Annuaire Mondial
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Irlande (IE)

Europe/Irlande/Ireland (general)

 Principaux Aéroports |  Stations météo |  Principales montagnes |  Population des villes principales
70'273 km2
euros (EUR)
Latitude / Longitude
53 00 8 00 W
PIB par habitant
39'500 $


Aasleagh | Abbert | Abbert river | Abbeyshrule | Adoon station | Aghadoe house | Aghagower | Aghalane | Aghamore | Aghamore house | Aghanvilla | Aille | Aille river | Akinkeen | Altamira house | Amiens street station | Anablaha | Anglesey mountain | Annagh bog | Annagh river | Annaghmore | Annaghmore lough | Annakisha | Annalee river | Annefield house | Anner river | Anneville house | Anns fort | Ardagh house | Ardakillin lough | Plus... A)

Baldwinstown | Balla | Ballaghnatrillick river | Ballaghscart | Ballinafad | Ballinafad house | Ballinalack | Ballinaleama bay | Ballinameen | Ballinamore and ballyconnell canal | Ballinamore bridge | Ballinamore house | Ballinamore park | Ballinamuck | Ballingurteen | Ballinlass house | Ballinlough | Ballinlough house | Ballintober | Ballintober house | Ballintombay | Ballinvonear house | Ballyargus | Ballyarr house | Ballybay | Ballyboggan bridge | Ballybrack | Ballybritt castle | Ballycapple | Ballycar station | Plus... B)

Cabry | Caher river | Caherbarnagh | Caherlistrane | Cahermacun | Cahiracon house | Calf island middle | Calf island west | Calf islands | Calliagherom rock | Caltra | Caltragh | Camlin river | Canbo lough | Cappagh | Cappagh house | Cappagh river | Cappamore | Carha | Carlingford lough | Carnhill | Carnmalin | Carnowen | Carrabaun | Carrick castle | Carrick house | Carrickabullog rocks | Carrickboy | Carrickduff | Carrickgaddy rocks | Plus... C)

Donaghmore bridge | Donaghmoyne | Doneen point | Donegal bay | Doo lough | Dooey | Doonbeg station | Dooroge | Doorus strait | Doory hall | Dorrington house | Doughruagh | Dowdstown house | Drimmeen | Drin | Drinagh | Drishaghaun | Drishane castle | Dromagh | Dromagh castle | Dromaneen house | Dromin junction station | Dromineer castle | Dromleigh | Dromoghty lough | Dromore lough | Dromore river | Drowes river | Drumady lough | Drumard house | Plus... D)

Eagles rock | Ebor hall | Edenacarnan | Edenburn house | Eglinton canal | Eignagh river | Eire | Elfeet bay | Ely house | Emlagh | Emlaghyroyin | Erne head | Erra | Erriff river | Errislannan point | Errit lough | Esk mountain | Esker south | Eslin river |

Faha | Fairfield | Fairymount | Fallan river | Fane river | Fanningstown house | Farbreague | Farnaght | Farren connell | Faughalstown | Fawnaboy lower | Fawnaboy upper | Feacle house | Fearagha | Feevagh | Feorish river | Fieries | Figile river | Fin lough | Finglas | Finnihy river | Finnow river | Finny | Finny river | Fish rock | Float station | Flurry river | Foherish river | Foilahumera | Forgney house | Plus... F)

Gaddagh river | Galley bridge | Gallstown house | Galty mountains | Gap of dunloe | Gap of mamore | Gardenfield house | Garrafrauns | Garrane | Garranes lake | Garranlahan | Garraunbaun point | Garraunnatooha | Garryglass | Garrynderk | Gartlandstown house | Gaybrook house | Glackaunadarragh | Glanaruddery mountains | Glandore bay | Glantane | Glashawee river | Glebe lough | Glen | Glen lodge | Glen lough | Glen river | Glenacappul | Glenasrone house | Glenbaun | Plus... G)

Harcourt street station | Hare island | Haremount | Harperstown house | Harristown station | Hartstown | Hazelhatch and celbridge station | Headford castle | Headford junction | Hermitage | Hermitage house | High street | Highfort house | Hill of down station | Hill street | Hill town | Hillsbrook house |

Iar connacht | Illaunmore | Inchagoill | Inchamay | Inchcleraun | Inchibeg bridge | Inchiquin | Inchmore | Inchturk | India bank | Inishdoorus | Inishduff | Inishlyre | Inishmicatreer | Inishowen | Inishowen head | Inishtrahull sound | Inny junction | Inny river | Ireland | Irish sea | Iron mountains | Island lake | Island more | Island river | Island road station | Islandeady | Islandeady lough |

Jamestown | Jamestown canal | Johns river | Joyces river |

Keale | Keale house | Keekill | Keelogyboy | Keeragh islands | Keerglen river | Kellybridge halt | Kenmare river | Kerney cross roads | Kesh | Kilbarry house | Kilbennan | Kilbrack house | Kilbride | Kilbrin | Kilcogy | Kilcolgan river | Kilcolman abbey | Kilcolman castle | Kilcolumb | Kilcoo river | Kilcooly | Kilcornan | Kilcorney | Kilcroghery | Kilcummin farmhill | Kilcurry river | Kildevin | Kildoon | Kildrum | Plus... K)

Labbadish | Lackabaun | Lackagh | Ladestown house | Lake view | Lakeville | Langfords lodge | Lannagh lough | Laputa | Larch hill | Largan | Larkfield house | Lattone lough | Lawrence cove | Leaghany river | Leatbeg | Lecarrow | Leckemy | Leekfield | Leenaun | Leinster | Lettera | Letterbreckaun | Levally lough | Levington park | Leyny station | Liagaun river | Lilliput house | Lingaun river | Lisacul | Plus... L)

Maam cross | Macgillycuddys reeks | Mackans | Madore station | Maghery bay | Mahonstown house | Malahide inlet | Mangerton mountain | Mannin lake | Manter eolus lough | Mantua house | Manulla | Manulla junction | Mattock river | Maulyneill | Maum | Maum east | Maum west | Maumtrasna | Maumturk mountains | Mayo | Mearscourt | Meelick | Meelin | Meenglass station | Melkagh | Middleton house | Midfield | Milford house | Mill cove | Plus... M)

Nad | Nagarriva | Name not known | Navan junction | Neale | New bridge | New town | New twopothouse village | Newbridge | Newbrook house | Newcastle | Newforest house | Newgrange | Newmarket court | Newstone house | Newtown | Newtown house | Newtownburke | Nursetown |

O'loughlins castle | O'sullivans cascade | Oak park | Old head | Old twopothouse cross roads | Oldcastle | Oldhead house | Oorid lough | Oran | Ouveg river | Owenbeg river | Owenboy burn | Owenboy river | Owenbrin river | Owendalulleegh river | Owengarriff river | Owengarve lough | Owengarve river | Owenkeal river | Owenlobnaglaur river | Owenmore river | Owennayle river | Owenogarney river | Owenreagh river | Owentaraglin river | Owenur river | Owenwee river | Owey sound | Owgarriff river | Owveg river | Plus... O)

Painestown | Paiteago | Pakenham hall | Pallas | Partry | Partry mountains | Pettigoe | Pierpoint | Pigeon house harbour | Plassy | Pollaphuca reservoir | Pollremon | Port noo | Portahack | Portaleen | Porthall station | Portlick castle | Portloman | Portnalong | Portobello harbour | Poulnalour | Powerstown house | Priests leap | Prince williams seat | Pulleen | Purple mountain |

Quagmire river | Quarrymount | Quigley's point | Quignalahy | Quivvy lough |

Rahans lough | Rahasane house | Raheen | Raheen house | Raheens | Rampart | Ranaghroe point | Rapemills | Rathcline house | Rathcolman | Rathconnell court | Rathconrath | Rathcool | Rathfran bay | Rathgranagher | Rathmines and rathgar waterworks | Rathmoyle house | Rathmullan roadstead | Ratra house | Rawros | Reananerree | Recess river | Red castle | Redhill | Reen point | Rheban castle | Richfort | Richmond harbour | Richmount hill | Rineanna | Plus... R)

Safe harbour | Saint anns wells | Saint brendans house | Saint catherines | Saint johns port | Salisbury lodge | Sallybrook station | Salrock | Sarahville | Saundersville | Scardaun | Scartaglin | Scrabby | Scrahan | Scramoge | Scramore loughs | Scregg east | Scregg house | Scregg west | Sellerna bay | Seltannasaggart | Seltannaveeny | Seven fathom bank | Shanganagh junction | Shanid castle | Shannaghmore | Shannon view | Shanow river | Shanvally | Sheen river | Plus... S)

Taghmon castle | Taghsheenod | Taghshinny | Tang | Tang river | Tarbert race | Taur | Taurbeg | Tawnyard lough | Tawnyinah | Teelin bay | Temple | Terenure | Termon river | Termonbarry | The bull | The bush | The calf | The cow | The crockan | The eagles nest | The long range | The paps | The scalp | The seven arches | Tremone bay | Trimoge river | Trough | Trubley castle | Truskmore | Plus... T)

Uregare house | Urlaur lough |

Velvetstown house | Violetstown house | Virginia road |

Walshpool lough | Warrenstown house | Waterdale | Waterford harbour | Waterstown house | Westfield | Westport bay | Westport house | White castle | White lough | Whitegate | Whitehall | Whitehill house | Whitewell house | Wicklow mountains | Wild bellows rock | Williamstown | Willmount | Wills grove | Willsbrook house | Windfield house | Wolftrap mountain | Wood lodge | Woodbrook | Woodfield house | Woodford | Woodfort | Woodville |

Yellow river | Yellowford cross roads | Youghal bay | Youghal harbour |
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