Annuaire Mondial
Bienvenue sur Tageo.com, annuaire mondial des villes.
Tageo.com fourni des informations sur 2 667 417 lieux, cités et villages dans le monde entier.

Canada (CA)


 Principaux Aéroports |  Stations météo |  Principales montagnes |  Population des villes principales
9'984'670 km2
Canadian dollars (CAD)
Latitude / Longitude
60 00 95 00 W
PIB par habitant
40'300 $


Abbey | Acaster lake | Ace lake | Acheninni lake | Admiral | Agar lake | Airway lake | Akimau creek | Akimau island | Alameda | Alberts lake | Albertville | Alida | Allan | Allan island | Allen island | Alsask | Alstead lake | Alticane | Alvena | Amazon | Amisk lake | Amiskit island | Amulet | Amyot lake | Anderson bay | Angus creek | Annabel lake | Antelope coulee | Antelope lake | Plus... A)

Backes island | Bailey island | Baker island | Balcarres | Baljennie | Ballentin island | Baptiste lake | Bar lake | Barber lake | Barnes lake | Barney creek | Barney lake | Barrier lake | Barrier river | Barvas | Basin lake | Bateman | Battle creek | Battle river | Battleford | Bay trail | Bazill bay | Beacon hill | Beacon lake | Beaconsfield island | Bear creek | Beatty | Beau bay | Beaupre lake | Beauval | Plus... B)

Cabana | Cabri | Cadillac | Cadotte rapids | Cairns lake | Calder | Calder river | Camsell portage | Candle lake | Cando | Canoe creek | Canoe lake | Canoe narrows | Canoe river | Canora | Cantyre | Canuck | Canwood | Capasin | Carcoux lake | Cardell | Cardross | Careen lake | Carl creek | Carlton | Carlton lake | Carlyle | Carnduff | Caronport | Carrot river | Plus... C)

Dobbin lake | Dodge lake | Dodsland | Domremy | Dore lake | Dore river | Dorintosh | Drinkwater | Duck lake | Dufferin lake | Dunblane | Dundurn | Dunelm | Dunfermline | Dunnett lake | Dunning lake | Durocher lake | Dutton lake | Dwyer lake |

Eadie lake | East poplar | East poplar river | East trout lake | Eastend | Eastman lake | Edam | Edgeworth | Edouard lake | Edward lake | Edwards lake | Egg lake | Ekapo lake | Elaine lake | Elbow | Eldorado | Elizabeth falls | Elrose | Emma lake | Emmeline lake | Ena lake | Ena river | Engemann lake | Engler lake | Ernfold | Erwood | Esker lake | Esterhazy | Estevan | Eston | Plus... E)

Fafard lake | Faraud lake | Fern lake | Feudal | Fidler bay | Fielding | Fife lake | Fifth lake | Fillmore | Fir island | Fir river | First mustus lake | Fishing lake | Fishing lakes | Fiske | Fitch lake | Flat valley | Flatstone lake | Flaxcombe | Fleming | Fleming creek | Fleming lake | Fleury creek | Flintoft | Floral | Flotten lake | Flotten river | Foam lake | Fond du lac | Fond-du-lac | Plus... F)

Gainsborough | Gardiner dam | Garrick | Garson lake | Gatehouse island | Gaudry lake | Geikie river | George lake | Gillies lake | Girard creek | Girvin | Gladmar | Glaslyn | Glasnevin | Glen kerr | Glenbush | Glentworth | Glidden | Gold lake | Golden prairie | Golden ridge | Goldfields | Good spirit lake | Goodsoil | Goodwater | Goose lake | Gooseberry lake | Gordon lake | Gorlitz | Govan | Plus... G)

Hafford | Hague | Halfway island | Hall lake | Halvorgate | Hamlin | Handel | Handsworth | Hanley | Hanover | Hansen bay | Hanson lake | Hara lake | Harper lake | Harptree | Harriott lake | Harriott river | Hart | Hasbala lake | Hatchet lake | Hatfield | Hatton | Haughton lake | Haultain lake | Haultain river | Hawarden | Hawes lake | Hawkeye | Hawkins lake | Hawkrock river | Plus... H)

Ibsen lake | Ile-a-la-crosse | Indian head | Iroquois lake | Iskwayach lake | Island falls | Isle brochet | Isolation lake | Ispatinow island | Ithingo lake | Ituna |

Jackfish lake | Jackman lake | Jacobsen lake | Jakes lake | Jan lake | Jans bay | Jansen | Jaruis lake | Jeannette lake | Jeannotte lake | Jewett lake | Johns lake | Johnson lake | Johnston island | Johnston lake | Jordan river | Joseph point | Juggins creek | Jumping lake | Junor |

Kakinagimak lake | Kamatsi lake | Kamsack | Kamuchawie lake | Kaposvar creek | Karras lake | Karras river | Kazan bay | Kazan island | Kazan lake | Kazan river | Keatley | Keefe lake | Keeler | Keeley lake | Keeley river | Kelfield | Kelic lake | Keller lake | Kelliher | Kelso station | Kelvington | Kenaston | Kennedy | Kenosee lake | Kenosee park | Kenwood lake | Kenyon lake | Keppel | Kerrobert | Plus... K)

