WorldWide Index |
22 Jan 2025 |
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Weather StationsStation | Elevation | Latitude (DD) | Longitude (DD) | Eldoret | 21330 | +00533 | +035283 | Eldoret intl | 21040 | +00400 | +035233 | Embu | 14930 | -00500 | +037450 | Garissa | 1470 | -00467 | +039633 | Isii | 0 | -00683 | +034700 | Isiolo | 10670 | +00350 | +037583 | Kakamega | 15300 | +00283 | +034783 | Kericho | 21840 | -00367 | +035350 | Kisii | 14930 | -00667 | +034783 | Kisumu | 11460 | -00100 | +034750 | Kitale | 18750 | +01016 | +035000 | Lamu/manda island | 60 | -02267 | +040833 | Lodwar | 5150 | +03117 | +035617 | Magadi | 6190 | -01883 | +036283 | Makindu | 10000 | -02283 | +037833 | Malindi | 230 | -03233 | +040100 | Mandera | 2310 | +03933 | +041867 | Marsabit | 13450 | +02300 | +037900 | Meru | 15540 | +00083 | +037650 | Mombasa/moi intl | 550 | -04033 | +039617 | Moyale lower (oda) | 10970 | +03533 | +039050 | Nairobi/dagoretti | 17980 | -01300 | +036750 | Nairobi/jomo kenyat | 16240 | -01317 | +036917 | Nairobi/wilson | 16790 | -01317 | +036817 | Nakuru | 19010 | -00267 | +036100 | Nanyuki | 19050 | -00067 | +037033 | Narok | 18900 | -01133 | +035833 | Nyeri | 17590 | -00500 | +036967 | Voi | 5790 | -03400 | +038567 | Wajir | 2440 | +01750 | +040067 |
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