WorldWide Index
23 Jan 2025
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Federal democratic republic of ethiopia (ET)


 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
1,104,300 km2
Addis Ababa
birr (ETB)
Latitude / Longitude
8 00 38 00 E
GDP (PPP) per capita
1,100 $


A'i kuti | Aba gerima | Aba mekereyta | Aba selama | Abuna abiesghi | Abushulo | Ach'alak'o | Ach'indow | Ad arisc | Ad garab sadiai | Ad zelaco | Ada ela | Adadi arare | Adaito ela | Adawro | Adbidora | Adda marmariti | Addeche | Addi cimnu | Addi culcul | Addi dacno | Addi felassie | Addi gidad | Addi onfito | Addisc addi | Adeha | Adellet | Adengwar | Adeseb | Adesta | More... A)

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Cacciamo | Celao | Celecot | Ch'aha'i | Ch'e'ames kebet | Ch'egwaro | Ch'ek'on | Ch'elek'ot | Ch'emero | Ch'eray | Ch'erch'er | Ch'idara | Ch'ilak'ira | Ch'irarwa | Ch'okl'wa | Chechin | Chelena | Cheli | Cheraro | Chetzin calat | Ciarasiga | Cocomet | Colqualuque | Crustaba | Cuachene sceticot |

Da'ada'a | Daba tadis | Diyadib | Diyobera | Dolo | Dongollo | Dongwar | Du'alga | Dubere | Dudassa | Dugu'a | Duhuts'a | Dum | Dur anbesa | Dura | Durubu |

Edai | Edelo | Edno | Enda corcos | Enda mariam goresa | Enda mariam tucul | Enda ras | Endabba mariam | Endebo | Endelot | Enderta | Enghebeto | Era |

Fadi | Felege hafo | Fereg da'iro | Feresmay | Ferg inder | Ferima | Fidis | Fighisia | Fik're sini | Finarwa | Fingilat | Firt'at'a | Fiscio | Fiya k'eshi | Furkwa |

Ga'ashi | Gabir sagudo | Gabule | Gaela | Gamra | Gararsa | Gargara | Gasat | Gebre tela | Gedeba | Gedel negedu | Gelebeda | Gelila | Gema | Gembela | Gendebta | Genti | Gera | Gera suru | Gera'alta | Gerahu sirnay | Gerarsa | Gereb didik' | Geregidi | Gergember | Geri'igab | Germ kiram | Geyges | Ghebro | Gherebela | More... G)

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Iboyto | Idaga hamus | Idim | Igre hariba | Ihsa'a | Ilkin | Imba iwir | Imbaza | Ime behole | Inda aba iyosyas | Inda aba ts'ahma | Inda iyesus | Inda maryam | Inda maryam ts'iyon | Inda medhani `alem | Inda mesk'el | Inda micha'al | Inda mika'el | Inda senbet | Inda sheket | Inda silase | Inda tekle haymanot | Indaba ts'ahma | Indabaguna | Indeher giba | Indirk'an | Infara | Info | Inguleyta | Inine | More... I)

Jebrara | Jeno umera | Ji'u | Jiba | Jijira | Jireno |

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Lacci | Lahlaha | Lashwa | Lawesa | Legas | Lelegheddi | Leyto | Ligat | Logol ch'ak'o | Lomorni | Lubacdebot | Lugde | Luguda |

Ma'ajeraro | Maara | Mabra | Macargot | Macolle | Magghiete | Maglalla | Mahaweri'a | Mahbere daguea | Mahila | Mai agunore | Mai celfo | Mai daro | Mai ghibba | Mai manru | Mai scebenni | Mai surru | Mai timchet | Mai uaro | Mai uollel | Maianesti | Mak'udi | Makmati iwir | Malk'a | Manch'elfo | Marafluba | Mariam beleb | Mariam setta | Mark'os | Masheh | More... M)

Na'alet | Na'ider | Nadir | Nagahe | Nebelet | Nefag | Negash | Negdai | Nerake |

Ozentari |

Rama | Ramaliye | Re'ayle | Ru'usu dur | Rubayta |

Sabba | Sacca | Safiya | Sahua | Sale | Samre | Santa | Santana | Satiya | Schemai | Sciarca | Sciarre | Sciumsciaca | Sebaira | Sebca | Sebebera | Sebema | Sebriye | Segenet | Selekleka | Sellasi adgu | Semema | Semro kristos | Seni`ale | Senowalwa | Sents'erech | Serahiti | Serba | Serghiem | Sesat | More... S)

T'afa | T'aget | T'aleta | T'art'ene | T'ek'ot | T'ela | T'erezba | T'et'a | T'uhuli | Tabir | Tawad | Tayre | Tebay | Tegora | Tegorgwa | Tekle haymanot | Teko'a | Teli'al | Temben | Tembo | Tera | Terenga | Tetama | Tewleh | Thio adoli | Ts'a'ida adi | Ts'a'ida imba | Ts'a'ilega | Ts'a`ida sa`iri | Ts'abat | More... T)

Unko | Uogheue | Uorieghe | Uotellaco | Urgarra | Urucur | Utza guza |

Wa'akei | Wa'ira | Waga'ade | Waren | Wazga | Wegrezih | Wek'ar duba | Weldayo | Welde isti | Welderek | Wemberet | Werga agazin | Wergesha | Weteg | Weyk'a'eb | Weyra wuha | Wijig | Wik'ro | Winibo | Wisak'ra | Wut'uh |

Ya'awo | Yaha | Yebileyn | Yech'ilay | Yemad | Yeresere | Yese'a | Yifet | Yirga |

Zaban harbey | Zihon t'eref | Zik'uli | Zoguac | Zufan |

`ayn `alem | `aynu |
Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |