WorldWide Index |
27 Jan 2025 |
Welcome ! Tageo.com is a database of geographic coordinate information. Tageo.com provides information about 2,667,417 cities in the whole world !!
Weather StationsStation | Elevation | Latitude (DD) | Longitude (DD) | Bafwasende | 5240 | +01083 | +027133 | Banalia | 4500 | +01550 | +025333 | Bandundu | 3240 | -03300 | +017350 | Basankusu | 3600 | +01217 | +019800 | Basoko | 3660 | +01250 | +023600 | Boende | 3510 | -00217 | +020850 | Boma | 220 | -05850 | +013067 | Bondo | 4510 | +03800 | +023683 | Bukavu/kavumu | 16120 | -02517 | +028850 | Bumba | 3610 | +02183 | +022550 | Bunia | 12330 | +01567 | +030217 | Buta | 4100 | +02783 | +024783 | Butembo | 18400 | +00133 | +029267 | Gemena | 4460 | +03283 | +019783 | Goma intl airport | 15520 | -01683 | +029233 | Ilebo | 4420 | -04333 | +020583 | Inga | 2770 | -05517 | +013583 | Inongo | 3000 | -01967 | +018267 | Isiro | 7640 | +02767 | +027650 | Kalemie | 7900 | -05883 | +029183 | Kalima-in-kivu | 5690 | -02600 | +026550 | Kamina (zai-afb) | 11060 | -08633 | +025250 | Kananga | 6570 | -05883 | +022417 | Kapanga | 8820 | -08350 | +022583 | Kenge | 5630 | -04917 | +017067 | Kikwit | 4490 | -05033 | +018800 | Kindu | 4970 | -02950 | +025917 | Kinshasa/binza | 4450 | -04367 | +015250 | Kinshasa/n dolo | 2820 | -04317 | +015317 | Kinshasa/n`djili | 3120 | -04383 | +015433 | Kisangani (zai-afb) | 3960 | +00517 | +025183 | Kitona (zai-afb) | 1220 | -05917 | +012450 | Kolwezi | 15260 | -10717 | +025450 | Kongolo | 5610 | -05350 | +027000 | Libenge | 3430 | +03633 | +018633 | Lisala | 4630 | +02317 | +021567 | Lodja | 5000 | -03483 | +023433 | Lubumbashi/karavia | 12600 | -11650 | +027467 | Lubumbashi/luano | 12980 | -11667 | +027483 | Lubutu | 7620 | -00750 | +026567 | Luozi | 2360 | -04950 | +014133 | Luputa | 8800 | -07133 | +023733 | Lusambo | 4240 | -04967 | +023433 | Mambasa | 8550 | +01367 | +029067 | Manono | 6330 | -07283 | +027433 | Matadi/tshimpi | 3400 | -05800 | +013433 | Mbandaka | 3170 | +00050 | +018267 | Mbuji-mayi | 6770 | -06117 | +023567 | Mitwaba-in-shaba | 15970 | -08650 | +027333 | Moanda | 270 | -06000 | +012417 | Opala | 4050 | -00583 | +024350 | Rutshuru | 12750 | -01183 | +029450 | Tshikapa | 4810 | -06417 | +020850 |
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