WorldWide Index
18 May 2024
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Republic of colombia (CO)


 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
1,138,910 km2
Colombian pesos (COP)
Latitude / Longitude
4 00 72 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
10,100 $

Santa cruz

Alternates names : Cueva - Cuevas - La Cueva - Coordinates
UTM : YN44
Geographical coordinates in decimal degrees (WGS84)
Latitude : 6.750
Longitude : -72.800
Geographical coordinates in degrees minutes seconds (WGS84)
Latitude : 6 45' 00''
Longitude : -72 48' 00''

Sunrise : 12:34:17
Sunset : 01:01:03

Places near Santa cruz
Alto del morro - Alto el chochal - Alto hato viejo - Alto papayito - Buenavista - Capellania - Carabali - Cordillera cruz de piedra - El hato - El pire - Enciso - Laguna de ortices - Los ortiz - Lucusguta - Malaga -

Santa cruz in other countries
- Angola - Argentina - Belize - Bolivia - Brazil - Chile - Costa rica - Cuba - Cape verde - Dominican republic - Ecuador - Equatorial guinea - El salvador - Guatemala - Guyana - Honduras - India - Jamaica - Morocco - Mexico - - Nicaragua - Paraguay - Peru - Panama - Portugal - Philippines - Spain - Trinidad and tobago - Sao tome and principe - United states - Venezuela -
Santa cruz
Satellite view of Santa cruz

Copyright 2004-2024 |Cyrille Korsakoff |