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大洋洲/澳大利亚/Northern territory

 主要机场 |  气象站 |  主要山脈 |  主要城市的人口
7'741'220 km2
纬度 / 经度
27 00 133 00 E
40'800 $


Abbott island | Abbott shoal | Acacia well | Accident creek | Ada spring | Adam bay | Adder bore | Adder waterhole | Addison channel | Adelaide river | Adilyagba point | Adla hill | Adnanta water | Adnera gap | Adthumaninbura point | Aileron | Ainag point | Aiton bay | Alagna shoal | Alanajeer waterhole | Alarmbinga soak | Alcoora spring | Alcoota | Alexander hill | Alexandria | Alger island | Aliboy knob | Alice creek | Alice springs | Alice springs waterhole | 其他... A)

Baby hill | Back creek | Bacons range | Bagbiringula point | Bagot | Bagot spring | Baines river | Baird cliff | Balbirini creek | Bald hill | Bald knob | Bald point | Baldy spring | Balubalamun waterhole | Bamboo creek | Ban ban lagoon | Ban ban spring | Banka banka | Banka creek | Bantam hole | Banunda ridge | Banunda waterhole | Banyan creek | Banyan island | Barbara cove | Barclay point | Bare hill | Bare sand island | Bareback creek | Barlow point | 其他... B)

Cache point | Cadell river | Cadell strait | Cahills crossing | Caiman creek | Cajina pool | Calcartie waterhole | Calder shoal | Caledon bay | Calvert hills | Calvert river | Cambana waterhole | Camel back hill | Camel creek | Camerons beach | Camfield creek | Camfield river | Camp creek | Camp point | Campbell creek | Campbell knob | Campbell spring | Campbell waterhole | Campbells camp | Canboy waterhole | Cannagootchoo rockholes | Cannon hill | Cannyes hill | Canopy rock | Canulgerra rockhole | 其他... C)

Darwin | Dixon creek | Docherty hills | Docker river | Doctors gully | Doctors stones | Dog creek | Don point | Dook creek | Dooley point | Dorcherty islnad | Doris creek | Dorisvale | Dorothy creek | Double hill | Douglas | Douglas creek | Douglas river | Douglas spring | Downer hill | Downers range | Dowrah creek | Doyle rock | Draytons reef | Driffield creek | Driftwood island | Drimmie head | Drong waterhole | Dry river | Drysdale island | 其他... D)

Eagle bay | Eagle bluff | Earl river | East alligator river | East arm | East baines river | East bay | East charlotte river | East granite | East neck | East point | East station point | East vernon island | East woody island | Eastern creek | Eckerbone waterhole | Edgar creek | Edinburgh creek | Edith falls | Edith river | Edith river siding | Edna creek | Edward island | Ehrenberg range | Eight mile creek | Eight mile rise | Eight mile spring | Eight mile waterhole | Eighteen mile waterhole | Elbow waterhole | 其他... E)

Fair view creek | False mount russell | False point | Fannie bay | Fanny creek | Far view peak | Farewell point | Farrers crossing | Fat fellows creek | Faynes knob | Felix spring | Feltham hill | Fenton patches | Ferguson creek | Ferguson well | Fergusson creek | Fergusson range | Fergusson river | Fergusson siding | Fever creek | Field island | Field river | Figtree point | Finch island | Findley creek | Finger post creek | Finke | Finke bay | Finke gorge | Finke river | 其他... F)

G.b. creek | Gadens | Gallagher waterhole | Gallery hill | Gallipoli | Gallipoli spring | Gandys hill | Gap hill | Garden point | Gardiner range | Gastralobium creek | George creek | George gills range | George yard | Georges channel | Georgina range | Geranium bay | Gerowie creek | Gertrude spring | Giant well | Gibb bluff | Gibbaroo waterhole | Gibbesmurray hills | Gibbie creek | Gibson creek | Gid pool | Gidya creek | Gidyea creek | Gilbert creek | Giles creek | 其他... G)

Haast bluff | Haidee creek | Hale river | Half peak | Hall point | Halstead creek | Hamilton creek | Hamilton downs | Hamiltons lagoon | Hancox shoal | Hand islet | Hanlon creek | Hann range | Hanson river | Hanson well | Happy creek | Happy creek waterhole | Harding spring | Hardy island | Harlock point | Harold point | Harper spring | Harper springs | Harrington | Harris creek | Harris gap | Harris island | Harris reef | Harry creek | Harrys knob | 其他... H)

Ibis waterhole | Ida bay | Ida creek | Idracowra | Ikymbon river | Ildichulda well | Ilgulla waterhole | Iliwan swamp | Illara rock | Illari hills | Illawarra creek | Illawarra spring | Illido waterhole | Illilleeri waterhole | Illogwa creek | Illoquara waterhole | Ilyungmadja point | Imaluk beach | Imbumbunna hills | Inamalamandija point | Inbarin hills | Indamilly waterhole | Indian hill | Indian island | Indiatna well | Ingaladdi waterhole | Ingallan spring | Ingallanna creek | Ingeranonga waterhole | Inglis island | 其他... I)

Jaberu hill | Jaberu waterhole | Jager waterhole | Jagged head | Jalboi river | Jalma bay | Jamberline waterhole | James range | James river | Jardaiyarda soak | Jarvis waterhole | Jasper creek | Jasper gorge | Jaspers well | Jay creek | Jelak jelang waterhole | Jellebra rockhole | Jenny point | Jeromah creek | Jerry jerry waterhole | Jervois range | Jessie river | Jiberu creek | Jim jim creek | Jim jim waterhole | Jindana billabongs | Jindare | Jinduckin creek | Jinjera bore | Jinka springs | 其他... J)

Kaboolka | Kadauke | Kamarans well | Kanandra soak | Kanandra well | Kangaroo creek | Kangaroo island | Kangaroo rockhole | Kangaroo valley | Kanumba billabong | Kanunga point | Kanyaka station | Karinga creek | Karnum waterhole | Karslake island | Karungait waterhole | Katamala cone | Katherine | Katherine gorge | Katherine river | Kathleen falls | Kathleen range | Kaysers group | Keckwick springs | Kedge point | Keep river | Keepera ridges | Kelley springs | Kelly creek | Kelly gap | 其他... K)

L.d. creek | L.d. waterhole | Labu islet | Labyinthian shoals | Lady creek | Lagoon creek | Lake amadeus | Lake bennett | Lake buck | Lake caroline | Lake eames | Lake finniss | Lake mirranpongapongunna | Lake nash | Lake neale | Lake peterjohn | Lake rapide | Lake surprise | Lake sylvester | Lake woods | Lalngang creek | Lamberts river | Lambetts lagoons | Lamparrinya reef | Lancewood creek | Lancewood hill | Landaruka spring | Lander river | Lander rock | Landerandera waterhole | 其他... L)

Maand creek | Macadam range | Macdonald downs | Macdonnell ranges | Mackay creek | Maclear creek | Macquarie strait | Madford shoals | Magari creek | Magela creek | Maggie creek | Maggie spring | Maggies springs | Magpie creek | Maiden creek | Mainatalla waterhole | Maine island | Mainoru river | Maiormongwi waterhole | Mairanyi pool | Mais bluff | Maiwok creek | Maiwok waterhole | Makem lagoon | Malamlanbuboi waterhole | Malay bay | Malay road | Malgrew point | Mallabah creek | Mallapunyah | 其他... M)

Naenayee lagoon | Nagi hill | Namaluri waterhole | Nancar billabong | Nancy hill | Nannabierilla well | Napier bay | Napier peninsula | Napperby | Napperby creek | Narwietooma | Nash soak | Nathan river | Native point | Neave creek | Negri river | Nellie creek | Nellie lagoon | Nelly creek | Nelly waterhole | Nelson creek | Nero creek | Nero spring | Neukarmeringora island | Neutral junction | New crown | New moon inlet | New taylor well | New year bore | New year island | 其他... N)

O'ferrals rock | O'gradys well | O'niel creek | O.t. downs | Oak point | Oakes creek | Observation island | Observation islet | October creek | Oenpelli mission | Officer hill | Oggajumna waterhole | Old angas downs | Old austin waterhole | Old crown well | Old man rock | Old station bore | Olia chain | Oliver reef | Omanganung waterhole | Omanile lagoon | Ommanney shoals | One tree point | Ongeva creek | Onomohl waterhole | Oodnappina waterhole | Oolgoolgarri swamp | Oolloo | Oolta | Oolta spring | 其他... O)

Packard knob | Paddy gorge | Paddy lagoon | Paddy spring | Paisley creek | Paisleys bluff | Palm bay | Palm creek | Palm spring | Palmer river | Palmerston island | Palpul waterhole | Pandanus creek | Pandanus springs | Pandanus waterhole | Paper creek | Paperbark creek | Paperbark spring | Paperbark swamp | Paradise creek | Paradise waterhole | Parap | Pardice bay | Pargee range | Pargee rockhole | Parkers cone | Parry shoal | Parsons bank | Parsons creek | Parsons range | 其他... P)

Quail island | Quanipiri bay | Quartz hill | Queens channel | Queensland crossing | Queing pen spring | Quibobikwi creek | Quirindi gorge | Quoin island |

Rabbit flat well | Rabbit well | Racecourse billabong | Racecourse creek | Radar hill | Radford point | Radnayu waterhole | Raffles bay | Raft point | Randalls peak | Ranford billabong | Ranford creek | Ranford hill | Ranken river | Rantyirrity point | Rapid creek | Reaphook hills | Record point | Red bluff | Red cliff | Red cliffs | Red hill | Red islet | Red lily creek | Red lily lagoon | Red ochre creek | Red rock | Redbank | Redbank creek | Redbank hill | 其他... R)

Saddle creek | Saddle hill | Saddler creek | Sadgroves creek | Sadi well | Sailor creek | Saint asaph bay | Saint davids bay | Salt creek | Salt trough creek | Salt water arm | Saltbush creek | Salttrough waterhole | Sambo waterhole | Sanbargudgina waterhole | Sand island | Sand point | Sandfly island | Sandford cliffs | Sandover river | Sandridge lagoon | Sandy creek | Sandy island | Sardine lagoon | Sargents | Saunders creek | Saunders patch | Scarlet hill | Scarr hill | Schabers | 其他... S)

T. g. well | Table head | Table hill | Tabletop | Tabletop range | Tadjinarra rockhole | Taiyuan shoal | Takamprimili creek | Talc creek | Talc head | Tallowamidjim hill | Tamar point | Tamratoarimu creek | Tanami | Tanami rockhole | Tanumbirini | Tanumbirini creek | Tanumbirini waterhole | Tapa bay | Taradiri creek | Tarlton range | Tarrabool waterhole | Tasman point | Tate bluff | Tattara waterhole | Tawarrila creek | Taylor creek | Taylor patches | Taylor well | Tea tree | 其他... T)

Union hill | Union reef station | Unjin point | Uranara well | Urapunga | Uritu spring | Urquhart islet | Utopia |

Vaddingilla rockhole | Valentia island | Valley hill | Valley of the winds lookout | Van diemen gulf | Van waerwyck reef | Vanderlin island | Vanderlin rocks | Vashon head | Vaughan spring | Veda spring | Veldt | Velkerri creek | Vernon islands | Veronica islet | Veros hills | Victoria peak | Victoria river | Victoria river depot | Victoria river downs | Victoria shoal | View hill | Von doussa hill |

W. w. waterhole | Wadamunga lagoon | Wade rock | Wadeye | Waggon wheel lagoon | Waggonette creek | Waiakbohn waterhole | Wailarra hills | Waimate waterhole | Waining point | Wairminnie rockhole | Waite creek | Waite river | Waldrons hill | Walford point | Walkeley hills | Walker creek | Walker point | Walker river | Walker shoal | Walkers creek | Wall creek | Walla hills | Wallaby creek | Wallaby knob | Wallaby well | Wallamunda waterhole | Wallamunga waterhole | Wallaway creek | Wallaway spring | 其他... W)

Xmas creek |

Yabooma island | Yalco creek | Yalura well | Yalwarra lagoon | Yam creek | Yam hill | Yambarren range | Yannapaira waterhole | Yarunga creek | Yeeradgi rockhole | Yeerim soak | Yellow hole bore | Yellow waterhole | Yerringerri rockhole | Yeuralba creek | Yew creek | Yilikukunyiyanga islet | Yinberrie hill | Yirrkala | Yourmill waterhole | Yow rockhole | Yuendumu | Yurongan waterhole | Yuwaiyunn creek |
Copyright 2004-2025 |Cyrille Korsakoff |