WorldWide Index
28 Dec 2024
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1213 places Canada
Canada (CA)
America/Canada/Northwest territories
Main Airports
Weather Stations
Major mountains
City & Town Population
Land Area
9,984,670 km2
Canadian dollars (CAD)
Latitude / Longitude
60 00 95 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
40,300 $
Acasta lake
Acasta river
Achilles lake
Adam cabin creek
Adam lake
Adventure mountain
Afridi lake
Agassiz lake
Ajax lake
Akaiyesseh lake
Aklavik channel
Aklavik range
Albert bay
Alcantara lake
Alcyone bay
Alexander lake
Alexander point
Ames lake
Anarin lake
Anderson river
Andrew river
Andy lake
Anownethad lake
Antler cove
Antoine lake
Arctic red river
Ardent lake
Armi lake
Arnica range
More... A)
Back lake
Backbone ranges
Badwater creek
Bailey point
Baillie islands
Balaena bay
Ballantyne strait
Banks island
Barlow lake
Barnard point
Barney lake
Barnston lake
Barry bay
Bartlett lake
Basler lake
Bathing lake
Battlement creek
Bay creek
Bear creek
Bear island
Beaulieu river
Beauparlant lake
Beaver house creek
Beaver lake
Beaverleg lake
Beaverlodge lake
Beavertail point
Bedford lake
Beirnes lake
Belanger lake
More... B)
Calder lake
Calder river
Callaghan point
Cameron bay
Cameron river
Camp farewell
Campbell bay
Campbell island
Campbell lake
Camsell bend
Camsell lake
Camsell river
Canoe island
Canrobert hills
Canyon creek
Cap mountain
Cape andreasen
Cape baring
Cape bathurst
Cape beechey
Cape bennett
Cape beuchat
Cape cam
Cape canning
Cape clarendon
Cape collinson
Cape crozier
Cape cyclops
More... C)
District de franklin
District de keewatin
District of franklin
District of keewatin
District of mackenzie
Dog lake
Doghead point
Dome peak
Domville point
Doran lake
Doubling lake
Doucet lake
Douglas bay
Douglas lake
Douglas peninsula
Dowdell point
Doyle lake
Drybones lake
Duchess lake
Duckfish lake
Ducot peak
Dumas lake
Duncan lake
Dunvegan lake
Duport river
Dyer bay
Dzien die lake
Eaglenest lake
East channel
East mirage islands
Ebbutt hills
Echo bay
Eda lake
Egg river
Eglinton island
Eight bears island
Eileen lake
Eileen river
Ekka island
Ekwi river
Ellice island
Ellington lake
Emerald isle
Emile river
English chief river
Ennak lake
Ernest lakes
Escort lake
Esk lake
Eskimo lakes
Et-then island
Etacho point
Exeter lake
Exmouth lake
Eyeberry lake
More... E)
Faber lake
Face lake
Fairchild point
Fat lake
Fat rabbit creek
Fawn lake
Fenton lake
Fiji island
Firedrake lake
First canyon
Fish bay
Fish creek
Fish island
Fish lake
Fish trap lake
Fishback lake
Fisherman lake
Fishermans cove
Fishing lake
Fishing lakes
Fishtrap creek
Fishtrap lake
Fitzwilliam owen island
Fitzwilliam strait
Flagstaff hill
Flat lakes
Flat river
Fletcher lake
Flett rapids
Fleuve mackenzie
More... F)
Gagne lake
Gagnon lake
Garde lake
Gardenia lake
Gardiner point
Garland lake
Garry island
Gassend lake
Gaudet bay
Gaudet island
Gayna river
George island
Germaine lake
Gettis lake
Ghost lake
Ghost river
Giants causeway
Gibraltar point
Gibson peak
Gibson ridge
Glowworm lake
Godlin river
Goldsmid point
Goodspeed lake
Goose lake
Gordon lake
Gore islands
Graham lake
Grampus lake
Grand detour
More... G)
Halcro point
Haldane river
Halliday lake
Hanbury river
Handley page lake
Hanging ice lake
Hanna river
Hansen harbour
Hansen lake
Harding lake
Hardinge bay
Hardinge mountains
Hardisty island
Hardisty lake
Hardy bay
Hardy lake
Hare indian river
Harris river
Harrison river
Harrowby bay
Harry channel
Haswell point
Hawkes lake
Hay point
Hay river
Haywood lake
Hearne channel
Hearne lake
Hearne point
Hendrickson island
More... H)
Ibbett bay
Icy river
Ikanyo island
Ile du mort
Iles basses
Iles du goulet
Iles du large
Imogen lake
Imperial hills
Imperial river
Indian hill lake
Indian mountain lake
Indin lake
Inglis lake
Ingray lake
Insula lake
Intrepid inlet
Investigator island
Irish lake
Iroquois river
Isabella lake
Island river
Islands lake
Ivanhoe lake
Iverson range
Jaciar lake
Jackfish gap
Jackson islands
Jago bay
James lake
Jameson bay
Jamieson channel
Jean marie river
Jean river
Jean-marie creek
Jenne lake
Jennejohn lake
Jenness island
Jerome slough
Jiggle lake
Johnny hoe river
Johnson bay
Johnson river
Jolly lake
Jones lake
Jones point
June lake
Junius lake
Jupiter bay
Kaglik lake
Kahochella peninsula
Kakisa lake
Kamut lake
Kathawachaga lake
Katseyedie river
Keats point
Kechinta island
Keele river
Keglekavig lake
Keith arm
Keith island
Kekwinatui lake
Keller lake
Kellett river
Kellett strait
Kelly lake
Kelly point
Kendall island
Keskarrah lake
Kidney lake
Kilekale lake
King lake
Kings bay
Kirk lake
Klata lake
Klewi river
Klokol lake
More... K)
La bine point
La loche lakes
La loche river
Labyrinth lake
Lac a jacques
Lac belot
Lac capot blanc
Lac de charloit
Lac de gras
Lac des bois
Lac des maringouins
Lac du bois
Lac du mort
Lac du rocher
Lac du sauvage
Lac grandin
Lac la martre
Lac la prise
Lac levis
Lac malfait
Lac maunoir
Lac nez croche
Lac sainte-croix
Lac sainte-therese
Lac tache
Lac tete d'ours
Lady grey lake
Laferte river
Lake bovie
Lake of the enemy
More... L)
M'clintock point
M'clure strait
Macdougall point
Macinnis lake
Mackay lake
Mackenzie bay
Mackenzie mountains
Mackenzie river
Mackenzie rock
Mackintosh bay
Maclellan lake
Mahony lake
Maida creek
Maitland point
Malley lake
Malloch hill
Mamen lake
Man drowned himself lake
Manchester lake
Manetoe range
Manitou island
Manson point
Manuel lake
Many beaver lake
Marceau lake
Margaret lake
Marian lake
Marian river
Marie bay
Marion lake
More... M)
Naga lake
Nagle creek
Nagle lake
Nahanni butte
Nahanni mountain
Nahanni national park
Nahanni plateau
Nahanni range
Nallu river
Narakay islands
Nardin lake
Narrow island
Narwhal lake
Neil lake
Nelson head
Nelson river
Newbigging lake
Nias point
Nicholson lake
Nicholson peninsula
Nicholson river
Nicol lake
Nisbet point
Nonacho lake
Norman range
Norman wells
Norris lake
North arm
North channel
North nahanni river
More... N)
O'connor lake
Observation point
Obstruction rapids
Ochre river
Odin lake
Ogilvie island
Old fort island
Ontaratue river
Oracha falls
Origin lake
Orpheus lake
Outpost islands
Outram lakes
Painted mountains
Papanakies lake
Parc national de nahanni
Parker point
Parry peninsula
Parsons lake
Pass creek
Paul lake
Pauline lake
Payne lake
Peacock hills
Pearce point
Pearce point harbour
Pearson point
Pedder point
Peel channel
Peel point
Pelly island
Peltier lake
Pemmican point
Pensive lake
Penylan lake
Penzance lake
Perlson lake
Perrault lake
Perseverance point
Person lake
Pethei peninsula
Petitot islands
More... P)
Quyta lake
Rabbit island
Rabbit lake
Rabbitskin river
Raddi lake
Rader island
Radford lake
Radford river
Rae island
Rae lake
Rae point
Raglan range
Ram plateau
Ram river
Ramey lake
Rampart mountain
Ramparts plateau
Ramparts river
Ramsay island
Ranji lake
Rat lodge
Rat river
Rawalpindi lake
Rebesca lake
Redcliff island
Redknife river
Redrock lake
Redrock point
Redstone river
Reid lake
More... R)
Sachs harbour
Sachs river
Saddle lake
Saint germain lake
Saint paul point
Salkeld lake
Salmon lake
Salmon point
Salt mountain
Salt river
Samandre lake
Sammon's creek
Sandy lake
Sandy point
Sandy river
Sans sault rapids
Sarah lake
Satellite bay
Satin lake
Savage head
Savannah lake
Sawmill bay
Sawmill island
Sawmill mountain
Sayunei range
Scented grass hills
Schaefer lakes
Schooner channel
Schuyter point
Scotstoun lake
More... S)
Table mountain
Tadek lake
Tadenet lake
Tahiryuak lake
Taka lake
Takaatcho river
Taltson lake
Taltson river
Taraltie lake
Tarpon lake
Tate lake
Tathlina lake
Tawu range
Taylor channel
Taylor lake
Tchaneta river
Tchendferi lake
Tedji lake
Tejean lake
Tenlen lake
Tent lake
Territoires du nord-ouest
Terror island
Tetcela river
Tetcho lake
Thad lake
The gate
Thekulthili lake
Thekulthili river
Thesiger bay
More... T)
Union island
Upper carp lake
Upper hyland lake
Upper liard
Upper overflow lake
Urquhart lake
Ursula lake
Utsingi point
Vaillant lake
Vale island
Vale point
Vandyck lake
Vera creek
Virginia falls
Vital lake
Waite island
Wakeham point
Walker bay
Walker inlet
Walker lake
Walmsley lake
Warburton bay
Warren point
Warrington bay
Watta lake
Wecho lake
Wecho river
Wedge lake
Wentzel lake
West channel
West mirage islands
Wha ti
Whalemen river
Wheeler lake
Whirl lake
Whirlwind lake
White losh lake
White water lily lake
Whitefish lake
Whitefish river
Whitefish station
Whitewolf lake
Whittaker range
Wholdaia lake
More... W)
Yamba lake
Yanik lake
Yellowknife bay
Yellowknife river
Yeltea lake
Yen lake
Yeta lake
Yohin lake
Yohin ridge
Zinto lake
Zone creek
Zyena lake
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Cyrille Korsakoff