WorldWide Index
28 Jan 2025
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Canada (CA)

America/Canada/Canada (general)

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
9,984,670 km2
Canadian dollars (CAD)
Latitude / Longitude
60 00 95 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
40,300 $


Again river | Agassiz glacier | Akaitcho lake | Allan otty shoal | Allumette lake | Alverstone glacier | Amundsen gulf | Appalachian mountains | Azesko lake |

Baie d'ungava | Baie des chaleurs | Bailey rips | Baillie river | Baralzon lake | Beau lac | Beau lake | Beaver river | Bern creek | Big black river | Big sitdown creek | Bloody river | Borden island | Boundary creek | Boundary glacier | Boundary pass | Buffalo river |

Cabot strait | Cameron hills | Canada | Canalaska mountain | Cape mamen | Carroll glacier | Cascade glacier | Cascade mountains | Cascade range | Chaine cotiere | Chaleur bay | Chateaugay river | Churchill river | Chutes niagara | Chuwanten creek | Coast mountains | Cold lake | Columbia river | Confederation bridge | Contwoyto lake | Coppermine river | Cordilleras | Crab island shoal | Cross lake rapids | Cumberland basin |

Detroit de belle isle | Detroit de cabot | Detroit de northumberland | Dolphin and union strait | Dubawnt lake | Dubawnt river | Dundas peninsula |

Eagle creek | East fork poplar river | East poplar river | Eldridge bay | Eureka gulch |

Fish river | Fleuve columbia | Fleuve saint-laurent | Fleuve yukon | Fontano lake | Fonteneau lake | Fort creek | Frenchman creek | Frenchman river |

Gimby creek | Gizoquit brook | Goose creek | Goose lake | Granby | Grande riviere noire | Great lakes | Great plains | Green river | Greville bay | Gulf of maine |

Hall basin | Harmony | Harricanaw river | Hay river | Hazen strait | Headless range | Hecla and griper bay | Hepburn lake |

Ile nue de mingan | Iles de la reine-elisabeth | Inside passage | Itchen lake |

Juan de fuca strait |

Kagloryuak river | Kaien | Kakisa river | Kamilukuak lake | Kasba lake | Kennedy channel | Kootenai river | Kootenay river |

La have bank | Lac athabasca | Lac aux allumettes | Lac champlain | Lac de bois | Lac erie | Lac fonteneau | Lac huron | Lac la pluie | Lac ontario | Lac saint-clair | Lac superieur | Lac temiscamingue | Lake athabasca | Lake champlain | Lake erie | Lake huron | Lake koocanusa | Lake of the woods | Lake ontario | Lake saint clair | Lake superior | Laurentian upland | Lavoie brook | Leclercville | Les appalaches | Liard river | Lignite creek | Little buffalo river | Little mecatina river | More... L)

Mackenzie king island | Malde creek | Marceau lake | Maritime provinces | Markham lake | Mcgillis creek | Melville hills | Melville island | Montagnes rocheuses | Morrison brook | Mount ashmun | Mount aylesworth | Mount george | Mount pike | Mud lake |

Nanook river | Napetipi river | Narrow passage | Natashquan river | Natkusiak peninsula | Nauja cove | Nazon lake | Nedlik island | Neptune island | Neptune rock | Nero island | Nesfield island | New-liverpool | Niagara falls | Niagara frontier | Niakolik point | Nicolet | North belcher shoals | North channel | North foreland | North saskatchewan river | Northumberland strait | Nouvel township | Nueltin lake | Nukon creek | Nunaluk spit |

Oakville creek | Observation cove | Odizen lake | Ogilvie creek | Ogilvie lake | Okalik bay | Okalik island | Okanagan range | Okanagan river | Okanogan range | Okanogan river | Okpioyuak creek | Old cabin creek | Old joe lake | Oliver lake | Olivier islands | Oniak channel | Ooglukjuak island | Ottawa river | Otter lake | Outer peak reef | Outer shoals | Outwash river | Overflow creek |

Pallisers triangle | Pamiok island | Pan island | Papineau | Parkers cove | Parr bay | Parry islands | Pascal lake | Passage island | Pastel creek | Patricia lake | Payne creek | Peace river | Pear lake | Pellatt lake | Pend oreille river | Pend-d'oreille river | Pennant bay | Pepin creek | Pete's creek | Peter ledge | Petersen bay | Petitot river | Petpeswick inlet | Philips creek | Pierre lake | Pin rock | Pine creek | Piwabiskau river | Plex lake | More... P)

Queen elizabeth islands | Quunnguq lake |

Rainy lake | Rainy river | Rapide de femme creek | Red river | Red river of the north | Regional municipality of ottawa-carleton | Restigouche river | Riviere a la pluie | Riviere again | Riviere chateauguay | Riviere churchill | Riviere de la paix | Riviere des outaouais | Riviere du petit mecatina | Riviere harricana | Riviere napetipi | Riviere natashquan | Riviere ristigouche | Riviere rouge | Riviere saint-francois | Riviere saint-jean | Riviere saint-paul | Riviere saskatchewan | Riviere saskatchewan nord | Riviere saskatchewan sud | Riviere verte | Robeson channel | Rochon lake | Rocky mountains | Rogers lake | More... R)

Sabine bay | Sabine peninsula | Saint francis river | Saint john river | Saint lawrence lowlands | Saint lawrence river | Saint lawrence seaway | Saint-roch-de-richelieu | Saskatchewan river | Selwyn lake | Silesia creek | Sixtymile river | Slave river | Slesse creek | Smart river | Smith sound | South saskatchewan river | Strait of belle isle | Strait of juan de fuca | Striding lake | Surprise creek | Swan river |

Tacks beach | Tamihi creek | Tethul river | The ramparts | Thelon bluffs | Thelon river | Traverse du nord | Tuktoyaktuk peninsula |

Upper guisiguit brook |

Victoria island | Viscount melville sound |

West fork poplar river | West fork yaak river | West poplar river | West yahk river | Whitesand river | Wilkins strait | Williston basin | Wollaston peninsula | Wood buffalo national park | Wynniatt bay |

Yaak river | Yahk river | Yates river | Yellowhead pass | Yukon river |
Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |