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Republique cooperative de la guyane (GY)

Amerique/Guyane/Essequibo islands-west demerara

 Principaux Aéroports |  Stations météo |  Principales montagnes |  Population des villes principales
214'969 km2
Guyanese dollars (GYD)
Latitude / Longitude
5 00 59 00 W
PIB par habitant
7'500 $


Aan de adventure | Akarakuru creek | Akorikoria island | Aku | Akuiaru creek | Aliki | Aliki shoal | Alliance | Amakaira creek | Amersfort | Ampa | Ampa creek | Ampa point | Amsterdam | Anarwa creek | Anna catherina | Anna maria | Ants creek | Arakwa | Arakwa river | Arawarri river | Aritak creek | Aritaka | Arthurville | Aurora |

Baboon hole | Bagotville | Baiwarri creek | Banakari | Bank hall | Bara bara creek | Barnwell | Bartenstein | Beau sejour | Beau voisin | Beehive | Belfield | Belfield bank | Belle plaine | Belle plaine bank | Belle vue | Bendorff | Bergendaal | Beribissiballi | Beribissiballi creek | Berlin | Berlin creek | Bethany | Bethany spit | Big stone rock | Bimiti creek | Bissy | Bissy bank | Black creek | Black river | Plus... B)

Caledonia | Canal number one | Cane garden | Canefield | Catherina sophia | Certain hope | Chalmers point | Chantilly | Charters | Chateau truro | Claremont | Clemwood | Concordia | Cornelia | Cornelia ida | Cottage | Cow pen creek | Crabadanni creek | Cuss |

Doctor fly | Doime | Domburg | Doorn haag | Drysdale | Duck island | Dukalabu island | Dukalabu islands | Durabanna creek | Durukwaru creek |

Eagles rust | Edinburgh | Elizabeth | Elizabeth ann | Endeavour | English island | Enterprise | Epikuri creek | Essequibo islands-west demerara region | Experience |

Farm village district | Fellowship | Fennel creek | Fish bank | Fort island | Fort island spit | Fraser rocks | Fredericksburg | Free and easy | Friendship | Fudikabra creek |

Geneve | Gibbs shoal | Goedverwagting | Good hope | Good hope shoal | Good intent | Good success | Great truli island | Greenwich park | Grindstone creek | Grit shoal | Groenveldt | Groete river | Gully creek |

Hague | Hanover | Harlem | Henrietta | Hermanstyne | Hermitage | Herstelling | Het princenhoff | Hurawia creek | Hurinabu creek | Hurudaia creek | Huruwassaru creek | Huruwia creek | Hyde park and grove | Hydronie |

Irlem rock | Isle of ayr | Itaka | Itaka creek | Ituri benabu island |

Jacob shoal | Jacoba constantia | Jacobs lust | Java | Jockey island | Johanna | Jumby creek |

Kakatiri | Kakatiri creek | Kalaloo creek | Kamahuni creek | Kamakura creek | Kamakuru | Kamakuru islands | Kamawarri creek | Kamudikabra creek | Kamwatta | Kantam creek | Kapawari creek | Karabaru island | Karia | Karia creek | Kariakaria | Kassakwia river | Kauyak | Keriti creek | Kilmarnock | Kingston | Klien paris | Klien pouderoyen | Klyn en rhyn | Koriab creek | Kumaramara creek | Kumaru | Kumaru island | Kunenama creek | Kurubaka creek | Plus... K)

L'esperance | L'oratoire | La bagatelle | La jalousie | La parfaite harmonie | La resource | La retraite | Lanaballi | Lanaballi creek | Lanaballi point | Lands of osborne | Larimakabra | Lau lau | Lau lau islands | Le desir | Le destin | Leguan bank | Leguan island | Leguan local government district | Leonora | Leyden | Liberty island | Little beribissiballi creek | Little cartwright creek | Little dukalaba island | Little lanaballi creek | Little truli island | Little turu creek | Lookabu | Lookout | Plus... L)

Mabiri creek | Macaw creek | Maibari islands | Mainap creek | Maipuri creek | Makko creek | Makouria | Makouria island | Makwakaru island | Makwakuru | Malgre tout | Maltha | Mamakabra | Mamariku | Mamarikuru bank | Mamarikuru island | Manaka | Manaka creek | Manakura island | Mango creek | Mango tree landing | Maramara creek | Maraturia island | Maria elizabeth | Maria johanna | Marias lodge | Marias pleasure | Marimari creek | Marionville | Maripa | Plus... M)

Naamless | Naamryck | Naamryck shoal | Nerva creek | New aanlegt | New belle plaine | New friendship | New hanover | New saint eustatius | Nismes | Noitgedacht | North lau lau island | Nouvelle flanders | Nouvelle flanders-la jalousie village district |

Okum | Onderneeming | Onderwinding | Orangefield | Orangestein | Ostend | Osterbeck | Oweanna river |

Pairuwa creek | Pairuwa islands | Palmyra bank | Palmyra creek | Parika | Parika-salem village district | Patentia | Patientia | Pedder shoal | Peruka creek | Philadelphia | Phoenix | Phoenix town | Pigeon island | Pigeon island bank | Pigeon rock | Pipe creek | Pleasing hope | Pokerero river | Potoraro island | Present hope | Primrose hill | Princess carolina | Prospect | Putagee creek |

Quarto banabu island |

Rachael | Ramsburg | Retrieve | Reynstein | Richmond | Richmond hill | Ridge | Rock island | Rock point | Rock point quarry | Roden rust | Rosetta | Rotterdam | Ruby | Ruimzigt | Rushbrook |

Sail rock | Saint lawrence | Salem | Salt creek | Sand creek | Sand hills | Sand hills-makouria road | Sans souci | Santa amerindian district | Sarah | Sarahs hope | Sarahs rest | Sarepapa river | Saribebe creek | Sawarri creek | Saxakalli | Saxakalli point | Saxakalli shoals | Schoonoven creek | Sealy creek | Seribebe creek | Seripapa creek | Ship channel | Simirie | Simirie creek | Soesdyk | Soesdyke | Soesdyke village district | Sophias rust | South durabana creek | Plus... S)

Takatuni creek | Tawara creek | Te huis te coverden | Teazer creek | Teddington | Tenabu river | Tenez ferme | Tewkesbury | The bell | The best | The boff | The commons | Truli pile | Tukurukuru creek | Tupper bank | Turu creek | Tuschen | Tuschen de vrienden | Twee gebroeders | Two brothers | Two brothers islands | Two hands creek |

Uniform | Unity | Urakabra creek |

Vauxhall | Vergenoegen | Versailles | Vertrouwen | Visselvalligheid | Vive-la-force | Voorburg | Vreed en stein | Vreed en vriendenschap | Vrouw anna |

Waia creek | Waiakabra creek | Waipotosi island | Wakenaam island | Wakenaam local government district | Wales | Wales sugar factory | Wallers delight | Walton hall | Warakabra creek | Waramundi creek | Warapana creek | Waratilla creek | Warida | Warida creek | Warimia creek | Waterloo | Weed shoal | Weithers bank | Weri-werai-kuru river | Westminster | Weswa creek | White river | Windsor forest | Worm bank | Worm island |

Yamparri creek | Yaruni | Yaruni creek | Yearwood bank | Yoruba |

Zorg en vlygt |
Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |