WorldWide Index
03 Jan 2025
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Federal republic of germany (DE)


 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
357,022 km2
euros (EUR)
Latitude / Longitude
51 00 9 00 E
GDP (PPP) per capita
37,900 $

Gabens | Gackau | Gadenstedt | Gadesbunden | Gahlstorf | Gailhof | Galing | Gamehlen | Gammens | Gamsen | Ganderkesee | Gandersum | Gandesbergen | Gannerwinkel | Gansau | Ganse | Ganspe | Garbolzum | Garbsen | Gardessen | Garen | Garenernieholt | Garlebsen | Garlstedt | Garlstorf | Garmhausen | Garmissen | Garnholterdamm | Garrel | Garssen | Garstedt | Gartenstadt | Garthauserreihe | Garthe | Gartow | Garze | Gaste | Gastriege | Gastrup | Gastweg | Gaue | Gauel | Gauensiek | Gavendorf |
Gebhardshagen | Gedelitz | Geest | Geestdorf | Geeste | Geestefeld | Geestenseth | Gehege | Gehlbergen | Gehlenberg | Gehrde | Gehrden | Gehren | Gehrener sielwende | Gehrenrode | Geismar | Geitelde | Gelldorf | Gellen | Gellenbeck | Gellersen | Gelliehausen | Gelshof | Gemkental | Georgsdorf | Georgsheil | Georgsmarienhutte | Gerblingerode | Gerdau | Gerdehaus | Gerden | Geringhusen | Germershausen | Gersten | Gerstenbuttel | Gerzen | Gesmold | Gessel | Gestorf | Getelo | Getelomoor | Gevensleben | Geversdorf | Geveshausen | Geveshauser grad |
Gieboldehausen | Giehle | Giehlermoor | Gielau | Gielde | Gienau | Giersberg | Giersdorf-schanzendorf | Gierswalde | Giesen | Giesselhorst | Gifhorn | Gifkendorf | Giften | Gilde | Gildehaus | Gillersheim | Gilmerdingen | Gilten | Gilzum | Gimte | Gingermuhlen | Gistenbeck | Gittelde | Gitter |
Gladebeck | Glandorf | Glane | Glansdorf | Glashof | Glashutte | Glassdorf | Gledeberg | Gleesen | Gleidingen | Glentorf | Glesse | Glieneitz | Glienitz | Gliesmarode | Glinde | Glinstedt | Glissen | Gluckauf | Glum | Glusing | Glusingen | Glusingerlohe |
Gnarrenburg |
Gockenholz | Goddenstedt | Goddern | Goddingen | Godenau | Godensholt | Godensholterfeld | Godensholterweg | Godenstedt | Godenstorf | Godestorf | Godringen | Godshorn | Gohbeck | Gohlau | Gohlefanz | Gohr | Gohrde | Goldbeck | Goldberg | Goldene linie | Goldenstedt | Goldmoor | Golenkamp | Gollau | Gollern | Golmbach | Golriehenfeld | Golste | Golzwarden | Golzwarderaltendeich | Golzwardersiel | Golzwarderwurp | Gorleben | Gosebrock | Gosewerder | Goslar | Gothel | Gothen | Gottels | Gottien | Gottingen | Gottingerode | Gotzdorf | Govelin | Goxe |
Grabau | Grabow | Grabstede | Grabstederfeld | Grafel | Grafeld | Grafelde | Grafenfeld | Grafhorst | Grafinghausen | Grafschaft | Graftlage | Grambergen | Gramke | Grandorf | Granstedt | Grapel | Grapperhausen | Grappermons | Grasbeck | Grasberg | Grasdorf | Grasebilde | Grasengrund | Grashorn | Grasleben | Grassel | Graste | Graue | Grauen | Grauerort | Grauhof | Graulingen | Grave | Gravenholt | Gravenhorst | Grebshorn | Grebswarden | Greehorn | Greene | Greetsiel | Grefenmoor | Gremsheim | Grete | Gretenberg | Gretesch | Grethem | Greven | Grewenweise | Griemshorst | Griessem | Grift | Grimersum | Grimersumer-altedeich | Grimm | Grimmelhausen | Grimmens | Grindau | Gristede | Groden | Grohnde | Gronau | Grone | Gronheim | Gronloh | Groothusen | Grops | Gross algermissen | Gross aschen | Gross aspe | Gross banratz | Gross bawinkel | Gross berkel | Gross berssen | Gross biewende | Gross bornhorst | Gross borstel | Gross bramstedt | Gross breese | Gross brunsrode | Gross buchholz | Gross bulten | Gross dahlum | Gross denkte | Gross dohren | Gross dorgen | Gross drehle | Gross dungen | Gross eicklingen | Gross eilstorf | Gross eissel | Gross elbe | Gross ellenberg | Gross ellershausen | Gross erve | Gross escherde | Gross flothe | Gross forste | Gross fredenbeck | Gross fulkum | Gross fullen | Gross gaddau | Gross garnholt | Gross giesen | Gross gleidingen | Gross gusborn | Gross haltern | Gross hauslingen | Gross heere | Gross hegesdorf | Gross hehlen | Gross heide | Gross heins | Gross henstedt | Gross hesebeck | Gross hesepe | Gross hilligsfeld | Gross himstedt | Gross hollwedel | Gross holum | Gross hutbergen | Gross ilde | Gross ilsede | Gross ippener | Gross klecken | Gross kohren | Gross kuhren | Gross lafferde | Gross lengden | Gross lessen | Gross leversen | Gross liedern | Gross lobke | Gross mackenstedt | Gross mahner | Gross malchau | Gross margens | Gross meckelsen | Gross midlum | Gross mimmelage | Gross moor | Gross munzel | Gross nenndorf | Gross oesingen | Gross ostiem | Gross pretzier | Gross rhuden | Gross ringmar | Gross roscharden | Gross rosenweide | Gross scheep | Gross schneen | Gross sehlingen | Gross sisbeck | Gross sittensen | Gross solschen | Gross sommerbeck | Gross sottrum | Gross stavern | Gross steinum | Gross sterneberg | Gross stockheim | Gross sustedt | Gross thondorf | Gross thun | Gross todtshorn | Gross twulpstedt | Gross upende | Gross vahlberg | Gross varlingen | Gross werdum | Gross winnigstedt | Gross wittefelderort | Gross wittfeitzen | Gross wohnste | Grossburgwedel | Grosseholz | Grossenberg | Grossenging | Grossenhain | Grossenhalm | Grossenheidorn | Grossenkneten | Grossenrode | Grossensiel | Grossenvorde | Grossenwede | Grossenwieden | Grossenworden | Grosser kamp | Grossfedderwarden | Grossfreden | Grossgoltern | Grossheide | Grosshorst | Grossmoor | Grossoldendorf | Grossringe | Grosssander | Grosssoltborg | Grosswitzeetze | Grosswolde | Grosswolderfeld | Grosswurden | Grotegaste | Grove | Grovern | Grummersort | Grumsmuhlen | Grundeich | Grundoldendorf | Grunegras | Grunemoor | Grunendeich | Grunenkamp | Grunenplan | Grunewald | Grunhagen | Grupenhagen | Gruppenbuhren | Grussendorf | Gruthugel |
Gudehausen | Gudendorf | Guderhandviertel | Guhlitz | Guhreitzen | Gulden | Gulstorf | Gulze | Gummelstede | Gummer | Gummern | Gumse | Guntersen | Gustau | Gustedt | Gustritz | Gutitz |
Gyhum |
Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |