WorldWide Index |
29 Jan 2025 |
Welcome ! Tageo.com is a database of geographic coordinate information. Tageo.com provides information about 2,667,417 cities in the whole world !!
Weather StationsStation | Elevation | Latitude (DD) | Longitude (DD) | Yamagata(civ/jgsdf) | 1080 | +38417 | +140367 | Yamaguchi | 180 | +34150 | +131450 | Yamaguchi/ube arpt | 80 | +33933 | +131283 | Yao (civ/jgsdf) | 130 | +34600 | +135600 | Yokkaichi | 520 | +34933 | +136583 | Yokohama | 420 | +35433 | +139650 | Yokosuka | 530 | +35283 | +139667 | Yokosuka reg met hq | 100 | +35300 | +139667 | Yokota (jasdf/usaf) | 1390 | +35750 | +139350 | Yokote | 590 | +39317 | +140550 | Yonabaru ryukyu isla | 91 | +26200 | +127750 | Yonago | 80 | +35433 | +133350 | Yonaguni airport | 170 | +24467 | +122983 | Yonaguni-jima | 1080 | +24467 | +123017 | Yonagunijima island | 360 | +24467 | +123017 | Yonezawa | 2390 | +37917 | +140117 | Yoron island | 160 | +27050 | +128400 | Yubari | 2930 | +43033 | +141967 | Yukuhashi | 119 | +33667 | +131033 |
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