Annuaire Mondial
Bienvenue sur Tageo.com, annuaire mondial des villes.
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Canada (CA)


 Principaux Aéroports |  Stations météo |  Principales montagnes |  Population des villes principales
9'984'670 km2
Canadian dollars (CAD)
Latitude / Longitude
60 00 95 00 W
PIB par habitant
40'300 $


Acadia anchorage | Adeytown | Adlavik islands | Admirals beach | Aillik | Alexander bay | Alexander shoal | Alexis river | Allan's island | Amour point | Anchor point | Anguille mountains | Annieopsquotch mountains | Argentia | Argentia harbour | Ashuanipi lake | Ashuanipi river | Astray lake | Atikonak lake | Atlantis rock | Attikamagen lake | Avalon peninsula | Avayalik islands | Aviron bay |

Baccalieu island | Badger | Baie verte | Baie verte peninsula | Baine harbour | Ballard bank | Bantam banks | Bar haven | Barachois bay | Barachois brook | Barachois point | Barachois pond | Barachois rock | Barasway | Barasway de cerf | Barasway island | Barasway point | Barasway pond | Barr'd harbour | Barrisway de plate | Barrow harbour | Bartletts harbour | Bateau harbour | Batteau | Battle harbour | Bauline | Bay bulls | Bay de verde | Bay of exploits | Bay of islands | Plus... B)

Cabot islands | Cahill point | Calvert bay | Campbellton | Canada bay | Canairiktok bay | Canairiktok river | Cape anguille | Cape barachois | Cape bauld | Cape bluff | Cape bonavista | Cape broyle | Cape caribou river | Cape english | Cape fogo | Cape fox | Cape freels | Cape harrison | Cape kiglapait | Cape labrador | Cape makkovik | Cape mugford | Cape norman | Cape onion | Cape pine | Cape porcupine | Cape race | Cape ray | Cape rouge harbour | Plus... C)

Doating cove | Dodding head | Dog island | Dolland bight | Dominion lake | Domino harbour | Domino point | Double island | Double mer | Doyles | Duck islands | Duckbill point | Dunville |

Eagle river | Earl island | East arm barachois | Eastern channel | Eastern island | Eastport | Eclipse channel | Eclipse river | Eddies cove | Eddies cove west | Ellinor rock | Elliotts cove | Elliston | Elliston station | Enfant perdu | Englee | English harbour east | English harbour west | English river | Entrance island | Epaves bay | Epinette point | Erdmann island | Esker | Esker lake | Etagaulet bay | Exploits islands | Exploits river |

Fair haven | Fair haven island | Fair haven point | Fair island | Fair islands anchorage | False cape | Favorite tickle | Fermeuse | Ferolle point | Ferryland | Ferryland head | Fichot island | Finger hill | Fish cove point | Fish island | Fishels | Fishels brook | Fishing ship harbour | Flat bay | Flat island | Flat islands | Flat rock | Fleur de lys | Fleuve churchill | Flowers cove | Flowers point | Fogo | Fogo harbour | Fogo island | Ford | Plus... F)

Gabbro lake | Gadds harbour | Galvano islands | Gambo | Gambo pond | Gander | Gander bay | Gander lake | Gander river | Gannet islands | Garia harbour | Garnish | Gaskiers | Gasper islands | Gasters bay | Gaultois | George island | Georges brook | Georges cove | Gilbert river | Gisborne lake | Glenburnie | Glenwood | Glover island | Glovertown | Goose bay | Goose cove | Goose river | Grady harbour | Grady island | Plus... G)

Halfway mountain | Halls bay | Hamilton inlet | Hamilton sound | Hampden | Hants harbour | Happy valley | Harbour breton | Harbour buffett | Harbour deep | Harbour grace | Harbour main | Hare bay | Hare harbour | Hare hill | Harp lake | Harrys brook | Harrys river | Hawke bay | Hawke harbour | Hawke island | Hawke river | Hawkes bay | Hay cove | Heart's content | Heart's desire | Hearts delight | Hebron | Hebron fiord | Henley harbour | Plus... H)

Ice tickle | Ice tickle island | Iglosoatalialuk island | Ikkudliayuk fiord | Independent harbour | Indian bay | Indian bay pond | Indian harbour | Indian pond | Ingornachoix bay | Innuit mountain | Irelands eye harbour | Ironbound hill | Ironbound islands | Isaac point | Island cove | Island harbour | Island of newfoundland | Island of ponds | Isle aux morts | Ivanhoe |

Jack lane bay | Jackson arm | Jacobs ledge | Jacopie lake | Jamestown | Jaynes bay | Jeanette bay | Jem lane bay | Jersey harbour | Jobs cove | Joe batt's arm | Joksut inlet | Jolliet inlet | Jubilee lake | Jude island |

Kaegudeck lake | Kaipokok | Kaipokok bay | Kangalaksiorvik fiord | Kasheshibaw lake | Kasungatak island | Katherine river | Kaumajet mountains | Keels | Kejuktok | Kelligrews | Kenamu river | Kenemich river | Kerleys harbour | Kidlialuit island | Kidlit islands | Kiglapait mountains | Kikkertarjote island | Kikkertasoak island | Kikkertavak island | King george iv lake | Kings cove | Kings point | Kingurutik lake | Kite cove | Kmoch island | Kohlmeister island | Konrad brook | Koraluk river |

L'anse au loup | L'anse au meadow | La fontaine point | La hune | La poile bay | La scie | Lac a l' eau claire | Lac germaine | Lac joseph | Ladle cove | Lake ebbegunbaeg | Lake melville | Lake saint john | Lamaline | Lark harbour | Latine point | Lawn | Leading mark island | Leading tickles | Ledge island | Lethbridge | Lewis hills | Lewis point | Lewisporte | Little barachois | Little barachois brook | Little barachois river | Little barasway | Little barasway head | Little barasway river | Plus... L)

Maccles lake | Mackenzie lake | Maidmonts island | Main river | Main topsail | Makkovik | Makkovik bay | Manuels river | Marches point | Marion lake | Martin bay | Martin island | Martin point | Mary's harbour | Maryjo lake | Marystown | Matthew rocks | Mccormick river | Mealy mountains | Meelpaeg lake | Menihek lakes | Merasheen | Merasheen island | Mercer cove | Merlin rock | Merrifield bay | Meta pond | Metchin river | Michikamats lake | Michikamau lake | Plus... M)

Nachvak | Nachvak bay | Nachvak fiord | Nain | Nakhvararsuk brook | Nanuktok | Napartokh bay | Naskaupi river | Neddy harbour | New harbour | New perlican | New world island | Newmans cove | Newtown | Nickerson bank | Nimbus island | Nipishish lake | Nippers harbour | Noel pauls brook | Normans cove | Norris arm | North arm | North aulatsivik island | North branch | North duck islands | North green island | North head | North river | North star island | North twillingate island | Plus... N)

Oderin | Offer rock | Okak bay | Okak islands | Old perlican | Oo-olilik island | Open hall | Operngeviksoak island | Orton island | Ossokmanuan lake | Otter lake | Outer island | Overflow lake |

Packs harbour | Pacquet | Panchia lake | Pangertok | Paradise cove | Paradise river | Paradise sound | Parsons pond | Partridge point | Partridgeberry hills | Passage reef | Paul island | Pearce peak | Peckford island | Penguin islands | Perrys cove | Peters arm | Petitsikapau lake | Petty harbour | Piccadilly | Pilley's island | Pilley's island harbour | Pinchards island | Pinchgut point | Pinware bay | Pinware river | Pistolet bay | Pitt sound reach | Placentia | Placentia bay | Plus... P)

Quartzite mountain | Quirpon harbour | Quirpon island |

Ragged head | Ragged islands | Raleigh | Ramah | Ramah bay | Ramea | Ramea islands | Random island | Random sound | Rantem station | Rattling brook | Rattling brook cove | Red bay | Red cliff | Red indian lake | Red island | Red islands | Red point | Red rocks | Red wine river | Rencontre east | Renews | Renews harbour | Renews head | Renews island | Renews rocks | Rexons cove | Richards harbour | Rigolet | River of ponds | Plus... R)

Sacred bay | Saddle island | Saglek bay | Saglek fiord | Sailors harbour | Saint albans | Saint andrews | Saint anthony | Saint anthony bight | Saint anthony harbour | Saint bernards | Saint brendans | Saint bride's | Saint charles river | Saint davids | Saint fintans | Saint genevieve bay | Saint george's | Saint george's bay | Saint george's harbour | Saint george's river | Saint john bay | Saint john island | Saint john's | Saint john's bay | Saint john's harbour | Saint john's west | Saint jones within | Saint josephs | Saint julien's | Plus... S)

Table bay | Table hill cove | Table mountain | Ten mile lake | Ten mile pond | Terra nova | Terra nova national park | Terra nova river | Terrenceville | Terrington basin | Tessialuk lake | Tessisoak lake | The backway | The barasway | The basin | The beaches | The domes | The haypooks | The muzzle | The narrows | The twins | Trepassey | Trepassey bay | Trinity | Trinity bay | Trinity south district | Trio islands | Triton island | Trout river | Trunmore bay | Plus... T)

Upper black island | Upper humber river | Upper island cove | Upper rams |

Vails point | Valley bay | Valleyfield | Venison tickle | Vestal rock | Victoria | Victoria cove | Victoria lake | Victoria river | Virgin point | Voiseys bay |

Wabana | Wabush | Wabush lake | Wade lake | Wadham islands | Watchman island | Webb bay | Wellington | Wesleyville | West bay | West point | West saint modeste | Western bay | Western channel | Western island | Westport | Westport cove | Whale island | Whitbourne | White bay | White bear arm | White bear island | White bear islands | White bear lake | White bear river | White point | White rock | Williams harbour | Williamsport | Willis island | Plus... W)

York harbour | York point |
Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |