WorldWide Index |
01 Feb 2025 |
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Weather StationsStation | Elevation | Latitude (DD) | Longitude (DD) | Adrar/touat | 2630 | +27883 | -000283 | Ain sefra | 10580 | +32767 | -000600 | Ain-bessam | 7480 | +36317 | +003533 | Alger port | 80 | +36767 | +003100 | Annaba/el mellah | 40 | +36833 | +007817 | Aoulef | 3090 | +26967 | +001083 | Arzew | 40 | +35817 | -000267 | Batna | 10520 | +35550 | +006183 | Bechar/ouakda | 7730 | +31617 | -002233 | Bejaia-port | 40 | +36750 | +005100 | Bejaia/soummam | 20 | +36717 | +005067 | Beni abbes | 4990 | +30133 | -002167 | Beni-saf | 680 | +35300 | -001350 | Biskra | 870 | +34800 | +005733 | Bordj bou arreridj | 9280 | +36067 | +004767 | Bordji b mokhtar | 3980 | +21333 | +000950 | Bou-saada | 4610 | +35333 | +004200 | Bouchegouf | 1110 | +36500 | +007717 | Bouira | 6350 | +36383 | +003900 | Cap carbon | 40 | +36750 | +005100 | Cap falcon | 1040 | +35767 | -000800 | Chlef | 1430 | +36217 | +001333 | Constantine/el bey | 6940 | +36283 | +006617 | Dar-el-beida/houari | 250 | +36717 | +003250 | Dellys | 120 | +36917 | +003950 | Djanet/tiska | 10540 | +24550 | +009467 | Djelfa/tletsi | 11780 | +34667 | +003350 | El bayadh | 13410 | +33667 | +001000 | El golea | 3970 | +30567 | +002867 | El kheiter | 10000 | +34150 | +000067 | El oued/guemer | 630 | +33500 | +006117 | El-kala | 100 | +36900 | +008450 | Ft flatters/bordj-o | 3870 | +28133 | +006817 | Ghardaia/noumerate | 4500 | +32383 | +003817 | Ghazaouet | 830 | +35100 | -001867 | Guelma | 2270 | +36467 | +007467 | Hassi-messaoud/irar | 1420 | +31667 | +006150 | Hassir`mel | 7640 | +32933 | +003283 | Ighil izane | 750 | +35733 | +000533 | Illizi/illirane | 5580 | +26500 | +008417 | In amenas/zarzaitin | 5620 | +28050 | +009633 | In salah | 2930 | +27200 | +002467 | In salah north | 2690 | +27250 | +002517 | In-guezzam | 4110 | +19567 | +005767 | Jijel | 20 | +36833 | +005783 | Jijel/taher | 20 | +36833 | +005783 | Khenchella | 11160 | +35417 | +007150 | Ksar chellala | 8000 | +35167 | +002317 | Laghouat | 7650 | +33767 | +002933 | Maghnia | 4260 | +34817 | -001783 | Mascara | 4740 | +35600 | +000300 | Mascara/ghriss | 5110 | +35267 | +000150 | Mecheria | 11490 | +34933 | -000433 | Medea | 9810 | +36267 | +002750 | Miliana | 7150 | +36300 | +002233 | Mostaganem | 1370 | +35883 | +000117 | M`sila | 4410 | +35667 | +004500 | Naama | 11660 | +33267 | -000300 | Oran port | 220 | +35700 | -000650 | Oran tafaraoui | 1110 | +35483 | -000517 | Oran/es senia | 900 | +35633 | -000600 | Oran/tafaroui | 0 | +35483 | -000533 | Ouargla | 1410 | +31917 | +005400 | Oum el bouaghi | 8890 | +35883 | +007117 | Saida | 7700 | +34867 | +000150 | Setif/ain-arnat | 10380 | +36183 | +005417 | Sidi bel abbes | 4500 | +35183 | -002617 | Skikda | 70 | +36933 | +006950 | Souk ahras | 6800 | +36283 | +007950 | Tamanrasset | 13780 | +22783 | +005517 | Tamanrasset/aguenna | 13770 | +22817 | +005467 | Tebessa | 8130 | +35483 | +008132 | Tenes | 590 | +36550 | +001333 | Tiaret | 11270 | +35250 | +001433 | Timimoun | 3120 | +29250 | +000283 | Tindouf | 4310 | +27667 | -008132 | Tizi-ouzou | 1950 | +36700 | +004050 | Tlemcen/zenata | 8050 | +34867 | -001333 | Touggourt/sidi mahd | 850 | +33117 | +006133 |
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