WorldWide Index
02 Feb 2025
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Jamaica (JM)

America/Jamaica/Jamaica (general)

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
10,991 km2
Jamaican dollars (JMD)
Latitude / Longitude
18 15 77 30 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
9,000 $

Albatross bank
Alligator pond bay
Alligator reef
Anchovy gully
Banner reef
Bare bush cay
Barrack reef
Beth rock
Biddlecombe shoal
Big half moon cay
Big pelican island
Blossom bank
Blower rock
Blue mountain peak
Boat stag reef
Breezy point
Broad stag shoal
Brune bank
Bull bay
Bull bay river
Bull savanna
C shoal
California bank
Candle fly peak
Canoe gully
Caribbean sea
Cave river
Chalky river
Cold spring gap
Corn pass gap
County of cornwall
County of middlesex
County of surrey
Crong shoal
D shoals
Don figuerero mountains
Doyle shoal
E shoal
East middle ground
East peak
F shoal
Fifty six shoal
Fox gap
Fox rocks
Fresh river
G shoal
Galatea rock
Georges plain mountain
Ginger river
Great breaker
Great river
Great river bay
Green river
Guys hill
Hectors river
Henry holmes bank
Hunts bay
Inner barrack reefs
Jacobs brook
Jamaica channel
John crow mountains
John crow peak
Juan de bolas river
Juniper gap
Kingston bank
Lamottes bank
Lee passage
Leith hall gap
Lime cay
Lime cay shoal
Little pelican island
Little reef
Locality called big level
Long bay
Long mountain
Long reef
Long stag shoal
Mackerel bank
Manchester highlands
Mark post shoal
Middle cay
Middle ground
Middle peak
Moor reef
Morant cays
Morces gap
Mother gun reef
Mount zion
New bank
New river
Norseman bank
Northeast cay
Northwest ridge
Oldburn hill
Orange river
Outer shoal
Page shoal
Palmetto bay
Pear tree grove
Pedro bank
Pedro cays
Pedro river
Pigeon island
Port royal mountains
Portland bight
Portland gap
Portland rock
Powell knoll
Quashie river
Queen of spains valley
Ravient reef
Rio bueno
Rio bueno harbour
Rio grande
Robertson shoal
Rosey hole
Scotts cove
Shannon shoal
Shooting river
Silver hill gap
Sir johns peak
South cay
South east cay
South knolls
South rock
Southeast cay
Southwest cay
Southwest rock
Stoddards peak
Stony river
Style reef
Sugar loaf peak
Sunbury bank
Tamarind reef
The cockpit country
The grand ridge of the blue mountains
The great morass
Turtle head shoal
Wag water river
Walton bank
West middle knoll
West middle shoal
White river
Whitney turn
Willsteed rock
Yallahs river

Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |