Annuaire Mondial
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Canada (CA)

Amerique/Canada/Nova scotia

 Principaux Aéroports |  Stations météo |  Principales montagnes |  Population des villes principales
9'984'670 km2
Canadian dollars (CAD)
Latitude / Longitude
60 00 95 00 W
PIB par habitant
40'300 $


Admiral cove | Advocate bay | Advocate harbour | Alba station | Alick rock | Amelia point | Amherst | Andrew head | Andrew island | Annapolis basin | Annapolis river | Annapolis royal | Annapolis valley | Antigonish | Apple river | Argyle | Arichat | Arichat harbour | Aspy bay | Athol | Avon river | Avonport | Aylesford |

Baccaro point | Baddeck | Baie verte | Bakers island | Bald tusket island | Banquereau | Barachois creek | Barrington | Barrington passage | Battery point | Bay of rocks | Bay saint lawrence | Bear river | Beaver harbour | Beaver island | Beaver point | Bedford | Bedford basin | Bedford bay | Belmont | Berry head | Berwick | Betty island | Big tusket island | Bills island | Birch cove | Bird islands | Black point | Black rock | Blind bay | Plus... B)

Caledonia | Cambridge | Cambridge flats | Cambridge station | Camperdown | Canadian forces base shearwater | Canso | Canso bank | Canso harbour | Cap perce | Cape argos | Cape arichat | Cape auget | Cape auguet | Cape breton | Cape breton highlands national park | Cape breton island | Cape canso | Cape capstan | Cape chignecto | Cape cliff | Cape d' or | Cape fourchu | Cape gabarus | Cape george | Cape jack | Cape john | Cape la have | Cape mocodome | Cape north | Plus... C)

Doanes point | Dobsons point | Doctors island | Dominion | Donkin | Downey bluff |

Eagle nest | East advocate | East bar | East cape | East chezzetcook | East lahave | East mines | East point | East river of pictou | East river saint marys | Eastern passage | Economy | Ecum secum | Edwardsville | Egg island | Elders head | Elmsdale | Emerald bank | Evanston |

Fairview cove | Five islands | Flint island | Folly lake | Fortress of louisbourg national historic park | Fourchu | Freeport | French village | Fryingpan island |

Gabarus | Gabarus bay | Gammell lake | Gannet rock | Gaspereau river | Gaulman point | Glace bay | Glasgow harbour | Glenelg | Gold river | Goldboro | Goldenville | Gome reef | Goshen | Grand narrows | Grand river | Grand-etang | Granite brook | Granville | Granville ferry | Great bras d'or | Great pubnico lake | Great village | Green island | Greenwood | Gull rock | Gullivers cove | Guyon island | Guysborough | Guysborough harbour | Plus... G)

Hackett cove | Half island point | Halifax | Halifax harbour | Halls harbour | Hantsport | Harbour island | Havre boucher | Havre de gaspe | Hay island | Head harbour | Hebron | Hectanooga | Hemeon head | Hemlock island | Hertford island |

Ile de sable | Ile du cap-breton | Indian brook | Indian harbour | Ingonish | Ingonish island | Ingramport | Inverness | Iona | Isaacs harbour | Isle madame | Italy cross |

Janvrin island | Jeddore harbour | Jeddore rock | Joggins | Jones cove | Jonquiere bank | Judique |

Keeper reef | Kejimkujik lake | Kejimkujik national park | Kennetcook | Kennetcook river | Kentville | Kingsport |

La have | La have river | La pointe | Lake rossignol | Larrys river | Lawrencetown | Lennox passage | Liscomb | Lismore | Little bras d'or | Little bunker island | Little hope island | Little narrows | Liverpool | Livingstone cove | Lockeport | Lockeport harbour | Lockeport inner harbour | Logan point | Londonderry | Long cove | Long island | Long point | Louisbourg | Louisbourg harbour | Louisbourg road | Lovitts island | Low point | Lower woods harbour | Lukisee islands | Plus... L)

Mabou | Mabou harbour | Maccan | Mahone bay | Mahone harbour | Main-a-dieu | Main-a-dieu bay | Main-a-dieu passage | Maitland | Margaree | Margaree harbour | Margaree island | Margaree river | Margaretsville | Margaretsville point | Marshy hope | Maskell's harbour | Maynard lake | Mcgrath cove | Mckay head | Mckinnons harbour | Mcnabs island | Mcnutt island | Meaghers grant | Medway harbour | Medway river | Merigomish | Mersey river | Meteghan | Michaud point | Plus... M)

Navy island | Navy island cove | Negro harbour | Neils harbour | New albany | New germany | New glasgow | New harbour point | New ross | New waterford | Newport corner | Newville | Nolan head | Norris cove | North canso | North river bridge | North sydney | North west arm |

Oak island | Orangedale | Osborne head | Overton | Oxford | Oxford junction |

Parc historique national forteresse de louisbourg | Parc national de kejimkujik | Parc national des hautes terres du cap-breton | Parfait bank | Parkers brook | Parrsboro | Partridge point | Peggy point | Petit-de-grat inlet | Petit-de-grat island | Petit-etang | Petite riviere bridge | Petpeswick head | Pictou | Point aconi | Point enrage | Point tupper | Port clyde | Port dufferin | Port george | Port greville | Port hastings | Port hawkesbury | Port hood | Port lorne | Port maitland | Port morien | Port mouton | Port mouton head | Port williams | Plus... P)

Queensport |

Ragged head | Ranteleau point | Red point | Rent point | River hebert | River john | Riversdale | Roach cove | Rochefort point | Rocky bluff | Roseway | Roseway bank | Roseway river |

Sable island | Sable island bank | Sable river | Sackville river | Saint andrews channel | Saint anns | Saint anns bay | Saint esprit island | Saint georges bay | Saint margarets bay | Saint marys bay | Saint marys river | Saint paul island | Saint peters | Saint peters bay | Saint peters inlet | Saint peters island | Sainte ann point | Salmon river | Sambro | Sambro banks | Sambro harbour | Sambro island | Scatarie island | Scots bay | Scotsburn | Seaforth | Seal island | Sheet harbour | Shelburne | Plus... S)

Tangier | Tatamagouche | Taylors head | Tennycape | Terence bay | The narrows | Trenton | Troy | Truro | Tufts cove | Turple head | Tusket | Tusket islands |

Upper musquodoboit |

Wallace | Wallace bay | Walton | Walton river | Wedge island | Wedgeport | Wellesley rock | Wentworth centre | Wentworth creek | West advocate | West bar | West bay | West bay road | West cape | West ironbound island | West lahave | Westchester station | Western head | Western ledges | Weston | Westport | Westville | Weymouth | Whipple point | White point | Whitehead | Whycocomagh | Windsor | Wolfes island | Wolfville | Plus... W)

Yarmouth | Yarmouth bar | Yarmouth harbour | Yarmouth sound |
Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |