Annuaire Mondial
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Irlande (IE)


 Principaux Aéroports |  Stations météo |  Principales montagnes |  Population des villes principales
70'273 km2
euros (EUR)
Latitude / Longitude
53 00 8 00 W
PIB par habitant
39'500 $


Abbeyleix | Aghaboe | Aghaboe grange | Aghadreen | Aghancon | Aghaterry | Aghcross | Aghnakily | Aghoney | Aghreena | Aharney house | An sraidbhaile | Annagh bridge | Annegrove abbey | Ardateggle | Arderin | Ardled | Ardough house | Arless | Ashfield | Ashfield hall | Attanagh |

Badgerhill house | Badgerisland | Baile an chaisleain | Baile atha an roine | Baile na coille | Baile ui laigheanain | Ballaghmore | Balleagh house | Ballickmoyler | Ballinakill | Ballinfrose house | Ballinfulla | Ballinrally | Ballintaggart | Ballinteskin | Ballintlea | Ballintubbert | Ballyadams | Ballyboodin | Ballybrittas | Ballybrophy | Ballycarnan | Ballycarroll house | Ballyclare bridge | Ballyclider | Ballycolla | Ballycoolan | Ballycrossal | Ballycuddahy | Ballydavis | Plus... B)

Camira cross roads | Camross | Cannonswood cross roads | Capard house | Cappalinnan | Cappalough house | Cappanarrow | Cappanrush | Cardtown house | Carn bridge | Carnahinch mountain | Carrick house | Carrowreagh | Cashel | Castle durrow | Castlecutte | Castlefleming house | Castlefleming lodge | Castlegrogan house | Castletown | Castletown house | Castlewood house | Cathole bridge | Charleville house | Cherryhill house | Clarahill | Clarbarracum | Cleanagh | Clogh | Clonadacasey | Plus... C)

Dolmen | Donaghmore | Donore house | Doolough house | Doonane | Drimmo | Drumagh | Drummin | Drummond | Dunamase house | Dunmore | Dunrally bridge | Durrow | Dysart |

Edmonsbury house | Emo | Emo court | Erkina river | Errill | Esker | Esker lodge |

Fairy mount | Farmhill | Farmleigh | Farran cross roads | Farrans | Farranville house | Fermoyle | Fisherstown house | Forest bridge | Forest house | Forest upper | Fossy | Fossy hill | Fuer river | Fushoge river |

Gales hill | Gallows hill | Garranmaconly | Garrendenny castle | Garryduff | Garryglass house | Garrymaddock | Garryvacum house | General's road | Glasha cross roads | Glenavurder bridge | Glenbower | Glendine gap | Glendineoregan | Glenlahan river | Glenmalir | Gorragh river | Gortahile | Gorteen | Gorteen river | Gracefield | Graigue | Graigueadrisly | Graigueavallagh house | Graigueavoice | Graiguenahown | Grange | Grange beg | Grange castle | Grantstown lough | Plus... G)

Hacketts hill | Hammerlane | Harristown | Harristown cross roads | Herondale house | Hewson hill | Heywood house | Huntington |

Inch cross roads | Inch house | Inchacooly | Inchanisky | Irishtown house | Ironmills bridge | Iry |

Jake's hill | Jamestown | Jamestown house |

Keeloge south | Kellavil | Kennel cross roads | Kilbricken | Kilbride | Kilcavan | Kilcoke lodge | Kilcolnanbane | Kilconne | Kilcotton | Kilcruise | Kildellig | Kilgory | Killabban | Killadooley | Killadooley house | Killaghra | Killamuck | Killane house | Killart house | Killeen | Killeen house | Killeen river | Killenard | Killeshin | Killyganard | Kilmanman | Kilmorony | Kilmorony house | Kilmullen house | Plus... K)

Lacca manor | Lackey | Lady's bridge | Lamberton house | Lansdowne house | Laois | Larch hill | Larkin's cross roads | Laught | Lauragh | Laurel hill | Leagh | Leap castle | Levally house | Lisduff | Lisduff house | Lisduff station | Lismore house | Lodgefield house | Long island well | Longford | Lough | Loughlass | Luggacurren |

Maganey bridge | Maidenhead house | Maighean ratha | Mainistir laoise | Mannin house | Mayo | Meelick | Middlemount house | Milltown house | Modubeagh | Mointeach milic | Moll joy's hill | Monavea | Mondrehid house | Monettia bog | Monnagh | Moore's cross roads | Moorfield house | Moscow | Mount henry | Mount salem | Mounteagle | Mountmellick | Mountrath | Mountrath and castletown station | Mountrath river | Moyadd bridge | Moyne house | Mullaghanard cross roads | Mungan | Plus... M)

Nealstown | New bridge | New castle | New inn cross roads | New mills | Newtown | Newtown house | Northgrove |

Old town | Oldglass | Oldleagh | Owenass river |

Pallas | Park house | Pass house | Pass of the plumes | Peafield house | Pike of rush hall | Pimlico | Pit house | Pollmounty bridge | Port laoise | Portarlington | Prospect house |

Quaker's bridge |

Raheen | Raheenabrogue | Raheenaniska | Raheenanisky | Raheenduff house | Raheennahown house | Rahin house | Ralish | Rath domhnaigh | Rath house | Rathdaire house | Rathdowney | Rathleague house | Rathnakelly | Rathnaleugh | Rathsaran | Rearyvale house | Rearyvalley | Redgate cross roads | Ridge of capard | Ridge of maryborough | Ringstown uplands | River blackwater | River douglas | River goul | River gully | Rockaugh lodge | Rockheel hill | Rosenallis | Rosnamullane | Plus... R)

Sallyford cross roads | Sallyypark | Sconee lower | Scotchrath house | Scrub and glenmacolla | Sentry hill | Sentry lodge | Shanahoe | Shanavaur | Shanavolla | Shanboe | Shean hill | Sheffield | Shrule castle | Skehanagh house | Skirke house | Slat lower | Slatt bridge | Slatt upper | Slealy | Sleatygraigue | Soldier's hill | Southfield house | Spink | Springfield | Springhill | Springhill house | Springmount house | Srah | Srahanboy | Plus... S)

Tankardstown bridge | Tankardstown house | Tenakill house | The cones | The curragh | The cut | The great heath of maryborough | The heath house | The togher | Triogue river | Trumra | Tubbrid | Tullomoy house | Tullore cross roads | Turra | Twomile bridge |

Valleyfield house | Vicarstown |

Water castle | Wheelahans bridge | Whitebog | Wolfhill | Woodbrook house | Woodfield |

Yellowpit cross roads |
Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |