WorldWide Index |
26 Jan 2025 |
Welcome ! Tageo.com is a database of geographic coordinate information. Tageo.com provides information about 2,667,417 cities in the whole world !!
Weather StationsStation | Elevation | Latitude (DD) | Longitude (DD) | Bago | 150 | +17333 | +096500 | Bhamo | 1130 | +24267 | +097200 | Bilin (dead) | 610 | +17217 | +097233 | Chauk (dead) | 820 | +20900 | +094833 | Coco island | 30 | +14117 | +093367 | Dawei | 170 | +14100 | +098217 | Falam | 13720 | +22917 | +093683 | Henzada | 260 | +17667 | +095417 | Hkamti | 1460 | +26000 | +095700 | Homalin | 1310 | +24867 | +094917 | Hpa-an/pa-an | 100 | +16750 | +097667 | Hsipaw | 4360 | +22600 | +097300 | Kalemyo | 1520 | +23200 | +094067 | Kalewa | 1090 | +23200 | +094300 | Katha | 950 | +24167 | +096333 | Kengtung | 8280 | +21300 | +099617 | Kyaukpyu/ramree isl | 50 | +19417 | +093550 | Lashio | 7490 | +22933 | +097750 | Loikaw | 8950 | +19683 | +097217 | Loilem | 13550 | +20917 | +097550 | Mandalay | 760 | +21983 | +096100 | Maubin | 50 | +16733 | +095650 | Mawlaik | 1160 | +23633 | +094417 | Meiktila | 2200 | +20833 | +095833 | Mergui | 370 | +12433 | +098600 | Minbu | 510 | +20167 | +094883 | Mindat | 13950 | +21383 | +093950 | Monghsat | 5720 | +20550 | +099267 | Monywa | 820 | +22100 | +095133 | Moulmein | 220 | +16500 | +097617 | Myingyan | 600 | +21467 | +095383 | Myitkyina | 1470 | +25367 | +097400 | Nyaung-u/pagan | 550 | +21200 | +094917 | Pakokku (dead) | 570 | +21333 | +095083 | Pathein/bassein | 100 | +16767 | +094767 | Prome/pye | 600 | +18800 | +095217 | Putao | 4090 | +27333 | +097417 | Pyinmana | 1040 | +19717 | +096217 | Rangoon/mingaladon | 330 | +16900 | +096133 | Sandoway/mazin | 110 | +18467 | +094350 | Shwebo | 1060 | +22583 | +095717 | Sittwe/akyab | 50 | +20133 | +092883 | Taunggyi | 14360 | +20783 | +097050 | Tharrawaddy | 150 | +17633 | +095800 | Toungoo | 490 | +18917 | +096467 | Victoria point | 470 | +09967 | +098583 | Yamethin | 1990 | +20417 | +096150 | Yangon intl myanmar | 330 | +16900 | +096133 | Ye | 30 | +15250 | +097867 |
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