WorldWide Index
30 Jan 2025
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Republic of south africa (ZA)

Africa/South africa/Northern province

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
1,219,090 km2
rand (ZAR)
Latitude / Longitude
29 00 24 00 E
GDP (PPP) per capita
11,000 $

Maake | Maakeslokasie | Maandagshoek | Maasstroom | Mabiligwe | Mabitseng | Mabitsi | Mabokotswane | Mabotsha | Mabul's location | Mabuladihlare | Mabyepelong | Machichaan's location | Mackenzie | Madabani | Madaheni | Madibong | Madiga | Madiiba | Madika | Madilo | Madimbo | Madombidzha | Mafatle | Mafefeslokasie | Mafsiagobaba | Magagamatala | Magapaneng | Magatle | Magogotiou | Magolapong | Magovani | Magukubjane | Magwaneng | Mahlangu | Mahlar'we | Mahlasi | Mahlathi | Mahlatjani | Mahlatse | Mahlwareng | Mahubahuba | Mahwelereng | Mahwibitswane | Makadikwe | Makapansgat | Makatiane | Makekeng | Makgake | Makgari | Makgaung | Makgoba | Makgodu | Makgwadibeng | Makgwareng | Makhuva | Makhwibiding | Makonde | Makopung | Makpopeng | Makuba's location | Makubu | Makuleni | Makumbane | Makurung | Makushane location | Makweng | Makweya | Malagakwini | Malehlage | Maleketla | Malele | Malematsa | Malipsdrif | Malokele | Malokong | Malope | Mamaila | Mamathola location | Mamehlabe | Mametjaslokasie | Mamitwa's location | Mamitwaskop | Mamokololo | Mamosweu | Mampana | Mamphokgo | Manaileng | Manamane | Manamela | Manapsane | Manawaneng | Manganeng | Mangata | Mangondi | Mankoeng | Manoge | Mantheding | Manthorwane | Manyaka | Manyanga | Manyapje | Manyeleti | Maotsi | Mapani | Mapareng | Mapela | Maphopha | Mara | Maranikhwe | Maratheng | Mare | Mareleng | Maribie | Maripathekong | Maripi | Mariveni | Marken | Marnitz | Marogorogong | Maropeng | Marowe | Marulaneng | Masanteng | Masehleng | Maseki location | Masekwameng | Mashabela | Mashapa | Mashashane | Mashisimali location | Mashite | Masikhwa | Masisi | Masite | Masobohleng | Matabatas location | Mataia's location | Matangari | Matebeleng | Mathabatha | Mathapisa | Mathateng | Matlabas | Matlala | Matlale | Matlametlong | Matokslokasie | Matome | Matsepe | Matshakatini | Matshavhawe | Matshira | Matshiretsane | Matshupe | Matsila | Matsitsilene | Matsoane | Maubane | Mauluma | Mawa |
Mbabat | Mbhawula | Mbokota |
Mdlazi |
Meadowbank | Meetse | Meetse-a-bophelo | Megoring | Mehlakong | Mekgobane | Mela | Melau | Melkrivier | Merensky | Merinovlakte | Merry pebble stream | Messina | Metz |
Mhalamhala |
Mica | Middelwater | Mieliekloof | Mimosa | Miohe | Mirogoma | Mispah | Mission | Mitxetweni |
Mmadigorong | Mmafefe | Mmahlogo | Mmakala | Mmakotse | Mmalebogoslokasie | Mmamati | Mmamatlakala | Mmankgaile | Mmanopi | Mmatladi | Mmatseke | Mmotwaneng |
Modjadje's location | Modjadji | Modubeng | Moebani | Moepeng | Moetagare | Moetladimo | Mogaba | Mogaladi | Mogalakwena | Mogalatsana | Mogales | Moganyake | Mogapeng | Mogashoa | Mogoboya | Mogoboyaslokasie | Mogologolo | Mogoto | Moheme | Mohlaba's location | Mohlahlareng | Mohlajeng | Mohlarutse | Mohlotshi | Mokoropo | Mokudung | Mokumuru | Mokurwanyane | Mokwena | Molapong | Molautse | Molemaslokasie | Molepos location | Moletlane | Molsgat | Mongalo | Mongatane | Monotwane | Monsterlus | Monte christo | Monywaneng | Mooiklip | Moomane | Mopane | Mophamamona | Morapaneng | Moria | Moripane | Morotse | Morotsi | Moruji | Mosehleng | Mosetamong | Moshira | Mosira | Mositone | Mosuka | Motantanyana | Mothagale | Motlamotshe | Motlolo | Motolong | Motsane | Motseleope | Motserereng | Motsetladi | Motshele | Motshitong | Motswintswinyane | Motutulong |
Mpapuli location | Mphakane | Mphake | Mphalong | Mphanama | Mphelelo | Mpudulle |
Mtititi |
Muduluni | Muhuyu | Mukhomi | Mukumbani | Mulati | Muledane | Mulenzhe | Mulenzheslokasie | Muraleni | Murchison | Musekwa | Musunda | Mutale | Muthambi | Muthati | Mutshavhawe | Muungadi |
Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |