WorldWide Index |
24 Jan 2025 |
Welcome ! Tageo.com is a database of geographic coordinate information. Tageo.com provides information about 2,667,417 cities in the whole world !!
Weather StationsStation | Elevation | Latitude (DD) | Longitude (DD) | Bamako/senou (mil) | 3800 | +12533 | -007950 | Bougouni | 3510 | +11417 | -007500 | Gao (civ/mil) | 2600 | +16267 | -000050 | Hombori | 2880 | +15333 | -001683 | Kayes | 470 | +14433 | -011433 | Kenieba | 1320 | +12850 | -011233 | Kidal | 4590 | +18433 | +001350 | Kita | 3340 | +13067 | -009467 | Koutiala | 3670 | +12383 | -005467 | Menaka | 2780 | +15867 | +002217 | Mopti/barbe (mil) | 2720 | +14517 | -004100 | Nara/keibane | 2650 | +15167 | -007283 | Nioro du sahel | 2370 | +15233 | -009350 | San | 2840 | +13333 | -004833 | Segou | 2890 | +13400 | -006150 | Sikasso | 3750 | +11350 | -005683 | Tessalit | 4910 | +20200 | +000983 | Tombouctou/timbuktu | 2640 | +16717 | -003000 | Yelimane | 1000 | +15117 | -010567 |
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