WorldWide Index |
22 Jan 2025 |
Welcome ! Tageo.com is a database of geographic coordinate information. Tageo.com provides information about 2,667,417 cities in the whole world !!
Weather StationsStation | Elevation | Latitude (DD) | Longitude (DD) | Ak-syjrak | 35400 | +41817 | +078733 | Belovodskoe | 7260 | +42850 | +074100 | Colpon-ata | 16450 | +42650 | +077100 | Darhan | 17000 | +42317 | +077900 | Dolon pass | 30400 | +41800 | +075767 | Dzalal-abad | 7650 | +40917 | +072950 | Frunze | 7600 | +42850 | +074533 | Gulca | 15550 | +40317 | +073550 | Karakolka | 30800 | +41483 | +077400 | Manas | 6270 | +42850 | +074867 | Naryn (mtn stn) | 20410 | +41433 | +076000 | Osh | 8750 | +40533 | +072800 | Rybacje | 16600 | +42467 | +076183 | Sary-tas | 31550 | +39733 | +073267 | Susamyr | 20920 | +42150 | +073983 | Talas (mtn stn) | 12160 | +42517 | +072250 | Tjan-san (mtn stn) | 36140 | +41917 | +078233 | Tokmak | 8180 | +42833 | +075283 |
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