 m61 m33.550-7.660
AngadsGMFO3000 m45 m467 m34.790-1.920
ArwiGMMW2999 m45 m174 m34.990-3.030
BassatineGMFM2820 m49 m576 m33.880-5.520
BassatineGMFM1956 m49 m576 m33.880-5.520
Cherif el idrissiGMTA2161 m45 m27 m35.180-3.840
EssaouiraGMMI2100 m29 m117 m31.400-9.680
GoulimineGM3050 m45 m299 m29.030-10.050
Ibn batoutaGMTT2000 m29 m18 m35.730-5.920
Ibn batoutaGMTT3500 m45 m18 m35.730-5.920
IfraneGMFI2109 m35 m1663 m33.510-5.150
InezganeGMAA2909 m45 m27 m30.380-9.550
KenitraGMMY1839 m45 m4 m34.300-6.600
KenitraGMMY2436 m45 m4 m34.300-6.600
KenitraGMMY1828 m45 m4 m34.300-6.600
MenaraGMMX3099 m45 m467 m31.610-8.040
Mohammed vGMMN3720 m45 m199 m33.370-7.590
Moulay ali cherifGMFK3200 m45 m1044 m31.950-4.400
OuarzazateGMMZ2999 m45 m1153 m30.940-6.910
Plage blancheGMAT2000 m29 m199 m28.450-11.160
SaissGMFF3200 m45 m579 m33.930-4.980
SaleGMME3500 m45 m84 m34.050-6.750
Saniat rmelGMTN2300 m45 m3 m35.590-5.320
Sidi ifniGMMF2000 m45 m57 m29.370-10.180
Sidi slimaneGMSL3444 m42 m54 m34.230-6.050

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