La berge creek | La loche | La loche west | La ronge | Lac des iles | Lac ile-a-la-crosse | Lac la course | Lac la plonge | Lac la ronge | Lac voisin | Lafleche | Laird | Laird island | Lake alma | Lake chaplin | Lake lenore | Lake of the rivers | Lake royal | Lake valley | Lakevold lake | Lampman | Landis | Landry creek | Lang | Langbank | Langenburg | Langham | Langley lake | Lanigan | Lansdowne lake | Plus... L)

Macallum lake | Macbeth channel | Macdowall | Macfarlane lake | Macfarlane river | Macintyre lake | Mackenzie lake | Macklin | Macoun | Macoun lake | Madge lake | Madison | Maguire lake | Mahigan lake | Maidstone | Main centre | Mair | Makwa | Makwa lake | Makwa river | Malcolm island | Mallard lake | Manawan lake | Manito lake | Mankota | Manny creek | Manor | Maple creek | Marcelin | Mari lake | Plus... M)

Nagle lake | Naicam | Naisberry | Namekus lake | Namew lake | Natrillia lake | Nayelles lake | Neidpath | Neilburg | Nelson lake | Nemei lake | Nemeiben lake | Neptune | Nesootao lakes | Nesset lake | Netherhill | Nettell lake | Neudorf | Nevins lake | New osgoode | Newlands lake | Newnham lake | Nichol island | Nicholson lake | Nipawin | Nipin lake | Nipin river | Niska channel | Niska lake | Niver lake | Plus... N)

Oban | Offset lake | Ogema | Okemasis lake | Old man on his back plateau | Old wives | Old wives lake | Oldman lake | Oldman river | Oliver lake | Oman lake | Oneman lake | Onion lake | Opuntia lake | Ordale | Orkney bay | Orphan lake | Otherside river | Otter creek | Oungre | Outlook | Outram station | Over bay | Oxbow |

Paddling lake | Paddockwood | Pagan lake | Pagato lake | Pagato river | Page island | Pambrun | Paquin lake | Paradise hill | Park island | Parkbeg | Parker lake | Parkview | Pascal | Pasfield lake | Pasqua | Pasquia hills | Patience lake | Patrick creek | Patterson lake | Paull lake | Paull river | Paynton | Peak lake | Pease lake | Peebles | Peerless | Peitahigan lake | Pelican lake | Pelican narrows | Plus... P)

Qu'appelle | Qu'appelle dam | Quill lake | Quill lakes |

Rabbit creek | Rabbit lake | Radisson | Radisson lake | Radville | Randall river | Rapid river | Rapid view | Rathbone lake | Ravendale | Ravenhead | Raymore | Red deer hill | Red pheasant | Redberry lake | Redmond lake | Redvers | Reeve lake | Reflex lake | Regina | Reid bay | Reilly lake | Reindeer island | Reindeer lake | Reindeer river | Reserve | Retzer lake | Revenue | Reward | Reynaud | Plus... R)

Sadler lake | Saint brieux | Saint cyr lake | Saint george's hill | Saint gregor | Saint louis | Saint walburg | Saint-isidore-de-bellevue | Saline lake | Salt creek | Salt lake | Saltcoats | Salvador | Sanctuary | Sandfly lake | Sandwith | Sandy bay | Sandy creek | Sandy lake | Sandy narrows | Saskatoon | Scimitar lake | Scotsguard | Scott lake | Seager lake | Second mustus lake | Seguin lake | Sehip lake | Semans | Senlac | Plus... S)

Taggart lake | Talmage | Tamarac lake | Taskam creek | Tatagwa lake | Tatawich creek | Tate island | Tatukose creek | Tatukose lake | Taylor creek | Tazin lake | Tazin river | Ted island | Tee lake | Teni lake | Tessier | The cactus hills | The eyebrow hills | The two rivers | Theodore | Third mustus lake | Thluicho lake | Tribune | Trossachs | Truax | Tukwakisip creek | Turkey lake | Turnor lake | Turtle lake | Turtleford | Plus... T)

Unity | Unknown lake | Unlucky lake | Upper cumins lake | Upper foster lake | Upper makwa lake | Upson river | Uranium city | Usherville | Ustookumin creek | Utikuniak lake |

Val marie | Valeport | Valley centre | Van scoy lake | Vanguard | Vanscoy | Vantage | Vee bay | Verlo | Vermette creek | Vermette lake | Vermilion island | Verwood | Victor creek | Virgin lake | Virgin river | Viscount | Vivian lake | Vonda |

Waddy lake | Wadena | Waitville | Wakaw | Wakaw lake | Waldeck | Waldheim | Walker lake | Walpole | Walton bay | Wanaskuch bay | Wanatan peninsula | Wandering lakes | Wapata lake | Wapawekka hills | Wapawekka lake | Wapella | Wapiyao lake | Wapus bay | Wapus lake | Warman | Wascana centre | Wascana creek | Wasekamio lake | Waskesiu lake | Watapi lake | Watapi river | Watchusk bay | Waterbury lake | Waterfound river | Plus... W)

Yellow grass | Yonker | York lake | Yorkton | Young | Young creek | Young lake |

Zin bay |
Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |