WorldWide Index
02 Jun 2024
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Lao people s democratic republic (LA)

Asia/Laos/Laos (general)

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
236,800 km2
Vien tiane (Viang chan)
kips (LAK)
Latitude / Longitude
18 00 105 00 E
GDP (PPP) per capita
2,700 $

Ban katin

Alternates names : Ban Katine - Coordinates
UTM : WB78
Geographical coordinates in decimal degrees (WGS84)
Latitude : 15.200
Longitude : 105.700
Geographical coordinates in degrees minutes seconds (WGS84)
Latitude : 15 12' 00''
Longitude : 105 42' 00''

Sunrise : 00:25:54
Sunset : 13:24:35

Places near Ban katin
Ban bok - Ban chik 2 - Ban dongsa - Ban donkho - Ban dou - Ban gnang - Ban houakeng - Ban houaydon - Ban houaylao - Ban kabao - Ban kalong - Ban ke - Ban kengsan - Ban khanat - Ban khangkeung -
Ban katin
Satellite view of Ban katin

Copyright 2004-2024 |Cyrille Korsakoff |